Revival of the Gods

Chapter 378: Actually someone is relying on

"Silk!" Zhao Qi shot a low voice, the silver light on his face instantly annihilated, a blood mark appeared on his slightly thin cheeks!

Zhao Qi shooting is really angry and smoldering. He grabbed his hand and wanted to take the shackles, but his hand just touched the shackles, "brushing..." 诛 荆 如 如 如 如 如Going to his arm, and then waiting for Zhao to shoot and then move further, the punishment of the jingle is to tie him tightly, tied like a scorpion!

Shang’s deputy singer’s gaze fell on the shackles of the shackles, as if he had thought of something, and he’s stunned in his eyes, and he’s lost his voice: “Hey... 诛 令 令??”

Then she was riding a slap in the head and looking at the few singers who had spoken before. Several immortals shrugged: "The end will see the slain messenger!"

"Impossible!" The shackled Zhao Ran shot down and looked at the shackles, and his face was also surprised, but when he thought about it, it was as earthy. If it was not a punishment, how could it be seen as a soldier? The array is nothing? How could it be so easy to bind yourself?

Xiao Hua did not pay attention to the singer’s squad and so on. Instead, he flew to Zhao’s front and raised his hand and said his nose: “Why, why is it difficult for a certain family! If there is a lie, a certain person will immediately punish you. To death!"

Zhao Zhao shot is also hard, he said with a bite: "Zhang Xiaohua, Zhao got a military order, you will get here within 100 yuan. But, when do you see when you arrived? Zhao is this It is necessary to lead the 10th squadron with the propaganda commander to attack the valley and fight against the country. Now you can only wait for you with dozens of celestial soldiers in this area. You said, you are not delaying the war, what is it? Zhao 擒 take you Asking sin, is there a mistake?? As for the punishment, although you have a royal stipulation, but Zhao is riding in the army, you have no right to punish!"

“Zhangqiu shot...” Shang’s deputy shot and so on, also hurriedly helped to defend the road. “Zhao Zi’s Zhao riding shots are all true. At the end, I will wait for a long time, and Xuan’s Xuan Tong’s collar has long been known. Leave the team with you!"

"This..." Xiao Hua has always considered for others. He was full of anger. He could listen to Zhao’s explanation and listened to the persuasion of Shang’s riding and shooting. This fire has already disappeared. Zhao Zi certainly has the suspicion of giving himself a horse, venting his anger, but after all, he is late, giving people a handle.

However, he was hesitant, and Xiao Hua raised his hand to shoot the seal, and the halo flashed on the seal. The shackles of Zhao Zi’s shackles were untied, and they still turned into a golden silk under the claws of Suzaku. .

"Zhang is somewhat reckless, and I hope Zhao riding a shot to understand!" Xiao Hua arched, "However, please Zhao riding to believe that although Zhang had the mouth of the country, he wanted Zhang to come to Yufei Ling, but he did not follow Zhang said the reason, and did not set a deadline, Zhang did not know that I declared a country to actually fight with the country!"

"Zhangqiu shot..." Not waiting for Zhao Zi to answer, the next side of the squadron riding a hurriedly asked, "I have declared that a country has been fighting for a few years, and you don't even know it at all?"

"Zhang was retreating in a retreat, and I didn't know what was born outside!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and then he thought about it and asked, "Mo...not the long sky and the ink of the country. Since the beginning of the confrontation, there has been no retreat?"

"Yes!" Zhao Zi interface, "I declare that the country and the son of the country are innocent, but the two kings are fallen, the ink country can not give us a good reason, how can I declare a country army array? withdraw?"

"This..." It was the turn of Xiao Hua's turn, and he sighed, "Hey, why?"

"The face of the country is not the face of the human face, and it must not be damaged!" Zhao Zi coldly said, "Ink has been deceiving me to declare a country. How can I declare a country to be willing to give up?"

"But..." Xiao Hua’s mouth was bitter, and he thought that Yufei’s spiritual domain was to participate in the election of the sacred sacred, but he did not expect it to be a war, which is where to go!

It’s a pity that he didn’t wait for him to say more. Zhao said seriously: “Zhang Qiu’s shot, Zhao’s do not know why he sent you this punishment. If you want to be a superintendent, you don’t have to let Zhao assist you. But now Shibuya has already started a war, and it is not too late. I can go to the war to fight."

"Coughing cough..." Xiao Hua said with a light cough, "Zhao Ran shot, it is not a slap in the face, but it is a bit weird under the riding of the seal. It is a coincidence that this smashed the rule." Under the help of Zhao riding, then listen to Zhao riding shots!"

"Good!" Zhao Zi did not drag the water, nodded, "So, you and I will join hands to kill the enemy, come, Zhao will introduce you to you, you are Shang Chen Chen Shang deputy shot, this is Wang Ji Wang deputy ride Shoot..."

All the cents will meet with Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua smiles and rituals, even more rare, my heart secretly said: "But it is a team of thirteen people, there is actually a riding shot, two deputy shots, plus five flag long! Xiaomou is coming again, that is, two riding shots..."

