Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3960: Ao Sheng is jealous

"You may not know~"

Ao Sheng did not suspect it, and said separately, "This location is the Dao Immortal Realm."

"Oh, the minister understands~"

Xiao Hua cloned and sighed, "Ren Xian can't hold back, he's ready to take action."

"They have long wanted to make a move~"

Ao Sheng smiled bitterly, "Before we joined forces with Long Yan, Fairy Hanyu sent a message to ask about the cooperation. Their message came so timely, they must have been staring at the side for a long time. If it wasn't for them, how could I have Join forces with Long Yan?"

"Aren't they pretty good in Immortal Realm?"

Xiao Hua's clone said strangely, "When Zhiri was in Xingmenghai, the fairy didn't say anything, why did they covet me in the Dragon Domain War?"

"Oh, you probably don't know much~"

Ao Sheng took out a dragon scale engraving and threw it to Xiao Hua's clone, "You can see if you look at it,"

"No way~"

Xiao Hua's clone took a general look and said in surprise, "Is there a big problem inside the fairy world?"


Ao Sheng said, "And it's still an interface problem. It's a big catastrophe. If they want to get rid of the catastrophe, they may hit my Dragon Domain's idea."

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua's clone smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't this an internal and external problem? That being the case, the clan elders should also know, how could they dare to go to war?"

"It's easy~"

Ao Sheng looked up at the outside of the tent and said word by word, "Because the clan elders know that this is the Dragon Domain, not the Immortal Realm. They have the final say here, and they are sure to control everything."

"And Your Majesty~"

Xiao Hua's avatar said meaningfully, "You have to break free from this control, so you urgently need dragon power, or even external power."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It's so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

"I don't know about other dragons~"

Ao Sheng nodded and said, "But if there is a dragon beyond the control of the seven clans, it must be Zhen, Man and Long Yan."


Thinking that his deity is already a high-level dragon ancestor, Xiao Hua's clone felt the same way, and said, "There are always strange things in the world. It can't be changed due to the arrangement of some clansmen, Your Majesty is definitely."


Ao Sheng said confidently, "In order to give me time, I decided to let the people join in!"

"No problem~"

Xiao Hua's clone nodded and said, "If they can disrupt the situation, the clan elders will definitely be distracted, and they have to rely on Your Majesty."


Ao Sheng looked at Xiao Hua's clone with interest and smiled, "I thought you would persuade me to think twice!"

"Think again?"

Xiao Hua's clone sneered, "The seven clans have all been thinking about it for twenty-one years, and they don't mind, Your Majesty is thinking about a dragon!"

"Haha, haha~"

Ao Sheng laughed until he leaned back and forth, and said, "I like to hear this, come, come, clown dragon, isn't Man wanting to make a sound? Let's give Man a sound."


Xiao Hua took a look at the map and said, "Your Majesty is going to pretend to take back the 'city', and then launch an attack on the 'Jing' as planned?"

"That's right~"

Ao Sheng looked at Xiao Hua's clone with relief and said, "You still know me."

Xiao Hua's clone looked at the map and thought to himself. He knew in his heart that if there were other dragons, Ao Sheng's strategy would definitely work, but the problem was, Li Moyi was behind Barbarian. The reincarnation of the Dragon Sovereign is unlikely to be his opponent. He will surely see through this simple strategy.


Xiao Hua avatar shook his head and said, "Your Majesty's plan to attack the west is too shallow, and it is easy for the dragon to see the flaws."


Ao Sheng was not annoyed, but asked.

"It's very simple, Your Majesty~"

Xiao Hua avatar smiled and said, "Everyone knows that His Majesty and Long Yan are teaming up. Since the military plane of 'Jing' has been leaked, then Man must know that Long Yan will send troops to 'Jing', and His Majesty will also be concerned about his face. Cooperate, so 'Jing' must be the main attack point."

"Oh, yeah~"

Ao Sheng sighed, "I have to do it."

"Why do you have to do it?"

Xiao Hua's clone asked back, "Will Your Majesty and Long Yan always be tied together?"

"That won't happen~"

Ao Sheng raised his brows and replied, "At a certain stage, the forces are close to each other, and the battle situation in the Dragon Domain has changed, and they may be separated."

"That's it~"

Xiao Hua's clone said coldly, "How about playing it once?"

"That's right~"

Ao Sheng's eyes lit up and said, "Of course I need Long Yan, but Long Yan needs me even more. Other dragons thought that I would not dare to go back on my word, but I would go the other way and be unexpected."

"Long Long~"

Ao Sheng exclaimed excitedly, "Pass our military orders..."

"Don't worry, don't worry~"

Xiao Hua's clone then shook his head and said, "Since Your Majesty wants to be bigger, why don't you make it bigger and give Your Majesty more time to test."

"How to say?"

Ao Sheng was even more excited, "Do you have any better suggestions?"

"Your Majesty~"

How could Xiao Hua's clone say it clearly, he smiled and said, "The minister is just an idea, how to do it specifically, isn't Your Majesty better than the minister?"

"I look at it, I look at it~"

Ao Sheng glanced at the map, and his mind changed sharply. After waiting for half a cup of tea, he tentatively said, "Why don't we transfer our troops and return to 'Jing'?"

"Your Majesty is wise~"

Xiao Hua's avatar praised, "First of all, no one would have thought that His Majesty would make a false shot, no, it is called a real shot, after all, the emptiness of 'City' is lower than that of 'Jing'. Cheng 'returns to 'Jing' and can attack Long Yan back and forth..."


Ao Sheng looked at Xiao Hua's avatar, shook his head and said, "You said this insincerely, I will take a look!"

It's a pity that after watching it for a while, Ao Sheng still didn't have a particularly good idea. In the end, Ao Sheng simply said: "Clown Dragon, the first dragon guard under my seat, tell me, how can we make it bigger!"


Xiao Hua avatar and smiled, "The minister had no idea, but just now, His Majesty's statement of the immortal world reminded the minister..."

Before Xiao Hua's avatar could finish speaking, Ao Sheng was shocked, he looked at the map and whispered: "Ye, Ye, you are really a genius, my God, I know, here! Here! I will give Banyan immediately. Mirage general alkane communication layout, here... I'll leave it to you!"


Xiao Hua's clone immediately respectfully said, "The minister will obey, and the minister will prepare now~"

"Clown Dragon, Clown Dragon~"

Seeing Xiao Hua's clone flying out of the military tent, Ao Sheng was giving orders to mobilize the dragon team, while whispering, "Your growth is too fast, your aptitude also makes me jealous, I suddenly feel a little scared of you, if...if The clan knows that you reminded me of many layouts, can the role of this chess piece last until the end of the chess game?"

When Ao Sheng was suspicious, there was also someone in Dao Xianjie who was suspicious, and this person was the master of Sanqingtian.

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Chapter 3960 Ao Sheng is jealous

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