Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3720: Xiao Hua sees cold?


Jiang Yuanfeng immediately activated the fairy, and Xiao Hua's shadow appeared in the distance again.

It's a pity that Xiao Hua was flying to the Xingmeng Sea this time, and Jiang Yuanfeng chased him behind him. If there were no accidents, Xiao Hua flew into the Xingmeng Sea, it would be the dragon entering the abyss, and he would never be able to find it again.


He Qiong glanced at it and whispered to Li Moyi, "This Eagle Dragon is too powerful. Its thinking is very similar to my human race. With its current flying speed, it should be able to escape Jiang Yuanfeng's pursuit. But we know that it doesn't know it itself. With its cunning, it will definitely make a turn before escaping, make a fake shot and then escape safely..."

"I understand~"

Without waiting for He Qiong to finish, Li Moyi nodded and said, "I will let Xiyong and the others line up behind Yuan Feng!"

After that, Li Moyi communicated with the other Taoists, and everyone did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly fluttered into formation.


Seeing Xiao Hua's figure disappearing again, Jiang Yuanfeng hurriedly flew forward, and there was a net of heaven and earth under his wave of his hand. He Qiong did not unexpectedly stop Xiao Hua from escaping. There was no dragon in the net of heaven and earth.

Jiang Yuanfeng was a little dumbfounded. Just about to rush out, Li Moyi smiled from behind: "Yuanfeng, look behind you~"


Seeing Xiyong waiting for the rigorous formation, Jiang Yuanfeng was stunned and whispered, "I understand, the Eagle Dragon has turned around again."

With that said, Jiang Yuanfeng didn't take the net of the sky and the earth, turned his head and swept his hands up, and the starry sky around him was like a sheet being lifted by Jiang Yuanfeng.


It's a pity that just behind Jiang Yuanfeng, a nail outline emerged. The electric light and flint hit Jiang Yuanfeng's sky and earth net. On the nail, the powerful starlight tore Dao Xian Hun Yuan's fairy artifact.


Xiao Hua smiled and yelled to the sky, turning his head and cursing, "Yun these believers!"

"Boom boom boom~"

Contrary to Xiao Hua's expectation, a huge thunder light actually emerged in front of him, as if the big hand shattered the place where the net was broken that day.


Xiao Hua spread his wings, shook his head and waved his tail, rushed into the broken place and disappeared.


Seeing Xiao Hua's godlike behavior, He Qiong's face turned pale, and he cursed, "I...Why didn't I expect that it... would not give up and wait there?"

Li Moyi smiled bitterly. He hadn't seen a cunning dragon, but he had never seen such a thoughtful dragon. Is there any difference between this and the human?

"Don't blame you, don't blame you~~"

Li Moyi stroked He Qiong's back and smiled, "It has a dragon weapon that can defeat Dao Xian Hun Yuan. Even if it flies forward, it will definitely be able to escape."


Jiang Yuanfeng Dao Xian Hunyuan's face was lost to Dao Xianjie, he whistling like a monster, ignored Li Moyi and others, turned and rushed towards Xiao Hua where he flew away.


Li Moyi knew that he couldn't stop it at this time, so he had to sigh, "Let's go, let's follow Yuanfeng."

Out of the starry sky of Bamianqiu, Jiang Yuan had a crazy wind, and when he raised his hand, the lightning fairy gave birth to eight phantoms, and the electric light was like a waterfall of light to illuminate the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles.


Seeing the faint electric light surging in Menglan, Xiao Hua cursed in a low voice, "Pan Dao stabbed a hornet's nest, let's run away!"

The huge star dream sea, the crazy Jiang Yuanfeng naturally did not dare to provoke the dragon, wherever the crazy electric light and starlight went, the group of dragons avoided.


Seeing this, Li Moyi couldn't help but cursed, "This will cause big trouble."

He dared not follow, but followed far away.

Sure enough, in Xingmeng Sea, some powerful Yan Nian and Long Gan began to pay attention here.

Xiao Hua naturally understood. He thought about it for a while and knew that if he threw out Xinghua’s solar fruit, he would definitely be able to cause trouble and get rid of Jiang Yuanfeng’s chasing after him. Unfortunately, this idea was only passed through his mind. How could he send out the Xinghua Yao Sunguo with the inscribed Xiao character?

Xiao Hua gritted his teeth, turned around, and rushed directly to the source of the dream.

Sure enough, in the direction of Mengyuan, Menglan became more and more dense, Xiao Hua's flying speed accelerated, and Jiang Yuanfeng felt that the inexplicable imprisonment around him began to grow, like a nightmare, ignoring his Daoxian Hunyuan defense, and began to imprison his immortal body.


Jiang Yuanfeng roared desperately, and the starlight burst all over his body, causing great waves of space.

However, Jiang Yuanfeng was embarrassed because he felt that his flight speed was getting slower and slower, and even the electric light of the fairy weapon began to weaken, and the flying speed of the eagle-dragon silhouette in front of his head did not weaken, even flying. More flexible, I can hardly perceive its traces.

After a few more breaths, Jiang Yuanfeng's face was surprised, because he had sensed the laws of time around him, and his own fairy body had been restricted, but the eagle and dragon were not affected.

"Do you want to sacrifice a fairy?"

Jiang Yuan's mouth was bitter. After all, Dao Xian Hun Yuan's actions are all rules. He hasn't used the fairy weapon for a long time. If he had to investigate Xiao Hua's movements, he would never use the electric light fairy weapon.

Dealing with a 7th-level Singjing Emperor Dragon who actually made himself sacrifice to the immortal artifacts again and again, Jiang Yuanfeng felt that he couldn't afford to lose that person!

But then again, Jiang Yuanfeng felt that he had been chasing for so long, and his face had long been lost to his grandmother's house. Even if he sacrificed the fairy tools, he would just take a few steps from his grandmother's house, right?

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuanfeng gritted his teeth and wanted to sacrifice the fairy again.

But at this moment, a pale yellow flame flickered out of the refolding space fault in the distance, and an icy female fairy dressed in Tsing Yi appeared in her figure, looking surprised at the nine-color colorful front of her head. Called: "Who?"

Of course, before Xiao Hua in Nine Colors could speak, the fairy in Tsing Yi once again looked in the direction of Jiang Yuanfeng.


Seeing the female fairy's appearance, Jiang Yuanfeng looked at the familiar rules of order around the female fairy, and immediately exclaimed, "Fairy Hanhua?"

Jiang Yuanfeng is not Xiao Hua, he is the first Taoist Hunyuan to look for after Li Moyixian's reincarnation, he naturally knows that Fairy Hanshou is the clone of Zhanglu Tianzun.

At this moment, where does he have any thoughts to chase Xiao Hua?

Turned around, turned into starlight and flew back to Xingmenghai.


Although Hanhua is the clone of Tianzun, but she can't use Tianzun's source power in the dragon domain. Faced with Jiang Yuanfeng, who is Daoxian Hunyuan, she has no way of seeing her appearance, let alone catching up.

However, Hanhuan thought about it a little bit, "Om~" A pale yellow hexagram flew out, and it was about to fall towards Menglan.

Unexpectedly, Fairy Hanhua didn't wait for the hexagram to fall, "brush~" an eagle dragon flew out of the nine colors, and said respectfully at her: "Little dragon has seen the emissary of the heavens~"

Add more for "the fattest cow dung"~

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