Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3908: Find Mystery Part 3

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Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu failed to call and glanced at the slightly empty Xingchentian, so he had to take out Chenxu again.

"Where is Xuanyuan Xing, the master of the Xuanwu Star Palace?"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu called softly.

"Doumu Yuan-Jun?"

Xuanyuan Xing's voice came quickly, "Why are you looking for a disciple?"

"I have something to tell you about your parents~"

Liu Yanyu explained the cause and effect of the incident, and finally said, "Now your father's life and death are unknown, your mother wants to die, and Patriarch Ganyun wants you to go over and comfort your mother!"


Xuanyuan Xing was excited when he heard it, and said again and again, "I...I'll go over..."

The voice of Gu Shechao came from inside Kechenxu again: "Husband, of course you want to go, but... now without the permission of the Seventh Master, we can't go out at all!"

"I've already sent a message to the Seventh Master Chief~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu said, "But he didn't reply. It is estimated that Longyu can't get out of the way."

Speaking of this, Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu was startled, and secretly said: "Damn, the seventh master of the headmaster is in Yanze Realm, he won't be killed by the dragon beast occupying Xiao Lang's body, right?"

"Okay, Doumu-kun~"

Xuanyuan Xing said in Chenxu, "You don't need to worry about this matter, the disciple sent a message to the seventh master, asking him to send the disciple to Longyu."


Doumu Yuanjun replied, "If the Seventh Master Headmaster doesn't answer for a long time, you might as well let the disciples of the business alliance come over to see it, and you can't let your mother and Gan Yun wait in vain."

"Yes Yes,"

Gu Shechao said quickly, "This disciple understands."


Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu closed Chenxu and sighed, "Dragon Domain is really dangerous, it is better than my husband losing his body when he arrives at Dragon Domain. It's no wonder that in ancient times, the great emperor succeeded in expedition to Dragon Domain, and his luck was pounding. It can't be added!"

Afterwards, Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu looked at the Immortal Realm space and sent a message: "Disciples, the whereabouts of the Master Headmaster appearing in the Yenze Realm of Longyu is not the real Master Headmaster, but... other immortals are illusions, Don't bother."

Liu Yanyu naturally couldn't say that Xiao Hua's body was occupied by Chen, she could only say that it was the illusion of other immortals, so the news quickly spread from Yiyi Business Alliance.

But in fact, in addition to the disciples of the fortune, whether it is in the fairy world or the dragon domain, how many humans and dragons will believe this?

After all, Chen's lie is too perfect, more convincing than the reincarnation of Li Moyi's Heavenly Venerate!

Besides, Zhenren Lu, it's not that he doesn't return to the space, it's that he has no way to return to the space at all. When Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu called for the first time, Zhenren Lu was squinting, looking at the space shrouded in dense fog, secretly thinking in his heart. Thinking about it, because he felt the murderous intention in the thick fog, and a kind of power that his own dragon power simply could not match, he hesitated whether to enter now or return to practice until at least the dragon master comes again.

"Look at the messages from the disciples of the business alliance~"

Lu Zhenzhen secretly said, "The battle of the Dragon Domain has already begun, Xiu Si and other five divisions are certainly temptations, but the three dragon powers are definitely not rivals to the two dragon powers, Xiusi and Ban Mirage, they will definitely look for the mysterious three divisions as a twist. The key to victory."

"Of course, a certain family used the information in the tripod-shaped thing to find this place, but the information provided by the disciples of the business alliance is also very important. Since the disciples of the business alliance can be found, the clan elders of the five heavenly dragons can also be, let alone There is also Ao Sheng who is gradually recovering his memory, this fellow has Long Hao’s divine soul, he must have more than a certain family…”

Thinking of this, Zhenren didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and he was about to fly out with a flick of his dragon's tail.

At this moment, Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu's call came into his mind, how could Zhenren Lu dare to be distracted? He was afraid that after he returned, he would no longer have the determination to die like this!


The real dragon's body rushed into the clouds like electricity.

It was not unexpected for Zhenren Lu, his figure touched Yunsi, the call of Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu had disappeared, and the perception of the dragon domain space was also vague.

Lu Zhenren hurriedly sent everything that could be used to Ni scale, and then thought about it again, and then rushed in with confidence.

At the beginning, the clouds and mists were ordinary clouds and mists, but after half an hour, the cloud threads began to thicken, as if they were sticking to the dragon scales of the real person.


The real man roared, and immediately urged the five dragons to start to forge ahead.

After that, the clouds and mist seemed to be layered. Every time they rushed into the thousands of miles, the resistance and stickiness of the cloud threads increased a little. The cloud beasts and cloud birds that Lu Zhenren were afraid of did not appear.


Zhenzhen Lu felt that the danger was getting closer and closer, and he felt horrified. He still hadn't seen any cloud beasts, but he muttered to himself.


On this obsessive day, Zhenren Lu had just rushed through a layer of cloud threads, and a wave of light suddenly appeared in front of his head. Although the wave light was condensed by the cloud threads, where the wave light flickered, a faint aura of destruction immediately rushed towards Zhenren Lu.

"Is this here?"

There was a sharp look in the eyes of Zhenren Lu, and the soul bridge of Longhuihui spurted out between his mouth, and when he was urged, with a sound of "Boom~", the nine-color rainbow bridge pierced through the waves.


Lu Zhenren did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly rushed in.

After flying for tens of thousands of miles in this way, the cloud thread has condensed into solid rock, and even the soul bridge of Longxinghui cannot penetrate it.

Looking at the solid rock in front of his head, the cloud threads condensed into textures, and the real person flashed a light, urging the soul bridge of Longhui to fly towards the sky.

I have to say that Lu Zhenren's method is good. The solid rock in front of him is like a mountain peak. Lu Zhenren is flying and testing, and he has advanced more than ten thousand miles.

It's just that at the end, there is also a solid rock above the head of Lu He can no longer travel.

"I'm afraid I can only use 'Ding'~"

Lu Zhenren thought about it and took out the tripod.

Along the way, Zhenren Lu has also investigated several times, and even sent this cauldron into the Dragon Domain space to check, but no matter how you look at it, this cauldron is like an ordinary cauldron, and there is nothing special about it. The key, the real man was about to throw it away.

As for the use of this cauldron, Lu Zhenren was also at a loss. He had tried sacrificial training, but unfortunately the blood essence could not penetrate at all. The ordinary method of sacrificing and refining was not successful. come out.

However, when the Ding Ding appeared in the water-like clouds, the "Boom~" Ding actually burst into flames, illuminating the surrounding clouds to melt.

"I'm going~"

Zhenzhen Lu watched in disbelief as Yunsi fell into the cauldron and turned into fire, and whispered, "Can you still do this??"

More than that, when the fire light illuminated the surroundings, Zhenren Lu suddenly found that there was a maze-like vertical and horizontal around him...

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