Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3890: Tianding?

Remember [New] for a second,! Just thinking of this, Xiao Hua's clone suddenly felt that his consciousness was rapidly increasing, and then a strange realization, one after another unspeakable magic formula, went straight to the mark of his primordial spirit.

Afterwards, Xiao Hua's avatar opened his mouth involuntarily and said, "Long Hao, I admit that you are very powerful, but you are destined to die in my hands today"

"I go"

"What's going on here??"

Xiao Hua's avatar was taken aback, he looked at his head in disbelief, and a nearly complete Long Hao was looking at him with bright eyes

Lu Zhenren naturally did not know that Ao Sheng was transformed into Long Hao, let alone Xiao Hua transformed into a dragon god. He only saw Ao Sheng sacrifice the Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Domains, and there was a violent aura rushing around immediately, and his dragon body could not be controlled. It flew straight to the dragon claw of Yinlong!

"That's it, that's it"

Lu Zhenren's thoughts at this time were the same as Ao Sheng's. He naturally wanted to live first, so he probed with his dragon claws and sacrificed the soul bridge that he had been preparing.


Seeing a Nine Rainbow Bridge rushing straight to the Yin Dragon, but at the same time as it touched the Yin Dragon, the direction of "swiping" the Nine Rainbow Bridge turned, and directly led the real person to rush under the tripod-shaped space!

At this time, Ao Sheng and Xiao Hua's clones naturally did not know that the real person flew into the space, let alone who the other party was, but seeing Long Hao watching Long Shenzi's palm sticking out, the five fingers suddenly lingered in a strange black and white color, This black and white color seemed normal, but when it fell into Long Hao's eyes, it actually caused Long Hao's complexion to change drastically.

Even though Long Hao retreated in a hurry, the black and white color was like a closed world, and Long Hao couldn't resist it, and a "hum" sound was printed on Long Hao's eyebrows.

"Ha ha"

At this moment, God Son Long burst out laughing and shouted, "Long Hao, look again, who am I???"


Long Hao watched Long Shenzi's body slowly fade away, and the dragon's body actually appeared. He exclaimed, "Long Longman? How could it be you?? No, it can't be Longman!"

"Ha ha"

Long Shenzi danced the dragon's body in mid-air, the blood oozing from the dragon's body seemed to be gradually enchanted, he laughed and said, "Of course I am not Longman, as for who I am, I'm afraid I can't tell you, but what I tell you is that Longman is being tortured. You sold its soul to me before you killed it, and asked me to kill you for it"

"Devil? You are a demon!"

Long Hao was stunned and exclaimed, "He was actually beaten by you"

Just talking about the rush, Long Hao suddenly touched the center of his eyebrows, the black and white mark of "Boom" suddenly reversed, and a golden thread came out of it and quickly fell on the eyebrows of the Dragon God Son.

"you you"

This time, it was the dragon **** child's turn to panic, and exclaimed, "You actually have a god!"

Ao Sheng couldn't hear the following words clearly, because he was dazed by the scene in front of him, and he hadn't come back to his senses, Long Hao's dragon body had burst, and then, Ao Sheng saw Long Shenzi's dragon The body also burst into blood, and the entire "cauldron" fell apart in the explosion.

Ao Sheng screamed and almost passed out. It felt like its head was split open by an axe, and the dragon body was thrown to one place like a broken flock.

But for a moment, Ao Sheng reluctantly opened his eyes and tried his best to look around. It seemed that the entire "cauldron"-shaped space had collapsed, and the space dragon was broken inch by inch.

Ao Sheng didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly offered the Wanyu Dragon Seal again. The Wanyu Dragon Seal was Ao Sheng's life-saving straw in the tripod-shaped space!

However, the moment the Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Domains was sacrificed, Ao Sheng suddenly understood.

"The fight between Long Shenzi and Long Hao must be cyclical"

"But because of the arrival of my Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Domains, the collapse of the 'Ding' has become real."


The Dragon Seal of Wanyu is really easy to use. Where the shadow of the Dragon Seal fell, the space collapsed and suppressed, and a slightly calm space channel appeared in front of Ao Sheng.

Coincidentally, when Ao Sheng rushed into the space passage, it suddenly sensed that there was a mark of his own primordial spirit not far away.


Ao Shenglue immediately understood that he had left it on the five-pointed pearl, and Ao Sheng whispered, "I almost forgot Ye!"


Wanyu Longxi separated a phantom and picked up Xiao Hua's clone.


Xiao Hua's clone was surprised and happy, and cried, "Thank you for saving me."

"It's not bad"

Ao Sheng looked at Xiao Hua with a sigh of relief and said, "I've been looking for you for a long time, and I finally found you, fly quickly!"

"Yes Yes"

Xiao Hua's clone hurriedly followed behind Ao Sheng and shouted, "Young Master, Long Shenzi and Long Hao are really powerful, they are ouch, Master Lu"

Xiao Hua's clone hurriedly looked around and shouted, "Where did this dead dragon go?"

"That's too late"

Ao Sheng looked at the collapsed space passage and urged, "It's good that I can find you. Whether he can escape from this place depends on his luck."

“Also good”

At this time, Xiao Hua's clone was really helpless about the life and death of Lu Zhenren, so he could only mutter, "This dead dragon will die if it dies!"

It's a pity, even Xiao Hua didn't know that the soul bridge of Longhui took the real person to the bottom of the tripod-shaped space. Seeing that the Nine Rainbow Bridge actually crossed the nine-layer space, the real person suddenly sank, and he sensed the front of his head. An air that is both unfamiliar and familiar.

"Long Longhao!"

Lu Zhenren couldn't believe his feelings, didn't Long Hao have fallen? Above the tripod-shaped space, isn't it the common battle of wandering souls in ancient nightmares?

Why does Long Hao still have the will to stay?


Just as he was thinking about it, the head of the soul bridge of Yuju Longhuihui touched a layer of space imprisonment, and golden light shot out during the vibration.


The golden light shone on Lu Zhenren, and Lu Zhenren felt bone-piercing pain, and he couldn't help raising his head and screaming.


Immediately afterwards, UU reading Jin Guangning made a dragon claw, grabbed Zhenren Lu and dragged him into space.


After the golden light disappeared, Zhenzhen Lu looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help but let out a low cry.

But seeing the golden light in the center of the space, it is a broken golden cauldron. The clouds are rolling on the golden cauldron, and the nine-colored electricity shoots out and disappears in the void.

The will that the real person is familiar with is within the golden tripod.

"Is this the so-called 'Tian Ding'?"

Lu Zhenren is quite puzzled. After all, there is almost no record of the Tianding Tribulation in Longyu, and more of it is word of mouth.

"You came?"

Inside the golden cauldron, Long Hao's voice came out. The voice did not fall in the ears of Zhenren, but directly in the soul, and even the dragon phase flew out of this voice.

It was indeed Long Hao!

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