Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3426: Ferocious and sweet bird

How could Xiao Hua be the opponent of the Jinxian Jiuyao Minglong now, so he urged the dragon escape method to escape without even thinking about it, but he had just flew out a few feet away, and suddenly thought of the little python behind him.


   Xiao Hua had to stop. He could still rely on the ancient dragon's body to resist. The little python is not good. God knows how terrible it will die if it is struck by this lightning!

   So, "Roar," Xiao Hua growled and spread his wings directly towards the lightning.


   Lightning with sharpness is also mixed with the power of space, directly hit Xiao Huacai's heart, Xiao Hua's eyes are black, the feeling of the dragon's body being penetrated and the soul being torn like a flood hit his mind.


   Watching Xiao Hua's dragon body roll and fall directly, the little python flew over bravely and caught Xiao Hua anxiously, "Are you okay?"

   Xiao Hua panted weakly, looking down at the place where the lightning struck, a rare sense of powerlessness in her heart.

This dragon bird is too powerful, and he has no power to fight back against it, and he has only basic cultivation methods now, and no attack methods to take advantage of it. Not to mention being stronger than his opponent, he is an opponent close to his own strength. , I have no way to defeat the enemy!

   It's just that, helplessly, looking at the almost intact dragon body, Xiao Hua feels a little calm, after all, he has the guarantee of life!


   The dragon bird saw that Xiao Hua was still alive, and once again screamed his neck, spreading its four wings, and swooped down directly. It was like a dragon's mouth with a vaguely rolling dragon's breath brewing.


   Xiao Hua didn't even want the dragon's tail to flick in the air, and directly hit the little python, unfolding the dragon's body to greet him again.

It's just that there is no small python underneath this time. Seeing the dragon's breath spray down, Xiao Hua immediately used the dragon body of the dragon's escape, but after hearing the loud noise of "boom~", Xiao Hua certainly did not flash the dragon's breath like clouds and flowing water. But where the dragon's breath sprayed, it only hurt Xiao Hua's dragon tail!


   Xiao Hua wailed again in pain, and the dragon's tail rose like lightning, and slammed viciously at the dragon bird.


   What makes Xiao Hua depressed is that the only dragon claws of the dragon birds can only be raised, and the imprisonment immediately stretched out and grabbed his dragon tail early!


   Hearing the dragon bird’s cry of joy, Xiao Hua’s soul was flying out of the sky, because the dragon's body opened its mouth to bite its own dragon body!

   Xiao Hua struggled hard, but could not get out of the dragon's claws anyway.


   Without any accident, the dragon bird bit Xiao Hua's dragon body in one bite, and the sharp sting only hit Xiao Hua's mind. Xiao Hua almost fainted. Xiao Hua still doesn't understand why his dragon body is so tough and feels so sensitive? I can clearly control the dragon's body through the dragon escape method!

   But Xiao Hua has no time to think about it at this time. He knows that he can't sit and wait like this. If he can't fight back, he might die of pain!


   Xiao Hua roared, raised his dragon claws, and desperately tore at the dragon's wings.

   "Tear and pull~"

   The dragon bird’s wings seemed to be torn off, but the dragon pattern on it flashed slightly, the giant force was born, and the wings unexpectedly protruded from Xiao Hua’s dragon claws.

  The other dragon claws of the dragon bird pierced Xiao Hua's body like a spear, and the sound of "Puff~" sounded softly. The dragon claw did not penetrate, but Xiao Hua's soul was screamed in pain as if it had been stabbed by a spear.

   Xiao Hua's dragon body was tumbling, and a dragon bird's feather wing just swept past his eyes, "Roar~" Xiao Hua almost reflexed, and bit the feather wing in one bite!


The    feather wings fell into Xiao Hua's mouth, but a slight dragon pattern protruded from it again, blocking Xiao Hua's bite.

   "I don't believe me anymore~"

Xiao Hua roared in his heart, biting his wings desperately, and the dragon fowl also "quacked", trying to break free. Unfortunately, the teeth of the ancient dragon were not comparable to the claws of the dragon, and the dragon fowl failed several times. Some muscles were torn off by Xiao Hua.

   Xiao Hua was about to open his mouth and vomit these tendons, and bite again, but the dragon bird bowed its head, and the dragon's mouth also bit Xiao Hua's neck!


 Xiao Hua was anxious, he didn't care about vomiting the muscles, and raised his head again, and also bit the neck of the dragon bird, tearing it desperately!

  Dragons and birds are painful, and they dare not let go of Xiao Hua. It can only tear like Xiao Hua, and it depends on who can get ahead first.

   Xiao Hua was torn, and the muscles that had been torn off before fell towards Xiao Hua's throat.


   To Xiao Hua's expectation, the muscles melted in the mouth, and there was an unspeakable sweetness that hit Xiao Hua's mind, causing almost water in his mouth.

   The most ecstatic thing for Xiao Hua is that these muscles fall into Xiao Hua's body, without Xiao Hua's urging at all, the towering nine-day trial is immediately urged, and the sweetness of these muscles is immediately refined by the exercises and turned into dragon power!

   "I...I understand~"

   Xiao Hua suddenly understood the matter, and exclaimed in his heart, "Ao Sheng, they are going to hunt these dragons and birds and beasts, and they cultivate by devouring the muscles of these dragons and beasts!"

   Not to mention the reason why Xiao Hua found the trial, just to say that the dragon bird bit him, Xiao Hua can't help but fight back, and the method he can fight back is "back swallowing"!


  The dragon bird cried again, with an unusually angry voice.

   No way, the dragon body of the ancient dragon is too tough, the dragon bird can't tear at all. As for Xiao Hua, he has already torn off a few fragments from the neck of the dragon bird.

   Xiao Hua previously thought that these fragments were muscles, but after reading it carefully, Xiao Hua frowned, because the muscles of this dragon bird were actually condensed from black water silk.


   Xiao Hua suddenly thought of the scars on the whole body when the dragon flies down, "could this dragon fowl..."

However, the dragon bird did not give Xiao Hua time to think. A spike appeared on the stubby tail. Although the spike was broken, there was still black light flashing, "puff", like a short cone-like tail. The thorn is inserted into Xiao Hua's abdomen!


   Although the tail thorn could not penetrate, but the sharp pain was like a spear pierced into Xiao Hua's soul, Xiao Hua's eyes went black again and almost fainted.


   Xiao Hua was helpless and did not dare to hesitate. He opened his mouth frantically to bite the dragon and poultry muscles and swallowed it with big mouthfuls. The dragon and poultry muscles were sweeter than the fairy fruit. Although it was not easy to bite, it melted in the mouth and was comparable to the fairy fruit.

In this way, Xiao Hua and the dragon bird hurt each other. One can easily attack but cannot break the defense. The other is at an absolute disadvantage, but can barely tear each other’s muscles. A dragon bird and a clown dragon are both in danger of being threatened. State, no one dare to neglect, no one dare to relax, both are aggressively attacking, both want to take the initiative...

   is "amount" plus more~

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