Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3962: 3 Qingtian disagreements

The second senior brother said, "Eldest senior brother, do you still remember when the younger brother went to Longyu to look for traces of the ancient fairyland?"


Senior Brother nodded and said, "You spent a lot of time that time, and said that there was a little clue, but then said no."


The second senior brother replied, "That place is not the ancient fairyland, but it may be one hundred and eight stone blocks."

"Why is it Dragon Domain again?"

The third junior brother said displeased, "It seems that all the good things are in the dragon domain."

"And after that?"

The elder brother's eyes lit up and asked hurriedly.

The second senior brother replied: "After the younger brother found out, he set up some immortal puppets, one to observe, the other to record, and the third to investigate the cause and effect of immortal puppets."

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Having said this, the three brothers looked at each other, and the senior brother sighed: "Alas, is there a result now?"

"Afterwards, the younger brother asked Zhang Lu Tianzun to help~"

The second senior brother smiled bitterly, "Everything was fine, and my little brother gradually got a clue, but it happened that before the battle of the Dragon Domain, after Han Jin came out of that place, that place suddenly disappeared..."


The third junior brother laughed, "What are you talking about when you don't see it! The bamboo basket is empty."


This time, the second senior brother was not angry, but smiled slightly and said, "Brother Wei recently discovered the trace there!"

"What's the use of this?"

The third junior brother argued, "It's not far away, and it's nothing to do with the one hundred and eight stone scorpions. Do you still need to take it out?"

"Big Brother~"

The second senior brother ignored the third junior brother, and instead asked the senior brother, "Your thinking has always been different from ours. You want to find another stable place for Dao Xian, such as the ancient fairyland."


The senior brother nodded and said, "When Shi Nian entrusted the fairy world to the three of us, I knew that today would come, so I started it early in the morning, but I didn't get the chance, and I don't have a clue now."

"Big Brother~"

Third Junior Brother looked at Senior Brother in surprise and said, "You already knew that Zhenyu Mingshi would be broken? No, no, Master has a prophecy, I mean, you have been searching for the ancient fairyland since then? "


The senior brother took a deep look at the third junior brother and said meaningfully, "Since the Zhenyu Mingshi will be broken sooner or later, and the immortal world will be annihilated sooner or later, the sooner I wait to prepare, the better!"

"That's why the big brother went to befriend the emperor, and then went to pay homage to Tianlu and Jianyi,"

Second Senior Brother smiled bitterly, "Eldest Senior Brother is working hard."

"What if I find the ancient fairyland?"

The third junior brother shook his head and said, "The key is to Zhenyu Mingshi, without Zhenyu Mingshi, the ancient fairyland is useless."

"First of all~"

The senior brother explained patiently, "The ancient fairyland is the real interface after all. Although it is broken, it can allow the immortals to survive. Secondly, the ancient fairyland has the Lingxiao Palace, and the Lingxiao Palace can withstand the luck of Zhenyu Mingshi."

The third junior brother disagreed and said, "Is this what the punishment Tianzun told the senior brother?"


The senior brother smiled and said, "It was for my brother who told the punishment to Tianzun."

"Two brothers~"

The third junior brother laughed at himself, "One of you assigns punishment to Tianzun, and the other assigns Tianzun to discipline Tianzun. Only the younger brother does not even have a confidant of Tianzun."

"Big Brother~"

The second senior brother ignored the third junior brother's words and asked, "The ancient fairyland is certainly a real interface, but it is only a fragment, and the Lingxiao Palace is the place where luck has declined. If there is a new fairyland interface..."

"What... what do you mean?"

The senior brother was startled and said anxiously, "What did the second junior brother find?"

"Could it be that Xingmenghai you said..."

The third junior brother was also surprised and said, "Appearing on the new interface?"

Second Senior Brother looked at the two of them and nodded solemnly: "Yes, yes!"


As the second senior brother's voice fell, a blue light suddenly appeared between the senior brother's eyebrows, and the blue light condensed the innate hexagram, but the hexagram was extremely disordered.

And with the appearance of azure light, the azure energy of the whole Qingweitian rushed towards Dao Shi.

The huge hexagram roared in Dao Shi's body, and Dao Shi's body expanded rapidly. Not only was the second and third senior brothers swept upside down by the blue light, but also yellow and white hexagrams gushed out of their bodies respectively!

The third senior brother Daoxuan's expression changed slightly and he was about to speak, but he was stopped by the second senior brother Dao Yuan's hand.

Fortunately, after just a stick of incense, the azure light and azure slowly subsided, and the physique of the almost penetrating senior brother slowly recovered.

"Big Brother?"

The third junior brother asked first, "What's wrong?"

"Remember what my brother said before?"

With a little excitement in the eyes of the senior brother, he asked, "My brother's Gongfan clone has fallen into a new interface, and there are still some immortals there?"


The second senior brother was also pleasantly surprised, "Could it be that this is where the younger brother's arrangement goes."

"If nothing else happens~"

The senior brother took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Yes, my brother has only some memories now, and the second junior brother has arranged there, but it is easy to find the interface."

"Elder Brother thinks too much~"

The second senior brother said bitterly, "If there is a position, the younger brother would have reported it long ago, and even went to investigate it long ago."


The senior brother nodded and said, "There is a master of space there, and the interface should also be closed, we can't find it normal, but since there are flaws, UU reading has a cause and effect, and it is only a matter of time to find them. !"

"Two brothers~"

The third junior brother said coldly, "You think too perfect, don't you think? Let's not say when you can find it, just say that it is just an interface, there is no clear stone, and even if you find the Lingxiao Palace, don't forget, The Lingxiao Palace is in ruins, and it was even devoured by the luck of the Great Emperor Haotian back then. How can I use the Immortal Realm? It's just another bright stone."

Senior Brother Dao Shi and Second Senior Brother Dao Yuan looked at each other, their eyes were full of bitterness. Third Senior Brother Daoxuan was indeed right, Lingxiao Palace cannot replace Zhenyu Mingshi, and even everything in the world cannot be replaced!

"Kill, kill~"

Third Junior Brother Daoxuan looked at the two Senior Brothers and said anxiously, "Let's make a **** way first!"

After speaking, the third junior brother walked away.

Senior Brother Dao Shi and Second Senior Brother Dao Yuan did not stop, and were even relatively silent.

I don't know how long it took, the second senior brother Daoyuan smiled and said, "Why did the senior brother say so much today?"

"Say it when it's time to say it~"

Senior Brother Dao Shi said lightly, "Otherwise, there will be no time to talk in the future."

"So to speak~"

Second senior brother Daoyuan said meaningfully, "Eldest senior brother has already made a decision."


Senior Brother Daoshi raised his eyes to look at Second Senior Brother Daoyuan, and said word by word, "This is my choice, you... have your own freedom."

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