Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3688: The keel has a secret


Huang Longyan shook his head and said, "We flew all the way and never saw it, but, son, what are you looking for?"

How could Ao Sheng tell the truth to Huang Longyan? He smiled and said: "You are all my personal dragon guards. He is a guest. I naturally have to ask him more."

"Oh oh~"

Huang Longyan was extremely happy. It looked at where Thunder Yin and Dragon were fighting, and asked, "Is it there?"


Ao Sheng nodded and said, "There is no outside of the battle formation, that is, it is in the battle formation. Fly, let's go and see."

"Let's make a way for the son~"

Huang Longyan nodded to Qing Longyun, and shouted loudly.

"Haha, I'm working hard~"

Ao Shengfei smiled behind the two dragons.

Seeing Huang Longyan began to spray flames to kill Yin Long, Ao Sheng chong Xiao Hua said: "Ye, you don't have to follow me to find the reel, I don't think you have gained much from the Dragon God Cave. This is your last chance to try. Go yourself, there are Qinglong and Huanglong to protect me, I will be fine."

"Yes, yes~"

Xiao Hua was "grateful," and said, "I'm trying out around the son, and I won't be far away."


Ao Sheng didn't say much, exhorted a few words, and flew away after Huang Longyan.

Xiao Hua slowly followed behind, and while attacking the Thunder Yin Dragon, he probed the situation in his body.

At this time, Dianguang Longxie and Thunder Longxie still turned into a huge Tai Chi, slowly rotating in the starry sky of the five-tone dragon formation, inexplicable time and space dragons envelop the starry sky, and the double helix is ​​in these dragons. Slowly and quickly absorb the fluctuations of lightning and thunder.

"The dragon body of this ancient dragon is really profound~"

After the trial of the Dragon God Cave, Xiao Hua said with emotion again, "Even if there are only 4.2 billion double helices left in the Poor Dragon's body, it can still contain the huge starry sky in the body. How powerful is the space dragon inside this? !"

Naturally, Ao Sheng didn’t know. Speaking of the gains from the Dragon God Cave, all the dragon tribes and all the tribes combined are not comparable to Xiao Hua, not to mention two dragon sloughs, just say Xiao Hua’s 4.2 billion clones, four in each body. The 1.2 billion double helix, the electric light and thunder absorbed by this huge double helix in the Dragon God Cave and Thunder Tomb is enough to make Wang Wei dumbfounded.

It's just that these electric lights and thunder are being absorbed by the double helix, and the double helix has not yet evolved. Everything is covered by this ancient dragon body. No one knows that the disappeared Feilongtian and Qianlongyuan have long since disappeared. Hidden in Xiao Hua's body.

"Pan Dao should hurry up and combine Dianguang Longxiu and Thunder Longxiu together~"

Xiao Hua looked at the huge Tai Chi, and said in his heart, "After waiting for the poor Dao to fade away, Lin Huan will send the two-in-one dragon body in front of the master, and his old man will be able to come out of the shadow of the space."

Xiao Hua's methodical trial, but Ao Sheng was anxious in his heart. Apart from Chi Longyu, the other Dragon Guards were also found, but he did not find the real person.

Of course, the real Thunder and others did not show up either.

"The son~"

Qinglong said in a low voice, "Yu knows the Human Race, are they together? Or have they left Tiebing?"

Of course, Ao Sheng thought of this possibility. After all, the only thing it could restrain the real person was the agreement to go to Xingmenghai, and now with Wang Suhuan at the peak of Hunyuan, real person Lu can't use Ao Sheng at all.

But if it is said that the real person Lu is gone, and Ao Sheng has also lost the capital to lure Xiao Hua over, it will not be able to find Xiao Hua.


When he thought of this, Ao Sheng inevitably became a little impatient. He couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, "Then you don't hurry to look around?"

"Yes, son~"

Qinglong and the others didn't dare to neglect, they flew up, looked around, and began to assign directions to find out.

Xiao Hua was naturally no exception, and was also sent to look for it in one direction.

"Is this dead dragon really leaving with Thunder?"

Xiao Hua whispered secretly to slander, "These two things, one is brainless and the other is brainless, together they will definitely pierce the sky."

Even Xiao Hua didn't know that Real Man Lu had another chance.

"Long Hao~"

Within the dragon formation, the same voice as the real man Lu sounded again, "Want to know who I am? Then quickly break the dragon formation."

"I'm still afraid that you won't make it?"

Real person Lun roared, and his mind was about to fall into space. Although the space dragon domain does not have a dragon clan who is proficient in array formation, there are some in Xingchentian, so he can get out of Gushangwan casually. Isn't it easy to make you a dragon formation?

It's a pity that Real Person Lun realized that he couldn't perceive the space at all.


Real person Lun suddenly understood what the dragon said before entering the space, and cursed, "This is an ancient nightmare, not a nightmare, it's no wonder that the dragon looks like a gap in the interface."

At the same time, Zhenren Yan understood better why Ao Sheng couldn't find it here. Ao Sheng always thought that this dragon weapon was on the battlefield of Nightmare, but he did not expect that the dragon weapon was actually in the ancient Nightmare, and there was only a gap between the ancient nightmare and the nightmare. If it hadn't had the breath of the Nine-Eyed Heavenly Crown, it would have been impossible for the dragon to find it.

Since he couldn't ask for help from Star Sky Team, Zhenren Lun could only rely on himself.

The famous immortal formations in the good fortune gate include the endless Xuanxuan Hundred Great Formation, the Starry Sky Wanyu Heluo Hunyuan Great Formation, the Supreme Escape One Xuanyuan Immortal Formation, and the Four Seasons Sword Formation. The starry sky and ten thousand domains of Heluo Hunyuan is the best, but Real Person thinks for a moment, he is afraid that only the Supreme Escape One Xuanyuan Immortal Array is familiar to him.


So Zhenren Lun shouted without hesitation, "Listen to my orders, Bu Wushang escape Yixuanyuan Immortal Formation!"


All the golden light and yin dragons roared together, and in the dispatch of the real man, they began to lay a supreme escape from a Xuanyuan immortal array.

The immortal formation was first formed, and it was naturally full of flaws, and even some places did not become a climate at all. However, the nine-color fairy formation has turned into a defense, and the flaws are not attacked. Gradually become familiar.

"Kill, kill~"

The yin dragons, like the real person's own will, tried their best to fight, and due to the eyes of the real person, a familiar sense of satisfaction emerged spontaneously.


Real man Lu thought to himself, UU read www.uukanshu. com "No wonder Friends Xiao Dao they like..."

Just thinking of this, "Om~" The Nine-Eight Heavenly Crown shook again, and golden light Ruzhu directly fell into the eyebrows of Reality Lu.


Real person Lun screamed, the dragon's body rolled in midair, and golden light shot out from his body. Within this golden light, a complete keel began to give birth to inexplicable waves, and this wave rushed into the body of Real person Lun, just like a double helix in Xiao. Hua's body revolved generally, and began to clean up the dirt and impurities in the dragon's body, and some mysterious insights and memories entered the soul of the real man.

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