Revival of the Gods

Chapter 374: Old and earnest

"If it is as usual, the place where the blood is hidden must be deep in the Dongfu..." Xiao Hua is standing still, standing in the distance and watching, and secretly saying, "Chi Zhicheng is going against it. The blood is placed next to the portal, and it is really heartful."

At this time, the white bone has been put into the whirlpool, "咔咔" but listening to the squeaking sound of the whirlpool, the blood on the bone contract is smashed into powder, Xiao Hua sees clearly, the vortex has a hint of green luster Mixed with blood red, there are some strange breaths rushing out.

Not waiting for Xiao Hua to frown, "噗" a group of blue light spurts out, the gray-colored dominoes fall in front of the late, "bombing and banging" the low roaring sounds coming from the whirlpool, the space of a few squares is annihilated.

"Hey?" Late, turned to look at Xiao Hua, Qi Dao, "Is the essence of Chi Zhicheng? I... I saw him here!"

"You look at the dominoes first..." Xiao Hua said nothing, faintly said.

After a moment of hesitation, the detective grasped the dominoes, and dozens of spikes on the dominoes immediately entered the late palms. "Ah..." The pain was delayed and screamed.

I didn’t dare to release the dominoes, and some blood on my palms infiltrated the dominoes.

"Brush..." A cluster of blood-red fog emerged from the dominoes, and the right hand rushed to the right arm along the late hand. The small ray that was invisible to the naked eye kept flashing in the late body!

After a short delay, he said: "Master, this is the immortal ban that Chi Zhicheng laid on me. Now I have solved it."

About half a cup of tea, the fog from the late left foot low flying, still falling into the right hand dominoes, "啪" dominoes seem to have a red halo burst, a cluster of sparks flying late eyebrows.

When the spark contact is late, the domino smashes and turns into powder scattered in the air.

"Ah?" He screamed with a scream, and his eyes flashed in a strange look, whispering, "The blood is not in this cave! And... and there is another bone in my body that I don't know!"

"According to Chi Zhicheng's instructions to do it!" Now, Xiao Hua can only say so late.

Late in the nod, Xiao Hua will be all star-studded, and then followed by the late Dongfu, seeing the lateness of the flight to the depths of Qingmo Ridge, Xiao Hua suddenly suddenly aware of himself, he is really a small Dianchi sincere, that looks some The arrogant leaking fairy seems to be far from the simplicity seen on his surface.

Sure enough, I was late between the two peaks, took a closer look, and then released the thoughts for a moment, then carefully fell to a rock. He thought for a moment and said to Xiao Hua: "Master, you are too close, Chi Zhicheng said in the dominoes that the immortality he laid down requires me to open it alone..."

"Well, I understand, you wait a moment..." Xiao Hua smiled. "I will put the fairy on the cloth to ensure your safety!"

"Xie lord!" Chi Min's eyes are full of gratitude.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to have a starry array, he raised his right arm again, and gently stroked it. In the blood of his forearm, a white bone that was only a few inches long flew out. Although he is a dust fairy, but his fairy body is also dozens of feet, Chi Zhicheng hides a few inches of white bone in his right arm of a dozen lengths. If he doesn't look at the dominoes, he can't think of it.

Lately, the white bones were placed in the air, and a few slightly oysters were blown in, and the white bones were covered with gray-white light shadows between the stones.

Seeing a seedling-like sunflower seedling grow up slowly, waiting for more than a hundred feet, a little late, and then rushed to spurt the blood.

The sound of "brushing", the seedlings swayed rapidly, and stopped in the air, and the violent breath at the bottom of the seedlings flickered.

Looking at the late, I actually wiped my forehead with my hand, actually scared a cold sweat.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua became more and more frowning. I thought it was the blood of the pool, and how could it be so dangerous?

At this point, the seedlings are shaking, from the top to the next inch, broken, and the bottom is also turned into a powder, and a vortex is born in the stone crevice, and later, the small bone with a few inches is put into it, "咚" A sound, like a big stone into the lake, a few **** waves splashed out.

"呜" a strange yin wind was born out of thin air, a blood shadow in the blood light with a thunderstorm to the lateness.

It’s clear that the **** light is the shadow of the pool’s sincerity. It’s too late to incite the so-called secrets of the so-called autumn rituals. He knows that Chi Zhicheng must have other arrangements that he does not know, so he looks at the mountains and rocks. After that, look at the last look of the fairy world, then close your eyes.

However, after a short while, the waiting for a long time did not appear, and even the sting of the mind, the confusion of memory did not appear, and some of them opened their eyes.

At this time, Xiao Hua was standing in front of him, his big hand was falling, a fist-sized blood bead condensed rapidly between thousands of ray, and the pool's sincere figure looked a bit mad in the blood.

