Revival of the Gods

Chapter 367: Blessed by misfortune

"Hey?" The more the Thunder is, the more volatility in the previous Lei Haizhong, Xiao Hua suddenly moved in the heart, the dark road, "Is this fluctuation similar to the fluctuations in Yan Fei's waist card? The law fragments are similar, except that this is volatility, and those are condensed. If so, can Xiaomou understand the law fragments as well as the way of understanding the order?"

About half a tea time, Xiao Hua some can not control the hands of the flame tentacles, he hurriedly showed the fairy marks, "Boom" silver light column shines the flame tentacles, a tiny star in the star fairy marks began to flash, the core reveals If the word "dao" of the flame!

"Booming and banging..." "Tao" has just appeared, and the wave path has rushed into the fairy mark. It is not the expectation of Xiao Hua. The volatility is transformed into a thunder in the starry sky, and the thunder of the sword is full. Starry sky, another star is flashing, and many Thunder are falling towards this star!

"Value, value..." Seeing all of this, Xiao Hua was happy to open the flower. "Even if you can't find any treasures, you can light up the two rules in the fairy mark. It's not a bad trip."

Although Xiao Hua thinks so, he can watch the flame tentacles go away from the fairy marks and silver, and his heart is also reluctant. He hurriedly released his mind and covered the Thunder out of the place. The atmosphere of Sendai in the space also tried to release.

Sure enough, the sound of "咔" sounded like a broken eggshell. A glaring golden light flew out of the thunder, and it did not wait for Xiaohua’s mind to cover it. It has already turned into a sword and flew into Xiaohua space. At the same time, at the same time The flaming tentacle also followed the golden light back to the space.

"Haha..." Xiaolei first jumped up and laughed and shouted. "Master, this is this, it is this..."

"Hey..." Xiao Hua smiled slightly, flying with a small thunder.

Inside the space, there are two golden plaques on the side of Sendai, one complete and the other at the edge of the break, only half. The crack was jagged, and only half of the words were broken from the crack. Xiao Hua thought that there would be another half of Sendai to connect the crack together. But he was wrong. At this time, in the crack, a small piece similar to the flame tentacles, complemented by another golden scorpion.

These two golden 蝌蚪 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒The sword stabbed into Xiao Hua’s mind, in particular, the golden light flashed, a kind of punishment for all things, a kind of clear law of the autumn is actually in the entire space of the fairy world.

“Big good!” Yuhua Xiaohua smiled and smiled. “My heart is more and more perfect!”

"Hey, hehe..." Xiaolei screamed happily and danced around the Sendai. His feelings for Sendai were different from Xiaohua. He was nurtured by the thunderstorm in Sendai since he was a child. It is his "milk girl"!

Yuhua Xiaohua just wants to take a closer look at Sendai, his brow wrinkled, and a bad feeling came out of the space. Yuhua Xiaohua did not dare to neglect and rushed out of space.

Yuhua Xiaohua came and went in a hurry. Naturally, he did not know that there was something happening in his fairy space.

In the nine days of Qiongtai, this is a nine-day mysterious woman who teaches the disciples of the martial arts. Suddenly, the body is trembled, and the whole body also produces an inexplicable thunder. This thunder and light scrolls will bring out three or five disciples to the world, and the nine-day mysterious woman Thousands of feet of space are instantaneously made into nothingness, and while the lightning is converging, the dragon rushes into the mind of the nine-day mysterious woman. Her face is extremely surprised: "Hey? This... What is this? How... How familiar? ?"

"The maidens..." Several martial arts disciples hurriedly flew, surprised. "This... what is going on?"

"You don't have to pay attention to me, fast!" In the eyes of the nine-day Xuan female, he gave birth to a sigh of joy. He called, "Go to my order, and all the disciples will immediately retreat. No matter where they are, the rules of the fairy tales will be changed! Remember, There is a sense of punishment in heaven and earth, and it is of great help to practice such as Seoul!"

"Yes, the maiden..." Several disciples rushed to go. The nine-day mysterious woman closed her eyes and sat down on the knees. She began to manifest purple light and shadow, but she had some self-talk in her mouth. "It’s strange, what is the meaning of punishment? How did I move so familiar? It seems that this is an opportunity for me to restore my memory, hoping to find out my origins..."

Beyond the space, the atmosphere of the Sendai station disappeared, and the fluctuations of the Bai Leiyuan Leihai disappeared. The bottom of Xiaohua’s place was filled with various fluctuations. A kind of annihilation similar to the destruction of the earth was brewed like ink!

"Not good!" Xiaohua's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly urged his body to cross the space debris and wanted to rush out of the ground. Before he got to the vicinity of Bai Leiyuan, his ears gave birth to a thunderous sound of "rumbling". The rumor has not yet been released, but it is also beneficial if the sting of the flying sword has already hit.

Xiao Hua instantly understood that the Boleiyuan Leihai, which was born because of the fragments of Sendai, began to collapse at this time. If this huge Leihai is hitting other places in the fairyland, it will cause a disaster in the fairy world!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua thought sharply, hesitating whether to take out the fragments of Sendai, or send the Thunder Sea into the fairy space.

