Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3665: 1 person and 1 dragon


Wang Susu laughed. He understood that Yun Longji wanted to learn sign language. After all, in this silent Dragon God Cave, he wanted to quiet this violent female dragon, which really embarrassed her.

But Yun Longji is not a human race, her fingers are nothing more than illusion, the ordinary handle is okay, it is naturally difficult to learn sign language, not to mention that Wang Suhuan can't speak at all, and the two sweet fingers are pointing around, after all. Can learn to understand.

Real person Lun was helpless and could only stand by the side, but Han Longji, instead of flying around the real person of Thunder, would pounce on him from time to time, making some ear-pleasing actions.

In this last day, Yun Longji was making eyebrows with Wang Suo, "brush~" A golden hook in the distant electric light flashed, and it fell into Yun Longji's body.

Yun Longji's expression changed, and she shouted, "No, it's the clan who ruined the mark of fishing the dragon and the panchen hook~"

After speaking, Yun Longji suddenly raised her thick fingers, making clumsy gestures.

Actually, it is not necessary for Yun Longji to say that anyone who looks at the golden hook will understand what is going on, but Wang Suhua still smiles, waiting extremely gracefully for Yun Longji to finish his gestures before starting his own sign language.

"Fine, nothing~"

Zhenren Lu looked at the side and understood, "This little white face is the female dragon killer, how can this kind of elegance be comparable to the dragon clan of the Dragon Realm?"

Wang Suhuan’s sign language is very simple, meaning: "Baby Yun, the clan may come after you, you fly first, and I will protect you behind!"

This "Baby Yun" was Wang Suhuan's first sign language to teach Yun Longji, and she didn't understand it. The tenderness in Yun Longji's eyes when she looked at the sign language on the left and right almost melted away, and she didn't even want to immediately sign and say: "No , You go first, I'm not afraid~"

"That's OK~"

Wang Suhuan immediately gestured, "Let’s go hurry up together!"

"A couple of dogs and men!"

One dragon and one person are so bored, even real person Lun can understand, he can't help but slander himself secretly.

Since the clan may be chasing, the real person Lei Ting and Su Zhe could not continue to practice, Wang Suhua awakened the two of them, distinguished the direction slightly, and flew forward immediately.

Han Longji was naturally with the real Thunder, and it kept entangled with the real Thunder, and kept gesturing with his fingers. Real Thunder did not understand what it meant. After Su Zhe made the gesture, Real Thunder knew that Han Longji envied Yun Longji and Wang. Sustained kiss me and me, and learn sign language from the real Lei Ting.

"Go away~"

The real person Lei Ting did not have the patience of Wang Susu, he beat Han Long Ji to roll in the air with a wave of his hand, cursing, "Where can I get this?"

Han Long Ji had changed her face and was about to turn her face, but suddenly she looked at her dragon's body in an incredible way, and flew over again, letting Real Thunder hit it again.

Real Lei Ting was also puzzled. Seeing Han Longji kept pulling his hand to fan him, he felt a little helpless. Zhang Zuo silently shouted, "What are you going to do?"


Su Zhe saw something, and turned his head to Wang Susu and gestured, "This real person seems to be able to control the law of electricity and light in the Dragon God Cave. He just hit Han Long Ji, which caused a change in Han Long Ji's dragon power."

"Not bad~"

Wang Suhuan squinted his eyes, looked at the real person Lei Ting, nodded thoughtfully, and then gestured, "If you and I have good fortune, Jin Yuanri's good fortune in the Dragon God Cave will fall on his head."

Having said that, Wang Suhuan did not mean to teach Real Man Lei Ting sign language. Sign language is nothing to immortals, but Real Man Lei Ting did not come to ask for advice, and Wang Suu had no reason to disturb the intimacy between Real Man Lei Ting and Han Longji. After all, Wang Suo Su is the person who came here. He knows the habits of the dragon clan. If Real Thunder can not conquer Han Long Ji, as long as they leave the Dragon God Cave, Han Long Ji will immediately dump Real Thunder. The experience of this Dragon God Cave is exactly the experience of Real Thunder handle Han Long Ji. the best of.

Han Longji has been grinding with the real person Lei Ting for a long time. Real person Lei Ting finally understands something. He smiled slightly and gestured to let Han Long Ji fly down under his crotch. He flew up on his body, flashing lights all over his body, and waved his hand to hit Han again. Long Ji's dragon spine.


Han Longji felt a burst of electric light falling into his body, and the realm that hadn't been moved for a long time since "Holy" returned to "Electric" rose again. It roared cheerfully, and then danced wildly in the electric light.


Su Zhe couldn't help looking sideways, and cursed in a low voice, "This fellow is too shameless."

Unexpectedly, Yun Longji's cheerful look at Han Longji also took Wang Suhuan to fly out, rolling in the air and regaining the shape of the dragon.


Wang Suhua smiled slightly, and also stepped onto Yun Longji, one person and one dragon heading straight into the sky!


Real person Lun also cursed lowly, but as his gaze was swept, he and Su Zhe's eyes collided unintentionally, Real person Lun's dragon body trembled and flew backwards involuntarily, and Su Zhe did the same.

This person is one dragon... embarrassing!

Not to mention that Wang Suhuan is playing while waiting, while flying towards what Han Longji knows, only that Xiao Hua urged Long Xuan's method to cause the electric light to fall, and try his best to split the double helix clone. I don't know how long it took. , I don't know how many avatars were split, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that his eyes went dark, and he had escaped from the heavy electric light.

Xiao Hua turned his head in amazement, but seeing the roar of the electric light, the outline of an extremely large ancient dragon sunk into the electric light like a huge stone, and then looked at himself, once again turned into a dragon body of the ancient ancient dragon with only 4.2 billion double spirals.


Watching hundreds of millions of miles of electricity around us pour out like a torrent again, UU reading www. Xiao Hua seemed to be an outsider, commenting on his feet and saying, "It turns out that the dragon body with the soul can stay in this dragon **** cave, and the clone with only the imprint of the soul can only sink in, oh, no, it is floating on the dragon **** cave. The sky, but what is on the sky?"

Xiao Hua certainly didn't know what was above the sky, but he knew that his more than two billion double spiral clones went straight into the sky, and Long Power was enough to rescue the two billion double spiral clones in Thunder's grave.

What Xiao Hua had to do now was to wait, on the one hand, waiting for Wang Suhuan and others to fly, on the other hand, waiting for the two billion double spiral flying bodies to completely split, and once again condense the Yang hexagram corresponding to the Yin hexagram.

As for going to Wang Suhuan, Xiao Hua wouldn’t do such silly things. Wang Suhuan’s side is more dangerous than Ao Sheng’s side. Looking for the pinnacle of his own Hunyuan, Xiao Hua could not go to the net...

Add more for "the fattest cow dung"~

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