Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3642: 1 If you don't agree, go to war

But seeing the flashing dragon's tail flying across the sky, wherever the shadow went, there was a "crack" thunder and lightning sound all around. With the sound, a huge thunder totem appeared on the dragon's tail, and the dragon general When the dragon’s tail hits the dragon’s tail of Qinglong.


The dragon general's dragon tail turned into a thunder and lightning, not only the sound of thunder but also the brilliance, it knocked the Qinglong down from mid-air at once, and even the dragon's tail was beaten to the ground. A long lightning mark was deeply imprinted on it, and this mark kept flashing, causing the blood of Qinglong's dragon tail to flow for a long time.

"Little ones~"

Long Jiang grinned, while rushing towards Qinglong, he shouted, "Kill~"


Tens of thousands of dragons whispered together, rushing to Ao Sheng and other dragons in a team.

Looking at Ao Sheng again, he didn't panic at all. He also looked around and said, "Dragons, fight!"


Huang Longyan waited to look at each other, and immediately led the dragons to form a battle.

Huang Longyuan and Chi Longyu stood by Ao Sheng, watching the dragon fight with Qinglong together.


Xiao Hua didn't bother to fight, he looked around, and said, "You are still laying the dragon formations, the same as before, but this is the real dragon race, not the Yinlong, so they will not disappear. You just have to fight as before. !"

"Yes, Dalong~"

More than a dozen dragons were overjoyed and agreed and immediately set up an array.

Ying said with concern: "How about you?"


Xiao Hua smiled, and flew down to the center of the Daolong Formation, "I will give you a blast!"

"Haha, good~"

Seeing Xiao Hua sitting in the center of the dragon formation, the dragons were overjoyed and their fighting spirit was immediately high.


But for a moment, there were dragon roars and screams one after another...

"The son~"

Seeing that Qinglong and Longjiang were killed equally, and the surrounding dragon guards had suffered too much, Huang Longyuan whispered, "Should I help Qinglong?"

"No need~"

Ao Sheng has a clear mind, "Let the Qinglong toss for a while, let the old dragon see my strength, and wait until I see it, I will be able to talk."

"The problem is~"

Huang Longyuan waited for a moment, looked around a little uneasy, and said, "Yan, Yun, Xi can't stand it!"

"I did it on purpose~"

Ao Sheng said lightly, "They, they have to go through multiple fights before they can mature...Huh???"

Ao Sheng's tone was faint, his eyes swept around inadvertently, but when he saw one place, he couldn't help but exclaimed.


Huang Longyuan and Chi Longyu were shocked and blurted out.

"Look at Ye He Ying~"

Ao Sheng raised his dragon's claws and pointed to the distance.

Chi Longyu looked at it, and saw a gossip-like thunderbolt surrounded by thousands of dragons. Although this thunder was small, it was like a hedgehog with thorns. Every time it flew over, a dragon screamed and fell. In the moment Chi Longyu explored, dozens of dragons had been injured.

"This is…"

Chi Longyu naturally saw Lei Ting's inner and outer layers of gossip Reis at a glance. It was a little uncertain and said, "Ba ~ Gua dragon formation?"

"Haha, yes, it's the gossip dragon formation~"

Ao Sheng laughed and said, "Needless to say, this must be Ye's handwriting. If you give Ying a hundred brains, it won't be able to think of it!"

"This...this Ye is really out of **** luck~"

Zhenren Lun couldn't help feeling sour, and laughed, "It still knows the dragon formation."

"Don't forget~"

Ao Sheng glanced at Zhenren Lu and said, "Ye is from the hometown of the Wuyin Dragon Emperor. It's normal that there are dragon formations we don't know about there."


Zhenren Lun frowned and said sharply, "Where does the gossip from our Dragon Race come from? This gossip is from the Human Race? Where did Ye learn the gossip, it must be a Human Race's fine work..."


Ao Sheng couldn’t help cursing, “Of course, gossip is used by Humans much, but the originator of gossip is the human head dragon body, which is also the dragon ancestor of my dragon clan. If it weren’t for my dragon clan’s dragon clan who likes to fight, how many more can I do with Ye? The dragons who are willing to use their brains, how can gossip make people beautiful?"


Zhenren Lun was speechless, he really didn't know this.

"This Ye~~"

Even Chi Longyu looked at it for a moment, but couldn't help but praised, "It's okay!"


Without waiting for Ao Sheng to say anything, the sky above the sky, and then flashed by electric light, several dragons flew swagger with the dragon clan, it was obvious that they had been sent by the dragon general.

"Go ahead~"

Ao Sheng retracted his gaze from Xiao Hua and others, took a look, and said lightly, "The old dragon of'Anjia' will come out in a while, so I can talk to it."


Chi Longyu nodded, raised his head up to the sky and screamed, and the hidden Longwei exploded towards the surroundings.


The Dragon Lord’s Longwei was born well. Sweeping through the thunder is like the essence, and the thunder has long been beaten to annihilation. There was a sound like the sound of the tide hitting the shore, and the dragons that had just flew down hadn’t seen anything at all. , Just one by one "Ohhhhh~" and fell from mid-air yelling.

Suddenly, the whole scene was in chaos, and even Weilong who was besieging Huanglongyan and others was so scared to stop.


Chi Longyu rushed into the sky, and the dragon claws grabbed it out of thin air, "Kakchacha~" Lei Chu who had a radius of more than 100,000 miles was caught by it, UU reading www.uukanshu. Coming like a mad dragon's thunder appeared under its dragon's claws, he shouted, "Master Ao is here, who dares to move?"

The dragons are the most bullying and fearful of hardship. Seeing Chi Longyu so fierce, who would dare to move?

It’s a pity that it’s just a few breaths. "Boom~" A sturdy long feeling swept over in the distance. With the appearance of the long feeling, the thunder of a hundred thousand li like a mad dragon broke every inch. , An even more arrogant voice sounded: "It turned out to be Yu, you, the underdog general, dare to call and show off?"


Chi Longyu's face was pulled down immediately, and he roared, "Damn, Qi, when will I be defeated by you? You are too shameless to speak!"


As Chi Longyu's voice fell to the ground, a pale golden dragon claw tore through the space and thunder, and straightly grabbed it, and every claw carried an aura of destruction.


Chi Longyu's dragon claws rolled back immediately and directly greeted him.

Before the two dragon claws were caught together, the thunder in the middle was annihilated by the dragon power of the two dragons, and a series of gray-black gossip marks were revealed in the thunder, and the "Kakchak~" burst. At the same time, The space Long Li set off by Long Li also shattered and mixed with Lei Jian.

When the dragon claws hit one place with a "boom", the "boom~" space dragon and thunder burst at the same time, and a huge gap in space emerged, and the gust of wind was rolled out from the gap, "Aw~" Seeing In this way, the Zakon Dragon Clan's complexion changed drastically, and he fleeed with a roar.

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