Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3883: Save Ao Sheng, the weird 3-color glow

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"It's okay, it's okay~"

Xiao Hua's clone sighed, "The deity still has great use in keeping it, so I have to reluctantly."

Then Xiao Hua's clone stayed in place, waiting for Ao Sheng to come over, but the wait was actually a few hours. Xiao Hua's clone looked at the silence nearby, and his heart was already cold. He knew that the interface where the beard was located. The dragon must also be mixed with the time dragon.

Those dragon soldiers of Ao Sheng didn't want to return, but they couldn't. If there was no time for the dragons, these dragon soldiers would fly down one by one, and the dragon soldiers at the back would be alert when they saw the dragon soldiers in front of them. There are some dragon soldiers who escaped, but time Long Ji pulled away these dragon soldiers who reached through the ropes and whiskers one by one. The dragon soldiers at the back did not know the fall of the dragon soldiers in front of them. Killed by the pillar of fire!

Just thinking about it, "Om~" Xiao Hua's clone heard a slight roar above his head.

"Come on~"

Xiao Hua's clone came to his senses, hurriedly flapped his wings and flew over, shouting loudly, "Sir, be careful of the big stone~"


Xiao Hua's clone didn't know whether Ao Sheng heard it or not, and the big stones on his left and right heads fell.


Fortunately, under the big stone, Ao Sheng's roar sounded, and then the outline of the Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Domains was born.

Xiao Hua's clone visually inspected the glow of the outline of the Wanyu Dragon Seal, and immediately urged the Dragon Escape Technique to pounce on it, and shouted, "Young Master, be careful with the sword light~"


Before Xiao Hua's voice could fall, Ao Sheng's dragon body had already hit him.

Xiao Hua's clone was overjoyed and shouted again, "I'm here, son~"

Saying that, Xiao Hua immediately spread his wings.

As Xiao Hua expected, the appearance of the knife light was extremely strange, and he couldn't tolerate it at all.


It wasn't until this time that Ao Sheng woke up, and it cried out in surprise, "You..."

"Sorry, son~"

Xiao Hua naturally knew that the pillars of fire would follow, so he didn't wait for Ao Sheng to finish speaking, the dragon tail swept with all his strength, "Boom~" directly smashed Ao Sheng aside, while his own dragon body rolled in the air.


The pillar of fire came as promised, piercing Xiao Hua's right wing again.


Xiao Hua screamed and rolled in the air, falling into the dust with a "Boom~".


When Xiao Hua was surprised, Ao Sheng didn't fly, and the Dragon Prime Minister with the Dragon Seal of Wanyu flew out first and caught Xiao Hua's dragon body.

At this time, looking at Ao Sheng's dragon image, the dragon scales actually burst, and there are signs of damage.


Xiao Hua's avatar flashed light in his mind, and whispered, "Dashi can hurt Long Xiang, great, I can finally cover up the absence of Long Xiang."


Then Ao Sheng flew over, looked at the scars on Xiao Hua's wings, and said gratefully, "Thank you very much, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to escape this murder."

"It's still alright~"

Xiao Hua's clone struggled to fly, and said weakly, "It's a pity that my dragon phase hasn't hatched yet, and I haven't been able to escape the attack of the big stone."

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Ao Sheng's dragon horns gave birth to golden light, took his dragon phase, and comforted, "Back to the dragon domain, I will find some secret techniques to condense the dragon phase, and I will also find some treasures for you, don't worry, it is destined to How could the clown dragon that traverses the Dragon Realm not have a dragon image?"

"Xie Gongzi, Xie Gongzi~"

Xiao Hua smiled and thanked him.

"What's ahead?"

Ao Sheng looked at the blurred outline of the mountains in the distance and asked casually.

"I'm sorry, son~"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it yet!"

Xiao Hua also followed Ao Sheng's eyes, and also responded casually, but in the distance, a strange color appeared in Xiao Hua's eyes, because I don't know when, the outline of the gray-white mountain range already had three-color rays of light. .

"Oh oh~"

Ao Sheng smiled and said, "You have just arrived, and you are still thinking about me, so naturally you have no time to investigate. It's not your fault."


Xiao Hua's clone hesitated for a moment and said, "I've been waiting here for your son for a few hours~"

Ao Sheng suddenly realized, and looked at Xiao Hua's clone with gratitude: "Ye, you have a heart."

"I'm fine~"

Xiao Hua avatar smiled and said, "It's just that those dragon soldiers should all die here."


Ao Sheng woke up again, nodded and said, "No, there is a time dragon in the cable, they will be killed one by one when they get here, and no one can escape..."

Having said that, Ao Sheng looked carefully in front of his head again and whispered: "Ye, let's be careful, don't look at the silence in front of us, maybe it is a crisis."

"Yes, son~"

Xiao Hua's clone nodded and said, "I'm staying here, just waiting to join forces with Young Master."


Ao Sheng's eyes lit up, and he took out the Dragon Seal of Wanyu and said, "In that case, you and I will venture into this unknown and dangerous place together."

"I'm in front of my head~"

Xiao Hua's clone grabbed in front of Ao Sheng and said, "My dragon body is rough and thick!"


Ao Sheng naturally understood Xiao Hua's meaning, he nodded and said, "If I expected it well, the various ministries of the Dragon Region have already begun to prepare for the battle. You and I will go out, and we will be greeted by the magnificent Dragon Region War, you can rest assured, I It will definitely make you famous in the Dragon Domain."


Xiao Hua's clone released Longgan Probe, and said casually, "I still like to fight side by side with the son."

However, in the inspection room of Xiao Hua's clone, the dragon body did not fly up immediately. This place was too dangerous. He was really worried about the real person coming over. Ao Sheng also reminded himself, what about the real person?

But now Xiao Hua is not a clone, there is no way for UU reading to leave a clone, and it is impossible to stay here.

"That's right~"

Xiao Hua's clone seemed to hesitate for a moment, and asked, "Master, that dead dragon is your master, what should he do when he comes over?"

"At this time, the dragon domain must be full of wolves~"

Ao Sheng turned his head to see where Suo Xu came from, and said in a low voice, "It is no longer suitable for Lu to follow me. For Lu's safety, I have made it clear to him that the relationship between master and apprentice has passed away, and after we leave this place, the dragon will become a dragon. There are no more masters and apprentices in the domain.”

"Young master is really affectionate~"

Xiao Hua slandered in his heart, but he still gave a small high hat in his mouth. Without it, Xiao Hua hoped that Ao Sheng could stay and rescue Zhenren Lu.

"It's okay~"

I don't know if it was because of hearing the words "love and affection" that Ao Sheng felt a little embarrassed, or he had other plans. There are dangers here, I… let’s save the scorpion first!”

Add more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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