Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3324: Xiao Hua 3 Surprised the old man

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The old man floating pale in shock, and whispered, " are your Majesty the Azure Emperor??"

"Not bad~"

Wu Danqing looked at the red protactinium pillow and asked fiercely, "It is me, the floating old man, why is your red protactinium pillow in Xiao Hua's hands?"

In the red protactinium pillow, the voice of the old man floating silent, he was not restrained by the emperor's power of the Qing Emperor, but was shocked by Xiao Hua's growth!

If the Floating Old Man showed his body shape, Wu Danqing would definitely see the Floating Old Man opening his mouth in surprise, silent for a long time.

Zhenren Xiao shocked the floating old man three times!

This third surprise really frightened the old man floating. The old man gave Xiao Hua the opportunity to use the red protactinium pillow nine times. He actually did not expect that Xiao Hua could directly cultivate to the high-level Dao Xian Hun Yuan. After all, this was him. He knows his own baby well.

But from the current situation, Xiao Hua did not actually use it for the ninth time, Xiao Hua only used the red protactinium pillow eight times, but even these eight times, Xiao Hua actually has the ability to fight the Qing Emperor, one of the five emperors of the heavens. , This... how incredible it is!

Even though the old man of Floating had so much knowledge and insight into the past and the present, he had never thought of such a result.

"Floating old man~"

Wu Danqing frowned, "Why, don't you dare to admit it?"

"Good to teach your majesty to know~"

The old man floating away from the shock, finally replied, "Xiao Hua is an old year-end acquaintance. The old man borrowed the red protactinium pillow for him. Now he has used it nine times, and the old man wants to take it back!"

"Want a red protactinium pillow?"

Wu Danqing said coldly, "Hand over Xiao Hua first!"


The old man Fu Sheng smiled bitterly, "Xiao Hua is not in the red protactinium pillow, he has already gone!"


Wu Danqing said strangely, "He didn't get into the red protactinium pillow, how could he leave?"

"Your Majesty~"

The old man floating thought for a moment, and said, "The old man just came here, and he doesn't know the specific situation, but watching the dream of the red protactinium pillow is urged, and there are dreams around the majesty, the old man guessed that Xiao Hua should know the magic of dreams. With the help of the red protactinium pillow, he escaped through the dream of Hongyun outside!"

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Wu Danqing was furious, he couldn't think of it, Xiao Hua escaped in the end.

"Red protactinium pillow, you can also..."

Wu Danqing didn't want to offend the floating old man, he thought for a moment and said, "You have to tell me where Xiao Hua went!"


The old man floating hesitated.

Wu Danqing was not in a hurry, whether the red protactinium pillow existed or was destroyed, but when he thought about it, he believed that the old man floating would answer his question.

"Although the old man doesn't know where Xiao Hua has gone~"

Sure enough, after a cup of tea, the old man Fusheng replied, "But the old man has explored the traces left in the red protactinium pillow. Among these traces, in addition to most of the heavenly scenes, there is also a scene of the dragon domain. If nothing happens, He wants to go to Dragon Domain..."

"Dragon Domain!"

Wu Danqing gritted his teeth and said, "It really is the Dragon Region, and Wenqu is going to the north. Isn't it just going to the Bodan Sea?"

"Your Majesty~"

Inside the red protactinium pillow, the floating old man laughed, "Can the old man take away this magic weapon?"

"Yes, yes~"

Wu Danqing nodded and said, "However, you have to open the red protactinium pillow and let me see if there is Xiao Hua inside!"


The old man floating said with a smile, "The red protactinium pillow is right in front of your majesty, please check it out yourself!"

Had there not been the episode of the old man taking back the red protactinium pillow, Wu Danqing would have been investigating. Since the voice of the old man had appeared, Wu Danqing had to give the old man face, so he asked the old man before he rushed to the sky. He nodded.

Seeing this, Li He floated and fell to the red protactinium pillow, "brushing" the red protactinium pillow flashed a red light, and Li He flashed in.

But after half a cup of tea, Li Hefei came out and said respectfully: "My lord, there is no trace of Xiao Hua inside."


Wu Danqing nodded and said to the red protactinium pillow, "Mr. Floating, you can take away the red protactinium pillow."

"Thank you, my lord~"

The voice of the old man floating sounded, and the red protactinium pillow also rushed up into the sky. At this time, the beam of light of the sky-bearing pan did not follow closely.

It's just that the red protactinium rested on the high sky for a moment, and another floating old man's voice sounded: "Your Majesty, the old man doesn't know what kind of grudges your majesty has with Xiao Hua, but what the old man wants to remind your majesty is..."

But Wu Danqing violently interrupted the words of the floating old man, and said coldly: "I know what you want to say, and since you lent treasures like the red protactinium pillow to Xiao Hua, I also know that you must know something, but I tell you yes, no matter what happens to Xiao Hua in the future, I will kill him now!"


The old man floating knew that Wu Danqing was qualified to say this, so he didn't say anything anymore. After he promised, the red protactinaceae rose into the sky, and disappeared after a while.


The red protactinium pillow went, Tu Shanzixiao walked out of the bearing plate, looked at the sky, frowned and said, "Is what he said is true?"

"Don't worry~"

Wu Danqing smiled, "He won't lie to me."


Tu Shanziyan nodded and said, "Xiao Hua's visit to the Dragon Realm is also reasonable. After all, he came out of the Taoist Immortal Realm, first went to the Demon League, and then came to the Heavenly Court. It was clear that he planned to travel through the Seven Realms and achieve the Heavenly Lord. For other interfaces, Dragon Domain is also very normal."


Wu Danqing also said, "There are two ways to go to the Tianting, one is the Bodan Sea in the far north of the Tianting, and the Ludan Sea in the extreme east of the Tianting. The fastest way to the Dragon Region from here is the Ludan Sea. From here, we go to Bohai Guixu, and Guixu can directly reach the Jindanhai..."

"Then Xiao Hua must have gone to Bohai to return to the market~"

Tu Shanzi said hurriedly, "He must leave the heaven as quickly as possible!"

"The problem is~"

Wu Danqing showed a strange look on his face, and replied, "Although the Green Dan Sea is to the east of the Bicheng Tianyu, the Bicheng Tianyu is under my control. As long as Xiao Hua appears near the Wei Dan Sea, one of the six heavenly jade. Qing Kyu can immediately find out that UU reading he went to the Weidanhai to find his own way!"

"Could it be that he is playing double acting with Wenqu?"

Tu Shanzihan was also confused, and said strangely, "Before you left the body to chase Wenqu, Wenqu said that Xiao Hua had been to him and left your magic weapon, but he suddenly appeared again without thinking about it. If not, now he is looking for literary music again?"


"Xiao Hua's hand looks very mysterious, but it's worthless to say that it's just because I lost an inch before and didn't notice it."

Wu Danqing said, shaking the scroll in his hand, and the scroll fell in the air again, but at this time Tu Shanzi couldn't see clearly. The scroll was rolled up in the space around Xiaoxiang Yuzhu, and the tomb remained in place. Tu Shanzi didn't understand that Wu Danqing's paintings should not be all, but the parts around Xiaoxiang's Tears. Otherwise, Wu Danqing would not leave the scroll here as so-called unthinking.

This chapter is a new addition to the leader’s "ehe"~

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