Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3976: hard trial

Looking at the overlapping spaces in other places in "Kui", each trial dragon has its own encounter.

Of course, not every dragon has the strength of Lu Zhenren and Ao Sheng. Almost every moment, dragons are killed. With helpless screams, dragon-shaped outlines fly out from the body of the slain dragons, showing their teeth and claws. Disappeared, and their dragon bodies turned into dust and disappeared.

To say that the only difference is that Xiao Hua is a clone.

Xiao Hua's clone rushed into the mirror abyss. Inside the mirror abyss, a shadow of Zhang Qingxiao's clone rushed up. When Xiao Hua's clone was submerged into the mirror abyss, he felt that the black and white mirror in front of him was spinning like a wheel, and he waited until he stopped. After coming down, Xiao Hua's clone felt a little bit swirling.


Xiao Hua's clone managed to see everything around him clearly, and he exclaimed again, "Why are you back?"

I saw that there was no change around Xiao Hua's avatar, and the twelve dragon pillars stood majestically, like the mirror of the abyss, which looked strange and abnormal.

Xiao Hua looked down again, and the same Xiao Hua clone stared straight at him in the mirror, which was normal, but Xiao Hua's clone was just about to look away.


Within the mirror, the shadow of Xiao Hua's avatar suddenly attacked, grabbing Xiao Hua's avatar at once, as if to drag Xiao Hua's avatar into the abyss.

"Why are you dragging me~"

Xiao Hua's clone angrily used the dragon's tail to yank his shadow, and shouted furiously.


Shadow didn't let go of his hand, and said, "I just want to scare you, you shouldn't be so hard, right?"

"Second Senior Brother??"

Xiao Hua's clone wondered, "How could it be you?"

The shadow flew out, looked down at his body, and said with a wry smile: "I don't want to, but you just looked at the mirror, and there was a force in it, you have to drag me out."

"Ha ha"

Xiao Hua's clone smiled and leaned forward and closed, and said, "I understand, this is a dragon ban that replicates the soul, and all dragons who come to try will fight with their own shadows, thus achieving the purpose of the trial."

After speaking, Xiao Hua's clone seemed to have thought of something, and immediately restrained his smile, staring at the shadow.

"Yes, yes~"

Zhang Qingxiao's clone nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "That's it..."

But just now, Zhang Qingxiao's clone looked at Xiao Hua's clone and said strangely, "What do you think I'm doing?"

"Second Senior Brother~"

Xiao Hua's avatar looked at Zhang Qingxiao's avatar, and said, "Since you have become a shadow, you have to make me feel good!"

After speaking, Xiao Hua's clone immediately rushed over.

"I'm going~"

Zhang Qingxiao fled beside him and shouted, "Little Junior Brother, how can you do this? This...this is cheating! It's not your style..."

To say that in the whole Kuangkuang, which dragon is the most difficult and most dangerous, it must be Master Lu, but if it is said that which dragon is the most relaxing and comfortable, Ao Sheng is not even qualified to carry Xiao Hua's clone.

I saw Zhang Qingxiao's avatar being ravaged by Xiao Hua's avatar, and then turned into a dragon and fell into Xiao Hua's avatar. When he looked at the mirror abyss again, Zhang Qingxiao's avatar appeared again, and so on... Playing, Xiao Hua's avatar's dragon The power continued to skyrocket, and I was afraid that Xiao Hua himself could not have imagined that the last trial of Longyu's Leaping Heaven Gate was so simple, right?


Just experiencing the comfort of the skyrocketing strength, Xiao Hua's clone suddenly moved in his heart, the dragon tail, which was supposed to kill Zhang Qingxiao's clone, stopped and whispered, "This space dragon in Kuangkuang is a bit weird, why does it feel so familiar? "

"Ouch, not bad~"

Zhang Qingxiao's clone stopped in mid-air, and was stunned by dragging the dying dragon body. After a while, he said weakly, "Really, quickly, kill me, let me see what's weird~"


Seeing this, Xiao Hua's clone killed the shadow with a dragon claw.

When he looked at the Shadow Abyss again, Zhang Qingxiao's avatar did not appear immediately, and Xiao Hua's avatar was not in a hurry. He quietly looked at his ugly dragon appearance in the mirror, and the shadow also quietly looked at Xiao Hua's avatar.

For a moment, Xiao Hua felt a strange feeling in his mind and body: "nnd, am I a shadow, or is he a shadow?"


Just as Xiao Hua's clone was thinking, the shadow on the opposite side swelled like a puff of air, and Zhang Qingxiao's clone flew out in ecstasy, shouting, "I'm going, yes... it's the master teacher, he came first... "

Besides, poor Zhenren Lu, he was so numb to kill that he couldn't tell the difference between time and space at all. There was only one word in his heart, kill!

He didn't even dare to count how many identical dragon kings he had killed, because he was afraid that his will to move forward would collapse due to the reduction in the number.

He only looked at a dragon king who was more powerful than the other, trying his best to squeeze the dragon power in his body, and took one step forward as much as possible. He really felt that this fight was just flying across the boundless Yunyun. He didn't dare to look at the edge of the sea, he just shrank his neck and spread his dragon body to resist every storm at the moment.

But even so, Long Li is sometimes poor, "Boom~" a dragon king's tail knocked down the real person, and the dragon's claws stabbed directly into the chest and abdomen of the real person with a "poof" sound.


The Dragon King looked at his **** dragon claws and shouted, "Where is the wild dragon from, dare to trespass my Nine Dragons Hall!"


Lu Zhenren rolled in mid-air in pain, and the unspeakable depression drowned him like a tide.

"I...I still can't compare to Xiao Daoyou~"

As soon as he wanted to retreat and Lu Zhenren no longer had the will to fight, he looked at the dragon king roaring with a wry smile, and said to himself, "It's just a trial of the dragon master, I won't be able to pass..."

In the middle of the sentence, "Shu~" The Dragon King raised his dragon claws again, the blood-colored dragon claws dripping with dragon blood, and thrust them towards the head of the real man!

Just at this critical moment, the space around "Om~" suddenly burst into a gust of wind, and all the dragons immediately turned into waves, and when these waves touched the dragon's body, they immediately poured in like sea water. .

"Friend Wenqu??"

Feeling the familiar aura within Long Ji's fluctuations, Zhenren Lu was ecstatic, he exclaimed in his heart, "When was he so powerful?"

It's a pity that it's still too late, the Dragon King's sharp claws have already touched the dragon scales of Lu Zhenren, even if Wen Qu helps, even if Lu Zhenren regroups, he will not be able to escape from the Dragon King's dragon claws...


Lu Zhenren naturally knew that he had no life left, and sighed, "It's too late..."

With the voice of Lu Zhenren, the surrounding space suddenly stopped, and even the dragon claws dropped by the Dragon King stopped on Lu Zhenren's head. Although Lu Zhenren could already feel the sharp pain of the dragon's claws piercing the dragon scales, the dragon's claws finally stopped...

Add more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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