Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3371: Reunion?


The Dragon Race also laughed, "That's the kind of death, the soul flies away!"

Zhenren Leng thought about it a little and then uttered Long Mantra. He really didn't have any choice. If he wanted to survive, he had to choose to stay.


Before the real dragon's words were finished, a sharp pain was born on his dragon's horns.


Real person Lun roared with pain, and the dragon body shook like a dead snake, but after only a few struggles, Real person Lun fell into a coma again.


Seeing that the dragon body of the real man was not moving, the dragon clan smiled slightly, seeming to be very proud, and once again opened his mouth, "brushed" the breath of the dragon and sprayed it onto a dragon that looked like a seal on the head of the man. The golden color, as the dragon's breath fell in, the dragon screamed, and the nine-color radiance poured down like a fountain, directly poured into the body of the real person.

Afterwards, Zhenren Lu's body shone in succession, and an aura of annihilation emerged from the glory.

"Not bad~"

Seeing the remaining flames in the real dragon weapon, the dragon clan nodded and said, "It is worthy of being a dragon body condensed with dragon washing liquid. It is far more powerful than the average dragon clan. This... can also be the reason for his survival... "

After speaking, the dragon claws probed, and he had already arrested the real man Lun, then turned and left.


Waiting for the real person to wake up again, before he opened his eyes, he heard the sound of gusts of wind whistling in his ears.

"This...where is this?"

Zhenren Lun felt that his dragon body had returned to normal, and that powerful suppressive force had disappeared, so he hurriedly looked around.


Zhenren Lu had naturally rode on the rope. He woke up when he saw the golden light at first sight, and immediately recalled what the dragon clan who captured him had said to him in his mind.

However, before he waited to look at other places, the light flakes near "Kakchacha" had broken!


Zhenren Lun was shocked, he hurriedly looked around, wanting to see if there were any other dragons in Zakon.

It is a pity that there is no other dragon besides himself in Guangxu.

Zhenren Lun didn't know how he got into Suoxu, he only had a place name that the Dragon Race had said in his mind.


The wind of the interface immediately blew in from the cracks in the light, and Long Chen was like the dust of the mortal world!

Long Chen looked like dust, but it fell on Real Person Lun again and again, and the feeling of being suppressed that had just disappeared was born again.


True person Lun certainly knew the danger of falling into Long Chen, he cursed in a low voice, and immediately urged Long Li to rush out of the shattered light.

But while urging him, he discovered that there were very few dragons in his body, which was different from the mighty and mighty before!

"Yu Yilong??"

Real person Lun was so scared that his soul flew into the sky immediately, and exclaimed, "Pan Dao only has the strength of Dao Xian's five elements, how can it escape from this Long Chen..."


Before the real person finished speaking, Guangxu's surroundings cracked again, and a large area of ​​space was smashed down. The real person had long been smashed into blood, not to mention that he could not fly, and the whole dragon body fell into the depths of Long Chen. !

"How did the dragon clan arrange it?"

At this time, Zhenren Lu has already recalled the previous Long Zhenyan. He looked at the surrounding Long Chen and buried himself, and smiled bitterly, "If you knew this, why should a certain family linger before dying?"


Just at the moment, a golden light shines on the top of Zhenren Lu's head, and another beard appears. As the golden light overflows, the dragon that is very familiar to Zhenren Lu is revealed in the golden light. Isn't it the Ao Sheng?


Ao Shengzheng looked around enthusiastically. Seeing that there was a dragon figure in Long Chen, he exclaimed, "How could there be..."

However, as soon as he said half a word, Soxu had already passed the real man.

Ao Sheng couldn't think too much, a red flying shuttle shot out between his mouth.

This flying shuttle is rather weird, the golden light of the beard that cannot be penetrated by ordinary dragon tools, it will pass by as soon as it touches, and then it will directly penetrate the real dragon's body with a "poof"!


Real person Lun roared in pain, and then, a strong force emerged from the shuttle, directly dragging Real person Lun back to the beard.


Ao Sheng looked at the **** real man Lu, his jaw dropped in surprise, he hurriedly urged the shuttle to send the real man Lu into the rope, but the golden light of the rope was not the dragon body of the real man can penetrate, but Ao Sheng didn't dare to break the beard, so he stomped his feet in a hurry and shouted, " bear it! The coming soon!"

Fortunately, Ao Sheng can urge the shuttle, the entire shuttle is turned into a flying boat, and the real person will be supported. If it is the earliest dragging method, real person believes that he will be dragged by the shuttle before the destination is reached. die!

It was only a few hours, "brush~" Ao Sheng was in the golden light work around Guangxu, the long dust that was still pervading just disappeared suddenly, and more than a hundred lights were revealed at the same time. In front of these lights, the cyan void that day, Another golden "so" appeared.

Although the hundreds of Guangxu separated from each other, as they approached the cable, they cooperated with each other, and the hundreds of dragons merged into the same cable.

Seeing Ao Sheng flying out of the altar without staying in the hall at all, he hurriedly flew away. A wooden horned dragon waiting next to the altar said anxiously: "What's the matter?"

"I saved an old acquaintance in Long Chen~"

Ao Sheng replied from outside the temple, "He can't get in the beard, I'll go out and bring him over!"


The horned dragon's face changed drastically, and he immediately ordered, "Quickly, follow him!"


A dozen dragons flew out in response.

"You wait for silence~"

The horned dragon looked at the hundreds of thousands of dragon tribes that had been neatly arranged around the altar, and said, "The one I was talking about just now is Young Master Ao, the heir of a certain dragon. Your task is to accompany him on the trial. Do you understand? "


One hundred thousand dragons agreed in unison, shaking the hall.

However, among the hundreds of thousands of dragons, there was only one dragon beast staring at the gate of the main hall in a daze, silent for a long time.

"Damn, how could it be Ao Sheng?"

After a long while, this dragon beast whispered in his heart.

Isn't this zodiacal beast Xiao Hua? ?

At this time, Xiao Hua's mood was still not calm, UU reading, he still recalled the situation of the break of the rope over and over again, and the situation still puzzled him.

Speaking of it alone, Xiao Hua seemed to be dreaming, and just saw the little python beckoning at him, "Kakchacha~" The surrounding cords immediately cracked and made a noise like fried beans.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua understood it a little bit, "Could it be that my heart is surging and I perceive it in a dream?"

So Xiao Hua immediately prepared to speak to remind him, but at this time, Xiao Hua suddenly discovered that even if he knew what was going to happen, he had no power to stop it!

"How to do?"

Xiao Hua was sweating profusely.

But what happened afterwards made Xiao Hua stunned again...

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