Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3691: Faster shot, faster face slap

In this situation, Xiao Hua no longer intends to recognize Zhenren Lu. After all, this situation is too complicated. Who knows if there is any secret that even Ao Sheng does not know?

Xiao Hua is safest only if he hides in the body of the ancient dragon.

Of course, the real person Lun at this time is no longer an opponent of Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua has to use the revenge of the real person to conceal his identity. He does not have to let the real person trouble trouble him all the time, so Xiao Hua except There is no other choice to escape.

I don’t know, but I just flew thousands of miles, the lightning flashes in front of his head, and the real Thunder also blocked his head with a smirk, arrogantly said: "Little dragon boy, keep your life, don’t let me do it, or I will let you go. !"

"These two silly things~~"

Xiao Hua stopped and watched his two clones block him back and forth. He was really helpless, and cursed in his heart, "Looking back, I didn't beat you half to death."

It's a pity that you have to make it clear that if you want to fight half-deadly, that is the future. Xiao Hua now has to face the ultimate move of two clones!

"I got a new dragon weapon~"

Seeing Xiao Hua panicked, Zhen Zhenren felt extremely satisfied. He raised his dragon claws and sacrificed to the chuo dragon hui soul bridge and said, "I will take your sacrifice today!"


Seeing the dragon and hui soul bridge waved, colorful like a rainbow, a horror that made me tremble, Xiao Hua's soul was flying out of the sky, and he cursed in his heart, "I really hate the poor. Dao is pushing hard!"

Xiao Hua's eyes looked at the real person Lei Ting. Real person thunder looked unsettled, but Xiao Hua knew that this servant must have gone to the space to get the dragon whip.

Even if Xiao Hua had the mind to let the real dragon weapon remove the ancient dragon body of the ancient dragon, he would not dare to face the big killer of the dragon dragon soul bridge, this dragon dragon soul bridge is clearly Take a shot at Shenhun!

Xiao Hua can use few methods now, looking at the nine colors like a bridge, the force of suppression is abundant, and the unspeakable tingling is born from the soul, and the dragon power in the dragon's body also has a tendency to pour out, Xiao Hua Don't dare to be negligent, he raised his dragon claws, and Long Hao made a sacrifice!


There was a star shining on the Long Yu Dingzhou nail, and the dazzling Xia Cai went straight into the sky. It was just before Jiucai was blocked. The nail shadow was like hitting the seven inches of a poisonous snake, nailing the dragon to the soul bridge. In mid-air, no matter how real person Ren Ran urged the dragon's power, the soul bridge couldn't fall down.


Xiao Hua looked at Reality Lu proudly, and laughed, "Lun, your vision is too bad, right? You actually treat this tattered thing as a treasure? You want to kill Lao Tzu by this?"

"I don't know how high the earth is~"

Real Lei Ting sneered behind Xiao Hua, "Let you know what a baby is!"

After speaking, the real person Lei Ting offered something, scared Xiao Hua's soul flying into the sky.

Xiao Hua thought that Real Thunder would come up with the dragon whip. After all, it was a big killer against the dragons. Any dragon would feel weak when facing the dragon whip. Xiao Hua didn’t know if he could escape it, but Real Thunder made a move. There was a flash of bronze light and shadow, and the imprisonment power that was a hundred times stronger than that of the Dragon Dragon Soul Bridge suddenly emerged. Seeing that within the light and shadow, isn't it the Diamond Cutter?

Xiao Hua wanted to break his head and couldn't think that Real Thunder would be sacrificed by General King Kong. At this time, even if he wanted to flee, King Kong was too powerful. He just flew out and had already confined thousands of miles of space, even Long Yun. The brilliance of the Dingzhou Nail trembles under the diamonds.


Reality Lei Ting looked at Xiao Hua's dragon body being sealed, and shouted to Reality Lu with a big smile, "The dragon whip was taken away by Su Zhe, and Feng Dao will help you get the King Kong general. You can kill the clown dragon! "


Zhenren Lu is overjoyed, and he is about to urge the Dragon Dragon Soul Bridge again.

Xiao Hua was helpless, just about to open his mouth to identify himself, but suddenly he thought of the "nine yan mang wen fan" he had just obtained. Since this thing can protect the thunder and dragon, it should also be able to stop the diamond. .

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua immediately fanned out the Jiuyan Mangliwen, but to Xiao Hua's surprise, he didn't wait for Xiao Hua to actuate, "brush~" Jingangzhuo turned like a mouse when he saw a cat. , Fell directly into the hands of Real Thunder, and was nowhere to be seen.

Not to mention that Xiao Hua was inexplicable, even the real person Thunder was at a loss. He hurriedly searched for King Kong Zhuo, and shouted: "General King Kong, General King Kong..."


When I was looking for it, there was the sound of Long Xiao in the distance. Wasn't it the Han Longji?

"Let's go~"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Hua hurriedly collected the nine-yan mangliwen fan and the Longyan Dingzhou nail, and his figure kept flying towards one place.


Real Thunder hurriedly flew up and shouted, "Where to go~"

With that said, the real person Lei Ting had to sacrifice other fairy artifacts.

"Don't chase~"

Zhenren Lu was a little bit depressed, and he quickly closed the Dragon Dragon Soul Bridge, and said in a low voice, "That guy has some origins, and he escaped from such a good situation just now. I will chase after it, I'm afraid I won't have such a chance. , Wait for it!"


Mortal Lei Ting stopped and looked at King Kong Zhuo appearing in his hand, surprised, "General King Kong seems to know the dragon weapon in the hands of that servant, wait a minute!"

With that, the real person Lei Ting engulfed King Kongzhuo and fell into the space. Unfortunately, after a while, his mind returned to Zhenren Lun and said, "King Kongzhuo didn't say anything."


Real person Lun felt that Han Longji had a sense of prosperity, and immediately said, "This is the end of the matter, you don't need to bother about it."

Real Person Lei Ting watched Han Longji flying over, and asked worriedly: "Will it tell Ao Sheng?"


Zhenren Lun smiled and whispered, "Don't worry, it will definitely not. It came to Ao Sheng for a purpose. It dare not tell what happened today, or even what dragon weapon I used. Because it was afraid that I would also tell the two dragon artifacts it took."


Real Person Thunder looked at Real Person Lu, and he was a little surprised, and asked, "Then you are also afraid that it will tell you about your dragon weapon?"

"What do you mean?"

Zhenren Lu asked rhetorically.


The two clones laughed knowingly. UU reading

"Oh, yes~"

Real person Lu suddenly thought of something, and finally asked, "General King Kong didn't say that he knew this clown dragon?"


Real Man Thunder didn't want to shook his head, and said, "King Kongzuo doesn't say a word. Besides, how could he know the clown dragon you mentioned?"

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