However, when he flew over Bai Leiyuan and saw the peaks surrounding Bai Leiyuan dumping, the thunder sea rushed to the surrounding area. Everywhere he went, everything broke. He immediately turned off the second thought. To charge these thunder!

"But it!" Xiao Hua sighed. "I am afraid that this piece of Sendai is not with Xiao!"

Xiao Hua took the initiative and immediately sent out the fragments of Sendai, all of which ignored Xiao Lei’s impatience in the space of the fairy world.

When the Sendai Taiwan shards come out, let's not say that the thundering waters that are flooding around have turned back. For example, the tides of the sea rushed to Xiaohua, and the high-altitude places, the "rumbling rumbling" burst into shocks, the thunderclouds that have dissipated re-aggregated, countless If the thunderbolt of the cypress tree plunges in the thunderclouds, with the thunder and pillars born with a will of heaven and earth, the will of the heavens and the earth will be imprisoned in the space of nearly 100,000 miles!

"Oops!" Xiao Hua was shocked. He was a little overwhelmed and had a feeling of blame. The shards of Sendai in the air were like hot hoes, and now he has no way to escape even if he wants to escape!

In fact, at this time, Xiao Hua’s choice was very simple. He only had to re-occupy the debris of the Sendai station, and all the disasters could disappear. Think about the destruction that Lei Hai may cause to the surrounding area. Xiao Hua can't do this either!

But if you don't do this, Xiao Hua is afraid that he can't resist the anger of Lei Hai's counterattack and punishment!

The will of the heavens and the earth will not be able to withstand the sorrow of Xiao Huayi. Xiao Hua looks at the thunder and falls, the punishment is imminent, and the state of mind is extremely calm. Not only because the fairyland space has long been arranged, but there are nine days of mysterious women guiding the disciples, and there will be no mistakes. Moreover, because Xiao Hua is innocent, he is worthy of the world, worthy of anyone!

"Oh, it's a pity..." Xiao Hua's only regret is naturally home. He looked up and looked at the sky outside Leiyun. "Xiao can't set foot on the star..."

"Stars??" I thought of this, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a move, a crazy thought gave birth, "No matter Leihai, Leishui, or Leiyun, Leizhu, but the appearance, its essence is the law of Ray. The inside of the Sendai Shard should contain the law of Ray, and there is no star of the 3 thousand avenues within the star of Xiao’s starry sky. The law of these thunder is in Leihai, Leilei, and it is killing Xiao. Everything, but... can it fall into the fairy mark? Are they not the rule of thunder?"

At this time, Xiao Hua was not allowed to think about it. Xiao Hua did not hesitate to take a look at his own eyebrows. The starry fairy marks were revealed, and the inner mottled silver hood was on the shards of Sendai!

If the shards of Sendai had never entered the space before touching the Sendai, Xiaohua’s fairy scent could not spur the fragment of the engraved “斩”. The Sendai Terrace in Xiaohua Space is already familiar with Xiaohua’s star air, and the silver light falls. The Sendaitai fragments slowly fly and float into the Xiaohua starry fairy.

The shards of Sendai have just entered the starry sky, and the thunderbolt with a size of more than 100 feet has been shot down. However, what makes Xiaohua happy is that things are not beyond his expectations, and the thunder column falls into the silver light. The shape of the Thunder, the first thunder can touch the starry fairy mark, immediately disappeared a trace of unspeakable fluctuations and then illusion, this fluctuation spreads along the thunderbolt, that is, between the fingers, the huge thunder column falls into the starry sky Waves斩 Sendai Shards enter the starry fairy, and the streamer falls to the side of a Thunder-like “dao” word. The word “dao” is like a breath, and its star is like a small tree. Grow up slowly! As for the fluctuations of the huge thunder, it naturally falls into this starry glory and becomes the fertilizer for the growth of small trees.

Xiao Hua finally had peace of mind. He sat down on his knees and closed his eyes. He began to fully understand the law of Ray falling into the fairy mark. A strange scene appeared, the thunder of high tides, and the thunderbolt lightning that fell all around, madly rushed to Xiaohua. However, when they touched the silver light that Xiao Hua’s eyebrows shot, they immediately shrank with the light and shadow, and fell into the bright and lightning-like fairy marks like a tribute!

There is no special concept in Bai Leiyuan’s Leihai. Xiaohua did not have a special concept before, but when he spent nearly a month, that is, more than three hundred days, Lei Hai’s thunderwater was turned into the law of thunder. The volatility of the sky star fairy, he only knows how big Lei Hai is!

Needless to say, within the starry fairy, the star that represents the law of Ray has an unexpected change, it has become the bright star in the starry sky next to the way of life and death and the cause and effect. This harvest certainly makes Xiao Hua happy, but he is more gratified that Lei Hai was collected by himself. The flood of Lei Hai did not cause destruction to this fairyland. This is what Xiao Hua values ​​most.

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