Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3952: cause and effect to end


Patriarch Ganyun looked around and asked curiously, "Where's Xiao Hua?"

"They're still inside~"

Xiao Hua pointed to the two close silhouettes and said, "It's impossible to come out in a short time."

Patriarch Gan Yun was a little puzzled: "What do you mean by that?"

"For you~"

Xiao Hua threw a dragon scale carving to the ancestor of Gan Yun, and said, "This is the cultivation method of the human race, can you see it?"


Ancestor Gan Yun frowned, took the dragon scale and engraved, "I can see it from below, but..."

"Just what?"

Xiao Hua sneered and said, "With your strength, do you still want to help me kill Xiao Hua? You are also peeing and taking care of yourself, what kind of strength do you dare to say that it is a avatar of Celestial Venerable? Let's practice hard, you humans. Isn't there a word? If you are not ready to sharpen your gun, it will be light..."

After speaking, Xiao Hua turned around and flew away, ignoring Patriarch Gan Yun again.

Ancestor Gan Yun was furious, but watching Xiao Hua was surging when he practiced, and the world changed, he still shut up knowingly, his strength was much worse than that of Long Ancestor.


Patriarch Gan Yun looked at the dragon scale carving in his hand, almost crushed it, and scolded, "I want to practice, my family has a practice method, I'm just a clone, I can only cultivate to Taiyi."

However, Patriarch Gan Yun did not dare to provoke Xiao Hua, so he had to pretend to look at it with thunder light in his eyes.

Dragon Scale Engraving is indeed a Taoist cultivation method, and it is very suitable for Taiyi high-level to directly point to Hunyuan, but the cultivation method is very different from the fairy world. Ancestor Gan Yun couldn't help but read it word by word, and it was heartwarming to see it. Surging, I just want to comprehend and practice immediately.

But just when Patriarch Ganyun wanted to gain enlightenment, he was stunned again, and secretly said: "When Xiao Hua comes out, I ... I may die in his hands, and the Holy Dragon Ancestor will probably kill him. Chen killed, as for Xiao Hua's immortal body, it should have been brought back to the immortal world by Qingfeng, this has nothing to do with me, I am still practicing!"

Ancestor Gan Yun smiled bitterly, looked up at Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua's nine-day trial was really domineering, especially when he reached the realm of Dragon Ancestor, he was a side of the world, and he was the ruler of the world!

"Every dragon family knows to study hard and practice hard~"

Ancestor Gan Yun narrowed his eyes and said secretly, "Why am I inferior to the Dragon Clan? As the saying goes, death in the morning is enough!"

After finishing speaking, Ancestral Master Gan Yun gritted his teeth and took out the dragon scale to carve it.

As for the Ziluo in "Xuan", it is in the same situation as Hao, but in a completely different mood. After it voluntarily gave up its physical body, it devoted itself to forging the source of its divine soul. When it was a weak soul like a firefly, it began to shine as it was repaired. Now, Ziluo finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his choice was right.

"Brush brush~"

The tidal-like sound is rippling in Ziluo's soul all the time, and a little fluctuation is precipitated in the soul, repairing and emboldening the soul, when all the brokenness of the soul is repaired, Ziluo has not stopped, it is now only with Chen Yi. The ability to fight is far from certainty of victory. Ruochen was not killed by the mysterious fire in the "焏", if he took the house rashly, the only victim would be himself.

The subsequent growth of the soul is much more difficult than repairing. It is similar to the stripping of the flesh. There are also purple snail silhouettes intertwined with blood and black colors. The source of the soul, when the source of the soul of Ziluo is several times stronger than before, the purple on it is as bright as a star, and the time in the blood-colored heart has also passed tens of millions of years. This day, Ziluo is still cultivating, suddenly A ray of flame was born, and the flame was pitch black, and once it appeared, the entire blood-colored world was ignited immediately.

"Not good~"

Seeing this, Ziluo's face changed greatly, and she exclaimed, "How can 'Zhao' overlap with 'Xuan'?"

As for Chen, although his mentality is not as calm as Ziluo, he is equally at ease. Tens of millions of years are enough for him to completely refine "Miao", and even cultivate his own dragon power to be stronger than it is. The only thing that makes Chen regretful is that the "Qi" in the "焏" can only be used for cultivation, and cannot repair the source of the soul.

Of course, when Chen was puzzled, it also tried to refine the divine soul of the flesh, so that the source of its divine soul could better capture Xiao Hua's fleshly body, but unfortunately, this fleshly body did not have a trace of divine soul imprint, as if A clean and clean body that just came out of reincarnation, without a soul, Chen has never seen or heard of such a situation, except that this body is his own body, the original soul and the source of his own soul. Consistently, he has long since integrated into his own soul, and Chen can no longer find another reason.

"Could it be that this body is really the current body I cultivated before??"

Chen was at a loss, "Why am I not impressed at all?"

As Ziluo said, there were so many lies that Chen himself believed it.

However, no matter what the reason, Chen still kept in mind Ziluo's sneak attack, practiced desperately, quietly dormant, and waited for the fatal blow to Ziluo!

In the same way, on the day of UU reading, while Chen was practicing, a texture intertwined with blood and black suddenly appeared in the surrounding black flames. As soon as the texture appeared, the flames immediately solidified. Chen smiled, stopped immediately, and said to himself, "Luo, you are finally here!"

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Immediately, Chen restrained his breath, the source of his soul was hidden in one place, and his entire body floated like fallen leaves in the condensed black fire crystal.


It didn't take long for the mysterious fire to vibrate, the blood trembled, the world began to fade, and Ziluo's figure began to be drawn little by little between the heaven and the earth.


As soon as Ziluo saw Chen's body, he immediately let out a low voice, and even struggled to avoid it, but unfortunately, Ziluo's body seemed to be stuck in the overlap of the two spaces, and he couldn't move no matter how much he screamed, and he looked very embarrassed.

After half an hour, Chen's body was still floating, and there was no sign of moving. The poor Ziluo actually stopped shouting, and changed to calling: "Chen, Chen??"

Seeing that Chen still didn't agree, Ziluo's heart moved, and a blood color was born out of thin air on the side of Chen's body, and the sound of "swipe~" was drawn on the body. Purple is like a whip, even with great momentum, but it fell on the body. There was no special movement above, and as soon as it entered, the flesh body did not even move.

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