Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3346: Weird Dragon Domain Names

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Xiao Hua was beaten and rolled in the air, and screamed in pain, but after a while, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that he was not injured, let alone scars, not even a single hair was lost!


Xiao Hua suddenly came to his senses, "Xiao's dragon body wouldn't be the profound crystal of the ancient ancient dragon, right? I remember that when the ancient dragon Ling transformed into the profound crystal into the space, the jade die was extremely afraid, Xiao Mou I want to suppress the Xuan Jing again, so I sent it into the blood of the flesh to warm it up. Could it be... After arriving in the Dragon Region, this thing was aroused in the blood of Xiao??"


While Xiao Hua was thinking about it, an icy arrow shot down like electricity. Although Xiao Hua had already noticed it, he could not avoid it.

Frozen Arrow hit Xiao Hua's vest, of course it could not hurt Xiao Hua, but...the pain of Frozen Arrow's heart hit Xiao Hua's mind again!


Xiao Hua screamed, it was the dragon language, and the words were round!

"No, no~"

Xiao Hua frantically urged her figure, and exclaimed in her heart, "It won't work if you don't get hurt, this pain is too severe, and if they are caught by them, you will die!"

It's a pity that Xiao Hua is powerless now. He is not used to the ancient dragon's body at all, and there is no way to deal with it. However, the time of half a cup of tea, not only the ink cloud-shaped dragon beast at high altitude has come close, but also the low altitude and the ground. The dragons and beasts were also close at hand, and the wind, fire, thunder and lightning struck again frantically, making Xiao Hua scream.


Xiao Hua was desperately fleeing, and a familiar cry came from her head, "Can you not follow me??"

"Little python??"

Xiao Hua was also dumbfounded. He clearly ran away from him and didn't use his supernatural powers. How could he catch up with him again?

"Fate, this is fate~"

What can Xiao Hua say? I could only exclaim in joy, "You are all called Grandpa Poor, how can Grandpa not find you!"

"Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu~"

The little python flees for his life, shouting, "I call you Lao Tzu, you go!"

"I don't want to, brother~"

Xiao Hua felt that she was so tired that she was sweating on top of her head, and shouted, "I just flew like this, and you flew in front of me..."

"You... why don't you use wings?"

The little python eagerly turned to look at Xiao Hua, and said anxiously, "Does it fly faster then?"


Xiao Hua was taken aback, he looked down, and sure enough, he was flying wildly with his wings in his hands.


Xiao Hua cursed in a low voice, knowing that he had fallen into inertial thinking, and flew with the dragon body of the real man before.


Xiao Hua tried to spread his wings, and the sound of the wind roared immediately around him. Xiao Hua was naturally familiar with the law of wind. He felt something similar to the law of following the wind around him. He was overjoyed, and his wings flapped crazily.


There was a violent wind around Xiao Hua, and his figure flew out like lightning.

"Boom boom boom~"

The attacks of the dragons and beasts fell in an instant.

"Kill, kill~"

A group of dragon beasts did not expect that the clown dragon could escape their kill, and one by one became crazy, shouting loudly and approaching again.

Xiao Hua grasped the initiative for the first time, and immediately felt a sense of accomplishment. He felt as if he had returned to the mortal realm, the qi-refining kid who used the art of flying to molest the Yuan Ying.

But for a moment, Xiao Hua saw the little python that had just flew in another direction, and flew to his head again with a twist.


Xiao Hua laughed. He didn't know if it was the little python flying randomly or by himself. He swooped down, reached out the dragon's claws and caught the little python, and shouted, "Since we are destined, let's escape together!"


The little python twisted her body vigorously and exclaimed, "This has something to do with me!"


However, hearing the roar of the dragons and beasts behind him, the little python was too scared to say anything.

When Xiao Hua first entered the Dragon Realm, he had never found a real person in the Dragon Realm. Naturally, I needed to find a dragon clan who was familiar with the Dragon Realm. This little python was timid and kind, and of course a good person...Dragon's Choice!

After flying for a few breaths, Xiao Hua already has a spectrum in his heart. Although he is flying faster than the dragon beasts, but the dragon beasts have begun to fan out. If he can't get rid of in time, he is afraid that it will be bad in the second half, and Xiao Hua hastily looked around. , To find a place to avoid.

Unfortunately, when Xiao Hua was worried, although there were many ancient woods and mountains around them, they weren't tall, and they didn't have the complicated terrain. It was like a Pingchuan. How could I escape under such circumstances?


The little python suddenly pointed timidly and said in a low voice, "There is a waterfall there, and it should be possible to escape."


Xiao Hua froze for a moment, and blurted out, "What waterfall..."

However, before Xiao Hua finished speaking, after uttering the word "waterfall" in dragon language, Xiao Hua suddenly had a scene of waterfall in his mind, and then he immediately looked at something different from what the little python was referring to. In one direction, he asked in amazement: "Which waterfall are you talking about?"

The little python immediately shyly closed its paws, and whispered: "I...I can't remember the direction..."


Xiao Hua shouted, "It doesn't matter, there is me! I remember the direction!!"

This was Xiao Hua's most courageous sentence since he left Lu Town. The pride in his tone made Little Anaconda extremely heartbroken.


Xiao Hua's wings spread out, and his figure turned in the mysterious midair, and rushed directly in the direction of the so-called "waterfall", on which a faint black thread gushed out, and his figure was a little faster than before.

Xiao Hua's side is a dragon body adapted to the ancient dragon of the Great Profound Profound Dragon, while silently muttering "waterfall" in his mouth. Every time he meditates silently, the outline of the distant waterfall will flash in his mind once.

"That's it~"

Xiao Hua finally understood that he couldn't help bursting into tears, and secretly said, "The place names in the Dragon Region all have a certain meaning, or they have a certain connection with the place name. No wonder they have many place names in the Dragon Region. It's a word Once you know the place name, Xiao will no longer worry about getting lost!"


Immediately, Xiao Hua muttered the name of Lu Zejie silently. Some inexplicable light and shadow poured into Xiao Hua’s mind, but Xiao Hua went to look at it and found nothing, but he knew exactly that Lu Zejie did call to himself. Its name reacted.

When Xiao Hua was chanting Naze Jie, there was no such a vision before.

"Those Confucian immortals who have reached the Dragon Realm~"

Xiao Hua couldn't help but curl his lips, "They think they are smart, and they have given many places in Longyu easy-to-understand and catchy names, but in fact, they are superfluous!"

However, after a while, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and secretly said: "Since the name of the Dragon Region is related to the place where it is located, whenever the name is recited, the place of the Dragon Region will respond, then... Wu Danqing's name is forgotten. Shouldn't it be like this?"

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