Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3381: The Might of Bluestone


Xinghai Dingtian Hairpin never stopped for half a minute, and suddenly went into trouble, carrying Liu Yanyi's anger into Qingfeng's heart!


Qingfeng smiled slightly, raised his hand and pointed at the blue stone, and said, "What? Are you going to murder your husband?"

Liu Yanyi was more angry, not only because of Qingfeng’s frivolous tone, but also because the place where another bluestone fell was unexpectedly from her chest. Although the place where the bluestone fell, "brushing" Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu lent it. Liu Yanyi's nine-color lichen clothes again appeared nine-color to block the bluestone, but Liu Yanyi felt that he had been desecrated, which was a great insult to her!



"Swipe it~"

The bluestone brilliance flickered, first turned into two, then turned into three, and then turned into countless, these countless bluestones condensed into a big mountain, blocking the Xinghai Dingtian hairpin.


The star hairpin pierced the mountain, and the starlight splashed all over, and could not go in more than half an inch.

Xinghai Dingtian Hairpin can certainly block the bluestone, but it cannot defeat the bluestone.

Not to mention Qingfeng smiled again, and let out a light breath, "Om", the whole mountain smashed at Liu Yanyi as if the world was closed!

"Yier, withdraw quickly~"

Liu Yanyi breathed fire in his eyes, and was about to urge the star hairpin again. Behind her, the stupid man shouted sharply, "Your parents are important!"


Seeing the Nine Dragon Seal broke through the sky, Liu Yanyi gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement, turning around to fly.


Qingfeng looked at the Nine Dragon Seal, laughed loudly, "It turns out that it was after the Great Emperor, I didn't think I had such a beautiful blessing too!"


Just as he said, the Jiulong Seal collided with the blue stone mountain, the time of the flames, the Jie Chong collapsed, and the Jiulong roared and rolled.


Seeing Liu Yanyi's body shape turned and disappeared into the Jiethong Fault, Qingfeng no longer chased after, but raised his hand, the bluestone mountain rushed up to the sky, and said, "Look at this Yuanri is coming to relieve the siege, and I will no longer persecute. , To tell you the truth, I have left my hands and did not take their lives, and no one in these seven realms can save them. If you want to save them, let the fairy recommend herself..."


The stupid man breathed fire in his eyes.

Looking at Qingfeng again, he didn't look at the stupid Taoist at all. He raised his hand and pointed at the bluestone mountain, "Boom~" The mountain smashed towards the demon soldier and demon general, the demon soldier and demon general did not have any resistance at all, and immediately disappeared.

The stupid Taoist knew that Qingfeng was telling himself that they didn't need reinforcements at all. He bitterly preached: "Withdraw~"

"Thank you son~"

Tu Shanxiu had never seen Qingfeng so mad, but she didn't have any jealous thoughts. Watching Qingfeng sacrifice the bluestone and massacre the demons, she smiled and thanked her, without mentioning the matter just now.

Qingfeng was about to speak, but suddenly his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly moved the bluestone, and the giant peak turned into a swan and fell into his hand.


Qingfeng glanced at it and immediately cursed, "How could this be?"


Even if Tu Shanxiu watched it, he couldn't help but whisper, because the bluestone is intact, but within the cyan light, strands of black threads are born, which is not the flawless blue stone before!

Tu Shanxiu covered her small mouth, not knowing what to say!

As for the battle of Jie Chong, both Tu Shanxiu and Qingfeng are not concerned about it, but fortunately, Liu Zhifei's team attacked before, and the bluestone mountain was behind. The demons have no intention to fight again, but they have to deal with the magnificent team. Retreat on the side of the war.

"It should be that bitch~"

Qingfeng thought a little bit, gritted his teeth and said, "The bluestone did not have any flaws before. It is precisely because of the appearance of the **** that this has changed. Needless to say, it must be that slut!"

Tu Shanxiu was naturally confused, and she could only nod her head and said: "In that case, I will go to find the empty ben king quickly and find out where they are sacred!"

"The disciples of the ancient family dared to get into the Jie Chong team~"

Qingfeng sneered, "It's really an old birthday star who eats arsenic-I'm tired of living!"

"Ancient family?"

Tu Shanxiu asked back, "Do you know which family it is?"

"After the emperor~"

Qingfeng replied in a disdainful tone, "Naturally it's overwhelming!"


Tu Shanxiu was stunned for a moment, as if he had remembered something, and asked carefully, "Can you be sure of the son?"

"Of course!"

Qingfeng looked at Tu Shanxiu and said with a smile, "In the end, that person sacrificed the seal of the great emperor of the ancient immortal world, otherwise how can I block my bluestone?"

"The concubine has to congratulate my son~"

Tu Shanxiu laughed and said, "The Chaotianque has been destroyed, and the concubine heard King Kong Ben say that Master You Tianzun is looking for them..."


Qing breeze was taken aback, and said strangely, "The sky is over? Why don't I know?"

"Everything in the Dao Immortal Realm is nothing but clouds in the eyes of the young man,"

Tu Shanxiu said, "The son is nothing more than the game fairy world. How can the son hear these things?"


Qingfeng smiled, looked at the blue stone in his hand, nodded and said, "You're really interesting."

Tu Shanxiu immediately tentatively asked, "That concubine will tell King Kong Ben about Chaotianque's remnants?"

"Tell him what to do?"

The breeze said, "He's just a stray dog, let him know that it has ruined my major business!"

"Yes, I know about it~"

Tu Shanxiu knew that Qingfeng had taken Liu Yanyi's attention, and she nodded hurriedly, "The concubine body can only claim the credit for today's Yue Xiao Shuai Shuai Tu Shan!"

"This is just a pile~"

Qingfeng looked at the demon clan who had scattered, and looked at Jie Chong where Liu Yanyi had left, and said, "The other thing is to find out where the **** came from!"

"If nothing happens~"

Tu Shanxiu said immediately, "It should be the Ximing team of the Heavenly Court Jie Chong, and those fighters just now have Heavenly Court artifacts in their hands, as well as awe-inspiring aura."


Qingfeng smiled and said, "Let's retreat and stay in your spare time. Let me go to Yuan Zai Kong and ascend to heaven!"

Not to mention Tu Shanxiu's retreat, but only that Liu Yanyi turned around the Jie Thrust Fault, looking at Liu Zhifei and Fenghua, who were breathless, in chaos.

Liu Yanyi has always felt that her parents are long-winded and don't care about everything. Seeing the two of them like this, she suddenly felt unspeakable loneliness.


Liu Yanyi suddenly thought of Liu Yanyu, the prince of Doumu, and felt very fortunate. If it hadn’t been for the two fairy artifacts that Liu Yanyu had borrowed, he would have been the same as his parents, and when he thought of Qingfeng’s ugly face, Liu Yanyi would be afraid. Tight!


Liu Yanyi didn't even want to preach, "Receive the soldiers and prepare the immortal boat immediately. I want to rush back to the immortal world."

At this time, there had long been a team gathering around the area, but most of the nearby Jiethong Fault was Liu Yanyi's Futu disciples. They heard Liu Yanyi's order and acted immediately.

The stupid Taoist also flew back in embarrassment. As he flew, the surrounding boundaries collapsed. The bluestone of the breeze crushed the Nine Dragon Seal, and also cracked the talisman on the surface of the stupid Taoist human body. With the stupid realm, the boundary of the boundary was naturally unbearable.

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