Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3945: It's coming, it's coming, it's taking the source of the soul and

"Just because of this?"

Qingfeng asked back.

"You do not believe?"

Patriarch Ganyun looked at Qingfeng meaningfully, "Then tell me the truth, if you were the supreme being of the mortal world, would you have a group of wives and concubines?"

Qingfeng deliberately said no, but he looked at Patriarch Ganyun's eyes and nodded obediently.

"That's it~"

Ancestor Gan Yun said with a smile, "So Xiao Hua will not be the reincarnation of a dragon beast."

"I still don't believe it~"

Qingfeng was also stubborn, and still shook his head.

"Then you are ready to die!"

Patriarch Gan Yun said coldly, "Quickly activate the karma fairy weapon!"


Qingfeng was helpless and could only activate the fairy weapon.

Looking at the broken immortal artifact, faint gossip phantoms poured out, and Patriarch Gan Yun thought silently in his heart: "Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua, whether you are the reincarnation of a dragon beast or not, this is all I can do, maybe Qingfeng is dead, three The three masters of Qingtian will come over, or maybe Qingfeng will not die, he will go back to Sanqingtian to tell the three masters, and the three masters say that they will not be able to save you and cut off the cause and effect between you and the dragon beast."

In the eyes of Patriarch Ganyun, the three masters of Sanqingtian are the pinnacles of the seven worlds. If his death cannot wake Xiao Hua, then he will use Qingfeng's death in exchange for the three masters' shots. This kind of painstaking effort is even Xiao Hua. Hua can't feel it either.

On the Karma Immortal Artifact, the gossip has been born, flying in one direction like a deflated bubble, but unfortunately it can only fly a thousand miles, and the gossip has been shattered by the shock of the surrounding alien waves.

Qingfeng hurriedly pointed, "That direction~"

"I see~"

Patriarch Gan Yun rolled up his sleeves angrily and said, "You are really useless."

Qingfeng rarely slandered secretly, but said anxiously: "Damn Ganyun, he is here to die, what should I do? Is it possible that I will die here too??"

For a time, the wind was chaotic.

Patriarch Gan Yun naturally also sensed the heterogeneity fluctuations between heaven and earth, but he flew forward without hesitation, wanting to find Chen as soon as possible, but what he didn't know was that the real Xiao Hua was now in a gravel not far from him. .


Inside the gravel, Hao looked at his tattered body and scolded, "I must have been in this grave for tens of millions of years, right? Otherwise, the body wouldn't collapse like this."

"Although I don't know how many years have passed in Longyu, it will definitely not pass so fast. Alas, if I didn't fall into Chen Heluo's calculations, I would still be at ease in Yanze Realm!"

Hao Ming knew that it was useless to think so much, but it still couldn't help regretting it, because it looked at the ancient dragon body of Taixuan, which had been forged with Hao Longzhu sacrifice, and never dared to take the last step. It was clear in its heart, As long as he takes away the Taixuan ancient dragon's body, his body will be abandoned, and there is absolutely no room for turning around.

If the Taixuan ancient dragon's body is unusable, it will start to search for new body like before Chen, and it will continue to seize the body, which is what Hao doesn't want to face.

Of course, if it was in the Dragon Domain, Hao had made up his mind long ago, and even when Hao Longzhu and Taixuan Ancient Dragon were half-melted, it would definitely do this. But this is within the tomb of heaven and earth. Except for itself and this Taixuan ancient dragon body, there is no other dragon clan. If it fails to capture the Taixuan ancient dragon body, it will have no other choice.

Therefore, Hao never did anything. On the one hand, it brought Xiao Huafei with all his strength to make Xiao Hua's strength reach its level, and the Taixuan ancient dragon body could withstand the origin of its divine soul. , can let it escape from this grave of heaven and earth.

It is a pity that until its body collapsed, it did not see any changes in the tombs of heaven and earth. Except for the darkness, it is darkness, and it is boundless without the sun and the moon.

The only thing that makes Hao happy is that the dragon power of Taixuan Ancient Dragon's body has been continuously improving as it is fused with Hao Longzhu. Although the tens of millions of years of flying has not really reached its strength, it is not too far behind. More, at least make Hao feel that he can bear the origin of his soul.

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Ha finally checked the dragon body of Taixuan Gu Longxiao on the side. Seeing the perfect fusion of the dragon ball and the dragon body, the flame of the dragon ball could hardly be seen, and Hao sighed, "Sooner or later, we have to take this step, and now it looks like Seizing the house is It was a bit rushed, but in fact, I have done it perfectly, and there is nothing wrong."

"Little Junior Brother~"

As Hao's thoughts moved slightly, Zhang Qingxiao, the phaseless demon, was ecstatic and shouted, "Quick, quick, it's coming, it's coming, Hao is coming with the source of his soul!"

"I'm going~"

Even Xiao Hua couldn't help but scolded, "This fellow is finally here, I thought that it would be willing to take me away when I finished training the advanced dragon ancestor!"

"High-level Dragon Ancestor is complete?"

Zhang Qingxiao laughed and scolded, "Don't be cheap and be good, how could it be so easy for Dragon Ancestor to cultivate to the peak? Not to mention tens of millions of years, even ten times more, I'm afraid it won't work, if this dragon beast is in a hurry to seize the house, Wholeheartedly use its source power to help you refine any dragon ball, you can't have such strength, come, I...I'll go..."

Phaseless Heavenly Demon Zhang Qingxiao has already made preparations, but when the source of the divine soul of Dexuan fell into the divine soul of Taixuan Ancient Longxiao, that is, after the trap laid by Zhang Qingxiao, Zhang Qingxiao couldn't help it. Excited, he said to Xiao Hua in his heart: "Junior Brother Xiao, it's not good, this fellow's soul source is too powerful, and our previous plan is afraid that it will fail."

"What's the meaning?"

Xiao Hua was also anxious, and shouted, "Could it be that the origin of the soul is even more powerful than the Gorefiend, and even more powerful than the mysterious light in my soul."

"No, UU reading its spiritual origin is definitely not as powerful as Gorefiend and Xuanguang~"

Zhang Qingxiao hurriedly explained, "But the power of life of its soul source is really strong, and the power of life does not belong to this interface. Before you surrendered the blood demon, it was completely dependent on the mysterious light, and the blood demon and the mysterious light formed... yin and yang. If you join Hao's soul source, you will form a three-legged confrontation, one will relieve Xuanguang's pressure on the blood demon, and the other will give the blood demon a chance to subdue Hao's soul source. In this case , the final result is likely to be that the Gorefiend surrenders to Xuanguang and takes you away!"


Xiao Hua's thoughts turned sharply, knowing that this was not the time to regret, he scolded in a low voice, "Well, second senior brother, as before, give Hao an illusion, and then tell me what he thinks, no, You don't have to tell me all, but if you have anything to do with me, tell me, and you can satisfy it in the illusion."


Zhang Qingxiao understood all of a sudden, and laughed loudly, "My dear, I love you, I will give you whatever you want!"

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