Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3894: The first plan of the war

Remember [New] for a second,! "Yes,"

If it were an ordinary dragon, I would be moved, but unfortunately Xiao Hua has experienced all kinds of things, and he has long understood Ao Sheng's character, he immediately respectfully said, "I know, I will live up to the son, no, I will live up to your majesty's expectations. "


Ao Sheng's eyes lit up, and he asked with a smile, "Why did you suddenly change to be Your Majesty?"

"You can't afford to fight, the son is the son~"

Xiao Hua replied, "From the beginning of the war, the dragon domain is in chaos, and your majesty is your majesty."

"What a clown dragon~"

Ao Sheng couldn't help but excitedly said, "As expected, he is the first dragon guard under my seat, and the ability to judge the situation is unparalleled in the dragon domain."

"Don't dare~"

Xiao Hua hurriedly looked at the dragon team that had already started to retreat in the distance, and said, "This is His Majesty's first battle. I would like to follow His Majesty and win this battle comfortably."


Ao Sheng chuckled, "In this way, you and I will play the sand table first to see how to win this battle."

Xiao Hua nodded: "Good to say~"

"Let's talk~"

Ao Sheng asked, "How do you see that Xiu Si is going to be defeated, oh, don't think too much, after all, this is our first war, and I still don't understand your strength."

"It's too simple~"

Xiao Hua said with a smile, "The Scarlet Dragon was the first to fight. If it wasn't for Xiu Si's defeat, it had to go into battle shirtless, how could it lose face."


Ao Sheng thought that Xiao Hua's clone was going to say something, but he didn't know what to say. Ao Sheng almost burst out laughing. He didn't know what to say. To say that Xiao Hua was right, it was fake, but... It would be too much of a joke to judge that Xiu Si would be defeated based on this alone.


Seeing the weirdness on Ao Sheng's face, Xiao Hua couldn't help laughing, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm joking with you! Look, the fire dragons that just attacked should be divided into seven teams, this looks like a simple dragon formation, The offensive momentum of five of the squads has slowed down, and only the two squads on both sides are still attacking, what does this mean?"

"One is that the entire dragon formation has a flaw~"

Ao Sheng naturally could see it clearly, and said with a smile, "Since there are flaws, then you will definitely lose."


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "The second is that the head and tail of the dragon formation cannot be taken care of. This is a major taboo for the commander of the dragon formation. Even if the main dragon of the Chilong Dragon is powerful and can temporarily suppress the opponent, this battle will eventually be defeated. !"

"That's right~"

Ao Sheng also said, "That's why I feel that this battle can be salvaged."

"Failed, defeated~"

Xiao Hua looked into the distance and said in a low voice, "The Xiu Si department retreated."


Ao Sheng cursed in a low voice and said anxiously, "I thought 'Gu' could hold on for a while longer, so I didn't worry, but I didn't expect it to be so useless. Fly fast, we have to stop this decline, otherwise, what will happen to the first battle? Can you win?"


Xiao Hua was stunned, and hurriedly grabbed Ao Shengdao, "Your Majesty, don't worry, you... how are you going to win this battle?"

"Naturally boost morale~"

Ao Sheng said displeasedly, "Then, point out the shortcomings of the dragon formation..."

"Your Majesty~"

Xiao Hua said with a wry smile, "If you didn't lose, your tactics would be absolutely fine. The problem is, now that the Dragon Team has been defeated, and the defeat is like a mountain, how can you boost their morale?"

"Oh, yes~"

Ao Sheng sighed, "The fighter is fleeting, if you miss it, you miss it, this first battle..."

"I have an idea~"

Before Ao Sheng finished speaking, Xiao Hua whispered, "I wonder if Your Majesty wants to hear it?"


Seeing that Xiao Hua actually transmitted the sound, Ao Sheng was stunned for a moment, and wondered, "What else do you have in mind?"

"Your Majesty, please see~"

Xiao Hua's dragon claw pointed behind his back and said, "I think this space is quite characteristic, Your Majesty thinks so..."

After Xiao Hua finished speaking, Ao Sheng did not speak, he fell into deep thought, and after a while, he said: "Ye, your idea is too bold, but it is an excellent suggestion to turn defeat into victory, but you don't think that the middle Are there any ill-considerations?"


Xiao Hua's clone secretly slandered, "Isn't this what you made up for?"

After Ao Sheng finished speaking, Xiao Hua also pondered. After a while, he said in surprise: "Your Majesty is really good. He has considered much more than me. If it is as His Majesty said, I am afraid that this battle will turn defeat into victory."


Ao Sheng said excitedly, "I want to scare the dragon with a battle!"

Ao Sheng and Xiao Hua flew towards each other and immediately aroused the vigilance of the retreating dragon clan. A dejected Chilong immediately roared when he saw Ao Sheng, "Who?"

"I am Ao Sheng~"

Ao Sheng's aura was so deadly that he looked at the dragon clan proudly and said, "Go, let 'Gu' come to see me, and I will turn defeat into victory."

"Ao... Ao Sheng~"

Chilong was startled and stammered, "You..."

"Call your majesty~"

Xiao Hua took the opportunity to scold, "Why don't you hurry up and report? Your Majesty will give you a chance to turn defeat into victory."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty~"

When Chilong heard that he turned defeat into victory, he was pleasantly surprised, "Yes, yes, I will report this good news to Dalong!"

After speaking, Chilong turned and flew away, shouting: "Dalong, Dalong, Ao... His Majesty Ao Sheng has returned alive, and His Majesty wants us to turn defeat into victory!"

The red dragon flew all the way, and all the dejected dragons were excited, and no matter how far away, the dragons who laughed and fled in panic also slowed down.

"Your Majesty is amazing~"

Xiao Hua secretly voiced, "This is the first plan, the morale of Xiu Si has begun to turn around."


Ao Sheng smiled, and also said through a voice transmission, "This trick I used in my previous life was not infrequent."

"Sir, no, Your Majesty, Your Majesty~"

Chilonggu was injured and flew over in a rather embarrassed manner. It shouted from a distance, "You are finally back, great, I will send a message to Dalong right away..."

"And don't have to~"

Ao Sheng said proudly, UU reading "I said that I want to give you a chance to turn defeat into victory. After the 'chain' is taken down, it will not be too late to send a message to Dalong."


Chilonggu heard it, turned his head to look into the distance with lingering fears, and whispered, "Your Majesty doesn't know the situation, this 'Valley' cricket dragon team is too powerful, we don't know how many times we attacked in the tenth year of repairing the first one. ,All…"


"Ten years??"

The eyes of Ao Sheng and Xiao Hua's clones flashed at the same time. They looked at each other, and their surprises were self-evident. The previous two dragons guessed at most Xu Yue.

"Where did this time go?"

Xiao Hua's clone pondered to himself, "If it's not really in the cable, then it's in the 'Ding'. There may be time in the 'Ding'. Maybe I have experienced a lot, but I remember very little."

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