Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3431: ?Real people's memory

With that said, Zhenren Lun helplessly urged his figure, raised his dragon claws to pounce on the ichthyosaur. Seeing the dragon's claws tore the ichthyosaur scales to pieces, he let out a long sigh of relief and said: "Fortunately, this ichthyosaur is more defensive. Weak, a certain family can fight against one, no need to flee!"


   The fish and the dragon were in pain, and naturally fought back desperately, fighting with the real person for a time.

For a full half an hour, the talented Lunzhen had the upper hand. He tore the ichthyosaur and dragon's body and swallowed it while muttering, "Why is this nightmare so weird? Everything I met before is different!"

   "And there are wild dragons in this nightmare,"

While thinking about it, Real Man Lu looked around, "If nothing else, this place should be the battlefield of the Dragon Region before the Xuanhuang Tribulation. Someone on this battlefield has never heard of it. I don’t know how the forces behind Ao Sheng are looking for it. Here!"

"Speaking of Ao Sheng, the Dragon Region is different from Dragon Island. There are no ten clans, but eight dragons. In addition to the commonly mentioned worms, wet worms, worms, mirages, and Xiuli, there are also three mysterious dragons. , These three Tianlong do not say Dragon Trace, but the name is not known by the ordinary dragon clan. I remember that a certain start-up came to the business alliance in that year, and on a whim, I wanted disciples to explore the names of these mysterious three, the disciples who were ordered. He disappeared mysteriously, and as a result, a certain family dared not mention it anymore."

   "I just don't know, the forces behind Ao Sheng are the five famous dragons, or the three mysterious dragons?"


  徘 Real man was distracted, and the ichthyosaur actually counterattacked, and a mouthful of pale white water spurted out, actually corroding the dragon's claws of the real man.


The real man   龘 whispered and hurriedly stopped his mind, while spraying the dragon's breath to wash away the water, while the dragon's tail swept across, hitting the ichthyosaur and dragon's body,


   The tail of the dragon was blowing up a violent wind, and the ichthyosaur naturally did not dare to show weakness, and the tail of the dragon swept over like a fish.


   The dragon's tail hit one place, causing a violent wind and a loud noise.


   Although the ichthyosaur's tail was cracked, and even large pieces of muscles and muscles were scattered, the real man still swam around, and his face grew alert.

Sure enough, he didn't wait for the real person's eyes to sweep all over, "Roar~", a black and white delivery place, a wild dragon has stepped out, and the pale white eyes swept away and immediately stared at the dragon, with a sigh for the present. The real person, Long Wei, who resembled a stormy sea, has swept over.


  龘The real dragon's body trembled, and an unspeakable feeling came from his heart. He almost didn't even think about it, he immediately urged the dragon's body, and flew away with a "swish~" without any pause at all.

   " does this feel so familiar?"

Flew out for thousands of miles, Master Lu was still uncertain in his heart. He turned his head and looked in the distance. A flame ignited soaring to the sky. It seemed that the wild dragon and the ichthyosaur had just started fighting. He secretly said, "It was a certain family in that year Do you feel like following Daoyou Xiao to fight against the Shards of the Primordial Immortal Realm?"

"Speaking of the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm, Xiao Daoyou is afraid that he will blame a certain family again. The Dragon Region naturally has a nightmare similar to the Primordial Fragment of the Immortal Realm, but the strength of a certain family is not much stronger than it is now, and the experience is not the same as today. Language, a certain family should have mentioned this to Xiao Daoyou."

   "But a certain family really doesn't remember the situation in Nightmare, just like now, a certain family doesn't remember all the things in the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm, unless a certain family returns to the Dragon Realm space!"

   Thinking of Xiao Hua, Real Man's anger couldn't help but burst out. He gritted his teeth and looked around and whispered: "Ye doesn't know where to try. If it is possible, someone must capture it and torture it..."


   "That's not right~"

   Suddenly, Real Man Lu looked in the direction where the wild dragon flew out, his face was incredibly surprised, "This...why is this place so familiar?"

   "A certain family has never been here, let alone a similar place!"

Real person   龘 hesitated for a moment, looked around, the soaring dragon body slowly fell, and even after reaching the ground, the dragon claw stepped on the ground and slowly walked towards the black and white delivery place.

When he stepped closer, Zhenren Lu frowned. This is the intersection of a sawtooth-like space. The black and white outline is less than a hundred miles, and there are some breaks from time to time. At first glance, it looks like the folds of the rock. If it weren't for the previous dragon Flying out, Real Man Lu will never find out.

   While looking at the black and white outline, Zhenren Lu vaguely feels where he has seen this rock.

The rocks are naturally ordinary rocks, but since the real person Lu has a memory, then what happened on the rock is naturally important. Unfortunately, only a small part of the rock is exposed, most of which are hidden in the folded outline. Real person Lu wants to explore, but Can enter the silhouette.

   But what just came out of the silhouette is a wild dragon that a real person can't resist. Who knows how many are there?

Real person   龘 hesitated, because he had encountered a lot of dangers since he entered this mysterious place, and he was nearly killed several times, so he really didn't want to take any risks.

   "If Xiao Daoyou is here~"

Real man   龘 couldn't help thinking, "How would he choose?"

   Thinking of Xiao Hua, Zhenren Lu felt warmth in his heart, and smiled: "Friend Xiao Daoist will not make a choice, he will definitely take advantage of this kind of advantage!"


   immediately, UU reading www.uukanshu. A smile appeared on the corner of the real man's mouth, and the dragon's body urged to fly towards the black and white outline.

   But when the real man entered the black and white outline, he suddenly found that the black and white outline couldn't get in at all, and the two-fold space fold seemed to be blocked by invisible barriers.

   However, through this barrier, the familiar feeling becomes more and more intense.

"How to do?"

Real person   龘 looked at the barrier, and after several attempts, he was a little helpless, "No matter how a certain family hits, this barrier is as strong as a stone, and there is no way to break it!"

   "If Xiao Daoyou is here..."


Real person   龘 frowned, "What happened to a certain family today? Why do you always think of Xiao Daoyou..."

At this moment, "Boom boom boom~", far away from the sky, there was a earth-shaking trembling sound. Really human was taken aback. He hurriedly flew out from the gap in the space and looked up, but he saw that the sound was coming from right. It was the place Ao Sheng had instructed previously that he must not be approached, because it was the center of the entire battlefield, and there were existences that all trial dragons could not resist.

As far as the real person   龘’s eyes are, there is a column of pale white ripples that soars into the sky, which looks like a dragon, but this dragon has nothing to do with dragon power, just shining through the sky, as if to cover the entire battlefield...

   adds more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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