Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3327: Out of the mountain, into the void

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Not only there is no news about Xiao Hua, but there is also no news about the battle between Wu Danqing and Xiao Hua.

After waiting for a long time, everyone started frantically looking for news, and even bidding for a big price with the Luoyi Business League. Unfortunately, as long as the news about Xiao Hua, the Luoyi Business League never sold it.

As for the good fortune building, there are only four words: No comment!

These four words without comment are intriguing. Not long after, countless versions of rumors began to circulate in the heavens. Some said that Xiao Hua was killed by Wu Danqing; some said that Wu Danqing was killed by Xiao Hua, but Wu Danqing came. Before he died, Xiao Hua was pulled into the water, and the two died together; some people said that both of them were seriously injured, and they went away to heal their injuries...

As for the Sifang emperor, and the poster on the twelfth floor, he was very jealous of the outcome of this battle and never mentioned it.

At the end, the story of Xiao Hua's rise from the Heavenly Court and his accomplishment was talked about in Confucianism, and his disappearance has become a mysterious past in the Heavenly Court.

Xiao Hua naturally didn't know this. When everyone was discussing his life and death, he was flying through the celestial burial void to Desangzigong Mountain. He looked at the familiar sword-shaped mountain from a distance. Xiao Hua was quite moved. For more than a thousand years, the emptiness of burying the immortal is not there, and the Sangziqian Mountain is still there.


With emotion, Xiao Hua flew out four immortals from the mountain. Xiao Huayan swept across it, and he felt surprised, "Isn't this the Qinglian Sword Immortal and the Jade Bureau Weng?"

Xiao Hua was just about to fly down, but after thinking about it, he was still invisible. At this time, when he met them, one was to reveal his traces, and the other was to cause trouble to them.


Since Xiao Hua deliberately concealed it, it was naturally impossible for Yu Ju Weng and others to find Xiao Hua’s trace, so we heard that Yu Ju Weng Bian Fei said to a young man next to him, “This is the altar before Sangzi Teng Mountain, which is During this time, Brother Wei told Lou Zhu of your image, and Lou Zhu passed your image to Zaohua Building and Luoyi Business League..."

Xiao Hua looked at the young man. Wasn't it Yu Juweng's disciple Yu? It is no different from the image that Yu Juweng gave to himself earlier.


Zi You also smiled, "When the Luoyi Business League found the younger brother, the younger brother was still inexplicable. He didn't know what happened. After they explained their intentions, the younger brother was ecstatic. Didn't the younger brother not know the name of the brother, the problem is The name of the elder brother is too loud, but no one has ever known the whereabouts of the elder brother!"


Qinglian Jianxian smiled next to him, "You don’t have to talk about the past. The reunion of your brothers is the most important thing. Ziyou, the void in front of you is the emptiness of burying immortals. Since it was filled with a pill of mud by the landlord Xiao five thousand years ago , Has turned into a smooth road, go, let's watch while walking, and talk while watching, let Brother Ling tell you about the great achievements of the original poster Xiao."

Xiao Hua was even more embarrassed to show up when he heard that others wanted his own deeds. He quietly flew over Sangziqian Mountain and headed to Guixu for fear of being discovered.

Out of the moat mountain, that is, the Bohai Sea, Xiao Hua flew out along the mountain range, seeming to pass through several space barriers, and suction had begun to emerge in front of his head, and the faint sound of water began to be heard in Xiao Hua's ears.

"Xiao must be careful~"

After flying for a long time, seeing the water rushing and the space torn, the green light shot out from the cracks in the space, and the suction became stronger and stronger, Xiao Hua's heart shuddered and he was secretly vigilant.

Sure enough, flying further forward, streams of water gush out from the space torn between the heavens and the earth, all flashing blue light, flowing toward the sky, and gradually forming into a sheet of water light, the suction is like a big hand, not only pulling Xiao Hua dragged the water even more.

At this point, Xiao Hua no longer needs to distinguish the direction, as long as he flies straight towards the source of the suction.

But the surrounding landscape began to change again. In addition to the turbulent water and light, the spatial faults became more and more complicated, and many spatial faults were collapsing with the flow of water. These spatial faults were either uninterrupted mountains or depression. The green forest, or the blazing flames, perhaps the sword tombs blazing with light, the collapsed space discards these mountains, forests, flames and sword patterns into the water flow, it seems that there are interface laws, these behemoths It will shrink, and even turn into a broken five-element soul.

At the end of the day, the sky and the earth are shattered with brilliance, shattered darkness, and countless pieces of space have fallen in like squally storms.

Xiao Hua felt that his immortal body was squeezed into a ball by the suction, even if he was as strong as Tianzun, he felt a little suffocated. He couldn't help but sigh, "Wenqu is right, this place is a shortcut, but It's a dead end. There are too few Confucian immortals who dare to return to the ruins. If Xiao was not forced by Wu Danqing, Xiao would not come."

After flying for more than a hundred days, a familiar sight appeared in front of me. On a huge sea-like surface, there was roaring water, ground groaning, flames roaring, forest wailing, sword patterns struggling, and countless five-element spirits. All over, but all broken!

Right in the center of this water wave, a huge vortex was spinning silently like the end of the sky and the earth.

Around the vortex, countless lights shattered, countless darkness shone, and countless space fragments were annihilated while rotating.

"This is Guixu~"

Xiao Hua's figure is no longer able to control, the fairy body is like a flame of light, which is long and short, and swaying from side to side. Xiao Hua glanced at the whirlpool, then turned to look at the direction of the heaven, and whispered, "Wu Danqing, Xiao Mou is going to go. Your lair is now, can you hurry back before Xiaomou sets foot in the Dragon Realm?"

After that, Xiao Hua gave up resistance, and headed towards Guixu with a "swish" of figure!

The Guixu seems huge, when Xiao Hua falls into it, this big...there is no margin, the whole Guixu is like a world, Xiao Hua is nothing but dust, and the sound of the sea is shaking. Heaven, there is no sound in the Guixu, Xiao Hua even feels that he is suspended in the space of the Guixu, still!

However, in this stillness, Xiao Hua couldn't move even if he wanted to move, as if he had been imprisoned in this silent space!

It seemed that it was a moment, and it seemed that it was ten thousand years. Xiao Hua felt anxious in his heart. In a sudden movement, everything that was still around suddenly changed. Everything was stretched, and Xiao Hua's body was also stretched extremely long. At the same time, Unparalleled strength emerged from all directions, as if countless big hands were tearing Xiao Hua's body to pieces!

Xiao Hua is not worried. He firmly believes that his immortal body is tenacious and there are countless people in the world. If anyone can pass through the ruins, he must be one of the few!

Sure enough, as time passed, the scenery around Xiao Hua changed again. Numerous fragments of the Five Elements Elemental Spirit appeared like floating dust. "Swish" Xiao Hua's figure quickly retracted, and he himself flew forward like lightning, and then waited. Xiao Hua saw clearly again, "Puff puff puff~" Xiao Hua's figure directly penetrated through a layer of space barriers, and fell directly into a strange sea of ​​water!

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