"Master..." he asked honestly, "What are you doing? Not saying that..."

After waiting for the lateness, Xiao Hua waved: "There is something wrong with you, you wait a moment..."

"Oh..." He nodded late, and he naturally felt that he was not quite right. After all, this was too far from the previous instructions of Chih-Shin, at least... his own blood-sucking fairy has not yet moved!

Xiao Huayan read the strong vortex into the void, but listened to the sound of "啪啪啪", the inner Zhongxian banned one heavy and then one heavy broken, waiting for the end, "brush..." a naval ring flew out.

Xiao Hua’s detective grabbed it and swept away. He smiled and said: “Is it late, this Naihuan ring pool has not told you about it?”

"No!" replied late.

"Hey, a leaking fairy actually has a naval ring, which is interesting!" Xiao Hua released the thoughts and carefully explored the surroundings. After nothing was discovered, the Stars would be withdrawn and said, "Go..."

Late and full of doubts followed Xiaohua back to Dongfu, he stood in front of Xiaohua, watching Xiaohua frowning and looking at the virtual ring, did not dare to say a word.

Xiao Hua took out an ink fairy and looked at it late. He asked, "Can I see it?"

Late and hurriedly replied: "Despite the lord, the younger generation of the matter is handed over to the master!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua Yan read the ink fairy, and his mouth showed a smile. He waited for a strange waist card and asked him, "Do you know what it is?"

Lately, I received the waist card, but the waist card is a pentagon. It is engraved with some inexplicable patterns. The middle is a big character of the dragon and the phoenix dance. This big character is different on both sides. It is the word "Happy" in one place.

Xiao Hua took out the tokens given to him by the squatter from the space. This token is different from the waist card, but the word "Happy" is exactly the same as the waist card. The monk is a fairy who Xiao Hua met in the dragon, and claimed to be the immortal of the Xianyao Xianmeng.

"The younger generation does not know!" Chi Yan looked at the waist card, still shaking his head and returning the waist card to Xiao Hua.

"Hey..." Xiaohua gave birth to a smile on his face. He looked around and said, "This is useless. Can you have other plans?"

"But..." Hesitantly hesitated, "Is the younger generation still not helping the pool to return to life?"

“Ichigo’s things are first put aside...” Xiao Hua explained, “If you choose to leave here, or give up the identity of the pool to the loyalty, start again, I respect your choice, you can leave now. I brought it useful..."

"What do you mean? Can I start over?" Happiness came too suddenly, and I couldn't believe my ears at all.

Xiao Hua looked at the ecstasy of sorrow, and my heart was not a taste. Just as Yao Xing, that is, Yao Zhihong said, the immortal ritual is just a doll, or it is not necessary for itself. If there is no Xiao Hua, it is late. The fate of the pool is to be won by the pool!

However, after a while, the ecstasy on the cheeks gradually disappeared. Instead, it was a bitter smile. He looked around Dongfu and said: "Master, don't you know that you are holding a cave house for retreat? If so, you still Choose other places, here the fairy spirit is not strong, but because it is more hidden, Chi Zhicheng only let the younger generation here!"

"No, no..." Xiao Hua shook his head. "I have other uses."

"That... the younger generation can't practice here?"

"Of course not!" Xiao Hua smiled. "If you stay here, life is hard to protect!"

I thought about it for a moment, and I slammed it on the floor and said, "Let the old man have mercy! The younger generation wants... I want to go to the space of the predecessors in the same space as Chi Xiaoxia. The younger generation knows that they are just a avatar. Immortal, but ... but the younger generation is also a pool of sincere avatars, can accompany the pool Xiaoxia, taking care of him one or two is considered good!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was a little worried, but he did not expect that he was so affectionate.

However, Xiao Hua looked at the simplicity of Dongfu, and he also understood what he was thinking. Chi Zhicheng is a low-level leaking fairy. He can give himself some cultivating resources. This is a late addition to Qing Moling. I’m afraid that I haven’t been to other places. Now let him leave, he Where can I go?

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed and said, "Since you have such an idea, how can I fulfill you!"

"Thank you, Master, thank you Master!" Chi Hao listened to the big joy, shouted in the head.

Xiao Hua lifted him up and said: "You clean up, I will send you into the fairy space, and then there will be no more name in this fairyland."

"Yes, yes!" Chi Hao promised, waving the sleeves to collect a thing in the Dongfu, lest Xiaohua repent.

After the late completion, Xiao Hua sacrificed Kunlun mirror to collect him into Kunlun Wonderland, and then Xiao Hua borrowed Xianying to enter.

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Hey, even if you are a dead pool, you have your own plans. The immortals in the fairy world are not NPCs! How can such a subscription be worthy of my magnificent fairyland!

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