Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3940: mystic poetry


Before Ziluo scolded the ground, the gust of wind suddenly rose. The wind was like fire, and the surface of Ziluo was blown into flames. Ziluo had no choice but to shut up and flew up desperately, "Boom~" Unfortunately, it only flew thousands of miles. , the strong wind swept it again and fell directly above the snow-capped mountain.


The purple snail was like a mortal falling into a sea of ​​fire, and apart from screaming desperately, it was unable to fly for a while.


Ziluo shouted and wanted Chen to help, but before he could say a second word, he had already seen that in the snow not far away, Chen was also struggling in a very embarrassing manner. Spotted.

"It's better to ask for a dragon than to ask for yourself~"

Ziluo could only grit his teeth and desperately mobilize the power of the source, so that he could fly out of the snow.

In this way, I don't know how many times they encountered dangers before Chen and Ziluo were able to climb to the top of the snow-capped mountain.


Seeing the faint outline of a tripod on the top of the snow-capped mountain flickering, Ziluo couldn't help roaring, "I'm finally here, Xuan Yanyuan, are you ready?"


Seeing this, Chen hurriedly reminded, "Don't be careless, we have reached the last step, we must be steady, and don't make any mistakes."

"Don't worry~"

Ziluo said proudly, "Even if you and I have to work **** the top of such a dangerous snow-capped mountain, how can other dragon races get here?"

"Huh, yes too"

Chen smiled and said no more. Then he carefully probed on the top of the snow-capped mountain.

Of course, Ziluo is not a fool. He has long understood what Chen means, so when it is time for Chen to investigate, it immediately flew in the opposite direction.

The two dragon beasts probed for most of the day and found nothing, so they went to the front of the dragon tripod together again.

"Looks like~"

Chen squinted at Ziluo, and said proudly, "No dragons have come here, I'm afraid it is..."


Before Chen's voice could fall, there was a slight roar on the dragon cauldron, and then one or two... the number of black sands as large as the sky fell out of thin air.

These black sands were not the same as what Chen et al had seen before. They actually carried a faint nine-colored glow. As soon as they fell, they were immediately earth-shattering, causing the surrounding sky to tremble a little, and countless waves roared over.

However, these black sands seemed to be scattered from the funnel. After falling orderly and quickly, a thin black barrier stood in front of the dragon cauldron.

Ziluo exclaimed: "This... what's going on?"

"I still want to ask you~"

Chen replied angrily, "What is this?"

"I...I don't know~"

Ziluo stammered, "Dragon scale carving, no, there is no such thing in the memory of the dragon family..."


Before Ziluo finished speaking, there were thunderstorms on the top of its head, and rare thunderlights appeared in "silence".

"This... This is Jieyun!"

Chen glanced over, surprised, and blurted out his debut.


As Chen's voice fell to the ground, the thunder light in the robbery cloud fell on the black sand wall like a ghostly axe. As the thunder light fell, the nine-colored rays of light on the sand wall began to condense, and finally turned into big characters with iron hooks and silver strokes. .

Ziluo stared at these words in a stunned manner, but Chen raised his brows and said strangely, " this a poem from the human race??"

"Poem? Poetry??"

Ziluo was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood, and sneered, "I see, that's a way of arty human race, how come there are human race poems here?"

"Drinking fire orders, dreaming of dead wife Mao Mao for the first seven nights"

Chen ignored Ziluo and opened his mouth to read.

"What dragon fart~"

Ziluo said angrily, "This is poetry??"

Chen also said angrily: "You know a dragon fart, this is the name of the poem, listen down!"

Immediately, Chen recited again: "The wind blows the tree at the north window, and the quilt is cold and feels lonely at night. The fragrant soul sheds thousands of tears. I have fallen into a dream several times, and Ctrip is on the way.

Qianying is as muddy as yesterday, and her body is not as healthy as before. The three vehicles are sold without all diseases: I hope that you will be well, I hope that you will come to book often, and I hope that after you return a hundred years later, you will be with each other again in the next life. Tian Dao Xiao Hua)

After Chen finished reading, Ziluo asked, "Is it gone?"

"No more~"

Chen tilted his head and looked at Jiucai's poems and nodded.

Ziluo then asked, "What does this poem mean?"

"I know every word of this poem~"

Chen smiled and said, "But they are connected together, so I don't know."

"Thanks to your present life, you are still a human race~"

Ziluo sneered, "Why don't you even understand the poems of this dragon fart?"

What else did Chen have to explain? With the sound of "papapapa~", the profound wall burst, and a faint sigh of "Alas~" came out from the broken nine-colored glow.

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Ziluo and Chen exclaimed at the same time, and the dragon body and figure retreated sharply.

Unfortunately, after the black sand was annihilated, the surrounding tribulation clouds disappeared, and no human race or dragon race appeared, but whether it was Chen or Ziluo, their faces were hot. I just said that no dragon race can reach this place. Just got slapped in the face.


After waiting for a while, there was no movement, Chen urged, "You can take out that shard."


Ziluo nodded, the whole body rose purple, and the tripod-shaped fragments were sent out again.

This time, it was obvious that there was no need for Ziluo to do anything at all. As soon as the tripod-shaped fragments appeared, the tripod-shaped outline on the top of the snow mountain began to vibrate, and the tripod-shaped fragments slowly fell into the contour. .


After the golden light flickered nine times on the cauldron-shaped shards, there was an earth-shattering sound of dragon roars, and then a giant dragon flew out, carrying the dragon cauldron flying high.


As the dragon cauldron moved, a hot wave of fire burst out from under the dragon cauldron, and suddenly pushed Ziluo and Chen upside down. At the same time, a black flame appeared in front of Ziluo and Chen!


Ziluo scolded in a low voice, "I was talking about how the snow mountain is so hot, it turns out that Xuanyuanyuan is a fire..."

As soon as she said this, Ziluo was suddenly startled, looked behind Chen, and called out, "Xuan, you..."


Chen's body is full of water and light, so he is naturally a little jealous of Xuan Yanyuan. At this time, he heard Ziluo's exclamation, and he didn't want to turn his head in a hurry, but when he saw that there was no shadow behind him, he suddenly He woke up and said angrily, "Snail!"

But when Chen Chen looked again, Ziluo had already rushed to the edge of Xuanzhaoyuan.


Chen didn't panic, he rubbed his hands slightly, "Shu~" Immediately in front of Chen's head, there was a water light like a folded shadow standing up from the ground, and when Chen's figure swayed, the shadow was immediately full, and Chen's voice was heard. From this shadow sounded, "Luo ah luo, you were still guessed by me, you... you really let me down."

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