After the ceremony was completed, Zhao Zi ordered the Xianbing to sacrifice the marching Xianzhou. He flew down first, and waited for Xiao Hua to go on, and hurriedly ordered the Xianbing to mobilize the Xianzhou to fly to Shibuya.

Xiao Hua did not retreat. He pulled the morning morning and asked about the situation of the war between the two countries.

The war situation is really beyond the expectation of Xiao Hua. Only the ink dumped the country and the Xuanguo country began to fight against the evil spirits. The two countries did not withdraw one soldier at all. Xiao Hua sent Xiong Cheng and Zhu Ding to return safely. National War. According to Shang Chenchen, after the change of the Fire Palace, Xiao Hua began to retreat, and the two countries began a tentative battle. The first time was a small-scale conflict involving hundreds of celestial soldiers, which later spread to thousands. Xianbing, and at this time, after the fifth year, the two countries invested as many as 500,000 singular soldiers. The war not only covered the splendid pets, but also stretched for thousands of miles, almost surpassing Xuanguo, Mo Dangguo and Jiyu. Borderland.

"How can I get to such a situation?" Xiao Hua was very nahan after listening to it. He pinched his chin and thought about it. "There is a contradiction between the ink-drinking country and the declaration of a country. But nowadays it is a crucial moment for the election." How can their two countries take the initiative? The conflict between the two countries has long been irreconcilable, and there has been no chance. The death of the country and the death of a nation’s coffin are just an introduction to this contradiction. Also take this opportunity to regain the quota for the popular election?"

"The two tigers must fight each other, and the ink is going to the country and the first year of the War of the Five Kingdoms. Even if they win a country, the national strength will decline. There is still a country on the side of the two countries. Isn’t this the benefit of the Jiyuguo fishermen? Xiaomou can't believe that the king of Xuan Xuan and the king of ink is a fool, don't know these powerful!"

"However, then again, this kind of interest Xiaomou wants to get the Xuanwang and the virtual Cheng Wang can't think of it? Xiaomou has never seen the virtual king, but in the hands of the dry Xuanwang, there is no less loss, Gan Xuanwang Then a shrewd king cannot make such a low-level mistake!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua’s mouth showed a smile: “Is this the two kings of the Xuanwang and the virtual kings who are acting together to make the country’s lord of the country go into the game? Well, what must be achieved by the two kings? Agreement, join hands to deal with the country of Ji Jiguo..."

However, Xiao Hua’s smile emerged for a moment, but it was solidified, nonsense, even the reason he could think of it. Can the Jiu Guoguo’s master not think about it? Moreover, if the ink country and the Xuanguo country want to join forces, why bother to fight first, and directly attack the Jiuguo country without a line, there is no need to be so troublesome!

"But it, nothing..." Xiao Hua sighed in his own skull and sighed. "Xiao is not the head of the country. Even Zhen Zhen can't worry about things. What does Xiao want to do?"

Looking at Xiao Hua's thoughts, the morning morning, next to the sneak peek, suddenly whispered: "Zhang Daren, Zhao Zi is the commander of the confidant, big... adults must be careful."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua stunned and asked inexplicably. "Xuan Tongling? I don't know, is it related to me?"

Hesitant in the morning, seems to be thinking about whether he should continue to say, but since he has already spoken, he said with a bite: "Good teacher Zhang Daren knows that according to the end, Zhang Daren should be divided into another school. Within the command of the school, the singer of the school is Zhu Xizhu Zhu Zhu shooting, just because the adults come late, let Zhao Zi Zhao riding to wait here, and Zhu Xi is Qian Chenqian to lead the confidant."

Seeing Xiao Hua still looked blank, but morning morning, he looked up and swept around, and said again: "Qian Chenqian is led by Zhen Zhenyu in the sky, and Xuan Xuan Xuan is the deputy of Zhao Yu Zhao... ..."

Speaking of this, I didn’t dare to say it in the morning, but Xiao Hua was stunned and squinted. “As for Zhao Zhao’s deputy, is it the Prince of the Great Prince?”

"Call..." The morning morning was a long sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face. "This is not particularly clear at the end."

"What about you?" Xiao Hua asked. "Which line are you?"

"The end will be born in the sacred fairy..." Shang Chenchen finally said his purpose, "because of the offense of an internal disciple of Qingyumen, the enlightenment of the big 6 is not the end of the land. The end will be incognito In the national squad, because there is no foundation, these years have relied on some military merits to be mixed with the position of the deputy squad. If there is no accident, the end will be a pair of squadrons, this time, the country will announce with me. The National War is an opportunity for the final accumulation of military exploits, so the end will have to have a choice and will be pointed out by Zhao Zi to this squad, the end will feel even more an excellent opportunity... ..."

Xiao Hua smiled and asked, "You don't know me?"

"I don't know..." Shang Chenchen answered honestly.

"You haven't heard my name yet?"

"There will be no end!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded. "Then I want to congratulate you, you are right!"

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