Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3707: Xingmenghai

   "Menglan appears every once in a while, and it nourishes the'star' like a raindrop~"

   Bai Longqiong said, "Didn't the Star Fruit, Star Dew and Star Liquid all show their traces in the'Stars' only after Menglan appeared?"

   "Then Menglan is the soul of'Xing'?"

   Bailong also asked.


   Bai Longqiong smiled and groaned, "This is the simplest, you will know it in a few Xu Yue."

   Seeing Bai Longqiong selling off the gate, Bai Long couldn't ask any more, so as Bai Longqiong kept flying forward, as he flew into the depths of the stars, there were fewer and fewer desert-like gravels.

   But the weird thing is that when the gravel is covering the sky, there is still the sun and the moon in the stars, but the gravel is scarce, the sun and the moon are not visible, but the surrounding stars begin to increase.

   It's a pity that these stars are all bleak, no different from the gravel before, but one huge and one small.

   "If nothing happens~"

   Bailong looked at these stars and said in his heart, "These are stars that have lost their star power, but why is Menglan the soul of'Xing'?"

  Bai Long never forgets this question, but it is a pity that Bai Longqiong has been laughing without saying a word.

As it deepened, the surrounding star power gradually began to overflow like a faint water wave, and when it was this last day, I was waiting to fly over a heavy star power that looked like a sea wave, passing through the outline of a hundred stars piled like a coral. Later, a huge dark starry sky appeared in front of Man's eyes.

   "The son~"

  Bai Longqiong looked at the starry sky and smiled, "Flying over the starry sky, we can truly enter the ‘star’."


   Bailong shouted beside him, "Isn't a star after flying for so long?"

"What do you think?"

   Bai Longqiong asked back, "I haven't seen other dragons after flying for so long, don't you think it is strange?"

   "Yeah, yeah~"

   The white dragon was stunned, and nodded repeatedly, "I was surprised just now. Could it be that when the trial is not there, no dragon will come over?"

   "If nothing happens~"

   thoughtfully, "There are many sky to the stars, and we only fly by one of them."

   Bai Longqiong said with a smile, "I'll know after flying over~"


   rushed through the starry sky, the star power washed the dragon's body like water, a strange space barrier shattered like bubbles, and the previous rich dragon's flow was suddenly diminished a lot.

Looking around, the starry sky is still the same, but the darkness has increased by three points. An inexplicable breath seeps in very quickly like the cold of winter, and in the darkness, there are large and small hills all around. This hill is weird. , The big and small upside-down bamboo shoots, in particular, the hills are not irregular, but neatly arranged on eight sides, but the eight sides of each hill are not the same, and some have big Of small.

  'S savage gaze fell on the nearest eight-sided hill, looked at the reflected mysterious light, was suddenly startled, and hurriedly turned his head back.

Sure enough, the place where Man Suo flew out was also an eight-faced mound, and even a shadow of a dragon guard was reflected on it upside down. This shadow was not solid, but eight, no more or no less. These eight looked like Eight identical Dragon Guards are flying towards Man.

When I looked at Longwei, the nearest phantom among the eight phantoms had already been printed on the eight-faced mound that looked like a mirror, but the farthest phantom was still flying. It should be the eighth phantom. The seventh phantom overlaps, and the seventh phantom starts to fly again. After the seventh phantom overlaps with the sixth phantom, the sixth phantom starts to fly...until the eight phantoms overlap. Together, the head-down Dragon Guard really flew into the starry sky.

   But the weird thing is that when Long Wei fell on the starry sky, he was already head up, no different from Man.

Gu </span>   and Dragon Guard was not unusual, it just looked around and hurriedly fell to Man.


   Bai Longqiong seemed to have ignored this, seeing the dragon guards flying in, said lightly, and stretched the dragon's body again and flew in another direction.

   "Joan, Joan~"

Looking around, Bai Long couldn't stay idle. It rushed to Bai Longqiong and asked curiously, "Could it be that on these eight-sided mountain peaks, each side is a piece of sky, and you can fly from outside." to here?"

   "Yes, it's not~"

   Bai Longqiong's answer made Bai Long even more confused.

   "What do you mean~"

   Bai Long smiled bitterly, "Yes, it is, it is not."

   "Before Menglan comes here~"

   Bai Longqiong smiled, "You are absolutely right, every face of the eight-faced front is a piece of sky, and you can come from the dragon domain..."


   Before Bai Longqiong finished speaking, not far away, several dragon-shaped contours were reflected on the mirror surface of an eight-sided mound, and then the contours were as solid as a superimposed shadow, and several dragons flew in with their teeth and claws.


   Seeing Man waiting, the dragon clan immediately roared, ready to fly to provoke.

  Bai Longqiong glared at them impatiently, "Wow~" Several dragons were so frightened that they wailed and fled away.

   "This trial hasn't started yet~"

  Man glanced at Bai Longqiong, and said, "The dragon clan that enters the'star' is ready to fight. When Menglan is born, the star fruit, star dew and star liquid appear, what a **** storm would have to be set off!"

   "Not much~"

   Bai Longqiong said faintly, "In that year, we came together with eight dragons, only three can go out. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM"

   Sure enough, with the forward flight, more and more dragons fly out, without exception, meeting is a provocation, and then...there is no more, either Bai Longqiong rises up and kills a few, or Longwei releases and scares him away.

Man’s trip is not for trial, it is more looking for the Celestial Envoy, so his mind is placed on the star power, the star power of the "star" is not as surging as Man thought, but more like ocean waves, sometimes turbulent , Sometimes depleted, especially the surrounding starry sky is not light, it is impossible to perceive the dense stars at all.


   Sometimes Man also agrees with the Human Race's term "star", "Star power is really as hard to guess as sea water!"

But with Bai Longqiong's leadership, I really found that the star power is becoming more and more vast. It is necessary to come to a starry sky and look at the countless Bahian mountains around, large and small, lying in the dark, continuous for more than tens of thousands of miles. , Until it was inserted into the end of darkness, the star power was strong to the extreme.

   "It should be here~"

  Bai Longqiong looked around and whispered, "My son, it's time for you to find it next."

   adds more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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