Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3632: Fishing for 9 days

"It's nothing~"

Just what the fire red dragon was about to say, Xun flew out from a distance and sternly reprimanded: "Yun Longji, you are so bold. You dare to steal the fishing dragon and get out. What's the crime?"

The two dragons were panicked. Seeing Xun approaching, their faces were completely nervous, and they smiled: "Xun, the clan made you come here, right?"


Xun snorted coldly, looked at the series of water and light shadows hanging down on the interface, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"It's okay~"

The flaming red dragon waved the dragon's claws without a trace, "swipe~", a series of star-like phantoms retracted from the depths of the endless electric light, watching a golden yellow light fall into its own dragon's claws, the flaming dragon said Said, "It's just fishing for nine days!"

"Fishing for nine days?"

Xun was stunned, and looked at the interface around Long Feng Qidao, "Here can lead to Nine Heavens?"

"Nine days will not be enough~"

The flaming dragon took a look with his eyes. On a star not far away, there was a faintly faintly golden cone. The dragon's body stretched out and flew to another place. He said while flying, "But there are a lot of interfaces here. The cracks, although I don't know where the interface cracks lead, but with the fishing dragon panchen hook, you can catch all kinds of weird dragons and beasts from many cracks, and the taste is really good."


The pink dragon flew behind the red dragon, as if suddenly thinking of something, and hurriedly turned around and asked, "Xun, I gave you a dragon before, didn't you say it tastes good?"

"Ouch, yes, yes~"

Xun thought for a while and nodded again and again, "That dragon man tastes good, is there anything else?"

"It's weird~"

The flaming red dragon seemed to have known that Xun would say this for a long time, and said with a smile, "In this interface crevice, since the last time it was caught, no dragons have been hooked. If it weren't for the annihilation of the interface, the dragons would have been extinct."

"It may also be migrating away~"

The pink dragon also echoed next to him, "Did you have been chopped by someone last time, and even the fishing dragon panchen hook was damaged..."


Xun panicked all of a sudden, and whispered, "How is it, how did the fishing dragon panchen hook break?"

Xun finally understood Zuqi's purpose for letting himself come over and watch.

"It's okay~"

The fire red dragon shook his head and said, "It doesn't affect the use. I caught a few more afterwards!"

After all, the fiery red dragon had already reached another star that was condensed by electricity. This star was even thinner as water. When the three dragons fell, the star was forced to split apart by the dragon's might.

After the Xun fell, I looked around a little at a loss. After all, the electric light and the interface dragon were mixed together, even if it was it, it was easy to distinguish something for a while.

Look at the fiery red dragon, the dragon's claws flicked in the light of the car, the panchen hook of the fishing dragon is thrown out again, and a series of star phantoms are born in the golden light. When the phantoms are condensed, Xun can see clearly, there are a full 120,000 Nine thousand six hundred.

When Xun was even more stunned, the electric light was torn at the place where the golden light of the fishing dragon and panchen hook fell, and a vague interface aura gushed out from it.

"Yun, how do you know there is an interface gap here?"

Xun Qi said.

The fire red dragon casually said: "Without it, you are familiar with it~"


Xun didn't understand at all.


Just as the flaming dragon was about to answer, the pink dragon whispered; "Look, a dragon has taken the bait!"

When the fire-red dragon heard it, he hurriedly looked at it. Sure enough, some slight overflows came from a series of star phantoms, and the inexplicable light green also dyed the bottom phantom.


The flaming red dragon laughed, and the dragon's tail was a little on the star phantom. In the outline of "brush~" like a fishhook, several light green weird dragon beasts flew out along the phantom......

When Yun Longji and Han Longji were fishing on the fishing platform for nine days, they were still out of "electricity", patiently bragging with those dragon guards, and there was no such thing as the reincarnation of the dragon emperor.

Man Zheng said, suddenly raised his brows and looked up.

But after listening to "Kachacha~" The electric light flashed above the sky, as if the sky was split, a golden flame fell down, and a dragon-shaped flashing electric light stuck out its head in the flame.

"I have seen the clan~"

Seeing this, the dragons did not dare to neglect, and the flying commanders hurried over and shouted.

The dragon shape ignored them, looking at the man behind the dragons, and the dragon face that Man had never recovered.

The dragon-shaped gaze was like electricity, and asked faintly: "Are you the reincarnation of an ancestor?"

Quite felt that his dragon face seemed to be burned by the fire, as if everything in the dragon face was seen by the dragon-shaped gaze, it took a deep breath, and replied, neither humble nor humble: "Yes, that's right!"


As Man's voice landed, seven or seven forty-nine lightning flashes came out of nowhere, directly hitting Man's Dragon Xiang.


The brutal dragon roared with pain, and the dragon's body flew up, trying to escape, but it was a pity that the electric light was like a strong chain, confining the dragon to death.

The lightning fell into the dragon's body, and the strange outlines and totems of various colors poured out, all falling into the eyes of the dragon.

Confusion appeared in the dragon-shaped eyes.

"The clan~"

The savage dragon body trembled from time to time, but it still endured the unspeakable pain and smiled calmly, "Do you have any doubts?"

"It's because there is no doubt~"

The dragon looked pretty, and said lightly, "That's why I am puzzled!"


Quite smiling, did not speak any more, obviously waiting for the dragon-shaped decision.


After a long while, the dragon sighed It's on the verge of'electricity', I can't help but let you in, although I don't know who is behind you, but... it is always there. several! "

"Thank you so much~"

It is not surprising that if the dragon is in shape, he has a clear mind, "Foo Clan will definitely be proud of today's choice."


The dragon shape snorted coldly and rushed to several dragon guards, "Take it to Dongyang."

"Yes, clan~"

Zhonglongwei quickly agreed.


The dragon's body revolved, and it caused the surrounding electric lights to surge, like mountains and seas, and his eyes flashed and fiery.

Long Wei watched Long Xing leave, and then said to Man: "Please~"

"There is work, there is work~"

Man smiled and followed behind Zhong Longwei with his own Dragon Guard.

Just flying into the "electricity", it was just some small pieces of electric light, which floated like a light cloud above the sky, and filled like grass under the feet of the Man Waiting Dragon clan, and the electric light swimming around was like a playful dragon bird.

Looking around with great interest, I saw that the electric light was strong, and the continuous ups and downs of mountain peaks began to appear, and the electric light all over the sky was solid and flowing like a waterfall. The shape flies slowly, as if following Man, better like peeping Man.


Fly to one place, watching the huge spiral spinning on a perfectly round ring, countless electric lights falling from above the spiral, and then turning into a garland from another spiral, stopped, looked at the spiral and sighed. , "This must be Luoxia Peak~"

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