Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3900: I am a dragon?!

Remember [New] for a second,! "The matter of the wet cockroach has already passed, so there is no need to talk about it~"

The clan replied, "As for Xiao Hua, who would dare to think about it in the current Longyu?"

"Oh, yeah~"

Long Zuxuan smiled bitterly, "Ao Sheng was still thinking that Xiao Hua was the reincarnation of Long Hao, but I didn't expect that Xiao Hua's past life was more powerful than Long Hao."

"As for the rest, you should know what I think~"

The clan still had a smile on his face, and said, "Dragon Emperor's position is good, but his **** is really hot, whichever dragon sits on, he will lose half his life first. My leader has been repairing one for so many years, and the power has reached the dragon. Domain Vertex, even if I spent half my life to become the Dragon Emperor, it is only the extremity of the power of the Dragon Domain. What is the difference between the extremity and the apex? So, tell Ao Sheng, how ambitious it is, and try to do as much as possible. When it blooms, we will definitely support it!"

"Thank you clan~"

Long Zuxuan was overjoyed, and after thanking the clan, he hurried out of the hall.

When Long Zuxuan left, the light all over the clan slowly faded, and the hall also fell into a dim yellow. The clan closed his eyes and seemed to be dozing off. After half an hour, he opened his mouth and said, "Yuan, what do you think?"


Behind the main hall, a mysterious light flashed, and one looked exactly like Long Zuxuan, but the dragon ancestor with black scales flew out, it fell like a shadow, and said lightly: "Zhu Lao, I am different from Xuan in charge, I don't judge. what it does."


The clan smiled and said, "Alright, let's not talk about Xuan or Ao Sheng, let's talk about the mysterious three, it's been ten years since the chaos in the Dragon Domain, how come they haven't been traced yet?"

"It's weird~"

Long Zuyuan thought it was true, nodded and said, "The records of the clan are very clear. When there is chaos in the dragon domain, the mysterious three will appear. Now not only the only dragon emperor in the dragon domain is reincarnated, but also the last dragon in the dragon domain. The reincarnation of the emperor appeared, and there were even three dragon beasts slaughtering millions of dragons, why is there no movement in the mysterious three?"

"If nothing else happens~"

The clan thought for a moment and said, "The chaos in the Dragon Domain has not reached the level of the appearance of the Mysterious Three."

"It's possible~"

Long Zuyuan thought for a moment and replied, "It may not be, after all, the search for the three mysterious parts was originally a matter of chi or scorpion, but it suddenly fell on us Xiu Si, and we were not prepared enough, and the two parts of chi or scorpion were very important to us. Mastering my own information and cherishing it, it is clearly a plan for us to defeat the Xiu Si family."


The clan nodded, "That's why I gave Ao Sheng Xiu Si an order to let it show its strengths. Even if we can't find the three mysterious parts, we have to gain the upper hand in the Dragon Domain War."

"Two versus three, even if there is Ao Sheng, I'm afraid it will be difficult to support alone~"

Long Zuyuan said, "The clan should still pin their hopes on the Mysterious Three."

"Of course~"

The clan said with a smile, "Ao Sheng is just a dragon, and the three mysterious tribes are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dragons. The two are not the same."

"Clan elders, please rest assured~"

Long Zuyuan continued, "Although the search for the Mystery Three is not as early as Ao Sheng's, but it has become more prominent recently. As long as they appear, we will soon be able to find them..."

It's a pity that no one knows whether it is the clan elders or the dragon ancestors, or even all the dragon clans in the dragon domain. At this time, Zhenren Lu has already flown out of the clear water. He looked around indifferently, took out Chenwei and sent a message: "Follow Yi Disciples of the Business Alliance, immediately collect any information about the Mysterious Three Divisions, and there must be no mistake."

After accepting Chenwei, Zhenzhen Lu looked in one direction and said to himself: "Isn't there a legend of 'Dragon Domain Chaos, the Three Parts Appear'? Then I will let these mysterious three appear in the Dragon Domain, It's just that their leader is no longer the clan, but me!"

"One is Long Hao, the other is Long Man, what about a certain family?"

"Minzhe, the sky is also, a certain family is called Longmin??"

"No, this Min is too common in Longyu, and there is no Long Hao, Longman is domineering."

"Yanzhe, the flying dragon is in the sky!"

"I am Long Yan!"

"When the Mysterious Three Parts reappear in the Dragon Domain, I will be like a flying dragon in the sky, and Long Yan's name will illuminate the world like a morning star!"

With that said, Zhenren Lu urged the dragon's body to move towards the place where the yin and yang cut the dawn, and the dragon's body soon disappeared into the darkness. I believe that it won't be long before the darkness will be replaced by dawn, and Zhenren Lu will appear again.

There are dragons disappearing in the dark, and naturally there will be people appearing in the dark.

In the dark night, an immortal boat passed through the storm and thunder and lightning, and went straight to a cloud shaped like a monster in the distance.


A thunder light fell out of thin air and hit the immortal boat directly. The immortal boat originally had a defense against the immortal ban, but this thunder light directly shattered the immortal ban.


The immortal boat roared and rolled in mid-air. One person and two dragons reluctantly flew up on the immortal boat. Isn't it Qingfeng, Yuan Chen and Zhong Mei?

Qingfeng sacrificed the Eight Trigrams Immortal Artifact, although the Immortal Artifact supported him, but the Immortal Artifact was shaking in the gust of wind, and Qingfeng could not stand still, he couldn't help frowning, looked at the dark clouds in the distance, and asked, "Then... there Is that the Xuangen Continent you said?"

"Yes, yes, my lord~"

Yuan Chen took Zhong Mei in his arms, tried his best to fly over, and shouted, "This is the edge of the hanging continent."

"It's weird here~"

Qingfeng looked down at himself, the golden light that protected his body was actually unable to withstand the wind and rain, and big raindrops fell on his head and body, making him soaked all over. He looked like a mortal, and Qingfeng asked again. , "This raindrop..."

Just when he said this, Qingfeng's eyes lit up, his eyes fixed on Zhong Mei, and he swallowed the following words.

Zhong Mei is beautiful from the beginning, especially the snow-white dragon scales, ice crystals and jade. At this time, the special rain on the mainland also wet Zhong Mei's clothes. Without the cover of clothes and dragon power, Zhong Mei's whole body is almost red. She said that her purple hair was wet and standing on the snow-white skin, and the curve of the snow-white dragon scales was like a kind of fire that ignited the flame in Qingfeng's heart.

Zhong Mei was beaten by the wind and rain and could not see clearly, so she only held Yuan Chen's hand tightly with her hands, but her sensitivity as a fairy made her feel alert. As soon as she lifted her eyelids, she saw the light like a beast in Qing Feng's eyes. Mei was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind Yuan Chen.


Yuan Chen didn't notice this, he looked up at the black cloud and smiled, "This place is very strange, all the immortal power seems to be weakened when it arrives here, except for barely able to fly, even the wind and rain can't cover it. , and don't look at it as a black cloud, you will know when you arrive, it is a boundless continent, very suitable for immortals to live, ouch..."

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