Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3316: Xiao Hua vs. Wu Danqing


Wu Danqing was forced to retreat. During the violent violent, his fists and feet flew down frantically, "Boom~" Xiao Hua was beaten upside down, and a half of the fairy body was scattered, but with a "swish", Xiao Hua also took the opportunity to harvest Wu. Danqing a sun!


Wu Danqing was angry and roared, and the flames all over his body began to recede. The sun that had been a few weeks old was completely hidden in his body. He roared and looked around, and shouted: "Xiao Hua, you let out so many little boys, you Thought I didn't know what you were going to do?"

   "You want to use the power of heaven and earth to reach the strength of Tianzun with the help of the magic circle condensed by billions of clones. I just want to give you a salary from the bottom. I see how you respond!"

   As he said, Wu Danqing raised his hand and patted at the top door, "Roar" a dragon flew out, and the dragon flew out a fire bead!

   As the fire bead fell in the air, "Om" once again had sunshine all over!

   It's just that where the sun falls, there seems to be the sound of war drums and thunder!

   "Not good~"

   Xiao Hua was shocked, and whispered in his heart, "Xiao has annoyed Wu Danqing, this man is going to send immortal soldiers!"

   However, as the fire light on the fire ball dissipated, Xiao Hua found that the fire ball was not a fire ball, but nine dragons with different colors and stars arched around a sun like a moon!

   The weird thing is that the directions of the nine dragons arching are different from the usual. They have their tails facing upwards and their bodies facing downwards. Even after the dragon's head reaches the bottom, they rise again, looking hideously in all directions!

   As for the shining sun, there are also weird textures with the number of days of the week cruising, and each texture is an engraving of a beautiful charm.

   "Is this a Tibetan weapon?"

   Xiao Hua's eyes turned sharply, thinking about the countermeasures, facing a sturdy emperor like Wu Danqing, he really didn't dare to send out the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect.

I don’t know, Wu Danqing didn’t raise his hand to urge this thing, but patted it again on his chest and abdomen, "roaring" but seeing Wu Danqing’s body surface fly out another dragon, but this dragon is the same as the previous one. The dragon is completely different, a strong, solid, and fierce emperor's might radiates from this dragon!

   "The power of the emperor?"

Xiao Hua never expected that Wu Danqing would use the emperor's power at this time, and he did not understand that the emperor's power did not attack him, but turned into a dragon and rushed to Hongbao. The sun.


Seeing the dragon face rushing into the sun, the sun was shining brightly. The nine dazzling rays of sunlight carried the emperor’s power and rushed into the nine dragon faces, and the nine dragon faces suddenly waved like a fright. This long howling sound made Xiao Hua sound embarrassing!


   is actually the sound of bells!

   Although it sounds embarrassing, the sound of the bell carries the supreme emperor's might, and an uncontrollable force directly crashes into Xiao Hua's body, and then bursts suddenly!


   Xiao Hua felt a roar in his ears, and his body shape was going to skyrocket. Without thinking, he hurriedly urged Xianli to stop it, but when Xianli passed, his soaring figure was completely out of control.

   "Not good~"

   Xiao Hua was shocked. He realized that this was the bell that Wu Danqing used the emperor's might to ring. How could ordinary fairy power stop it?

   "This guy is too powerful~"

   Xiao Hua thought about how to deal with Wu Danqing's emperor's might, but he never thought that Wu Danqing would use the emperor's might to urge Hongbao.

   And this Hongbao is still so weird!

   Xiao Hua almost didn't even want to take out the Emperor Qingzhu immediately.

   But, before he could take it out, a horror came out of his heart, and then he suddenly flew upside down, looking around incredulously.

   "Puff puff puff puff~"

   Others may not be able to hear it, but Xiao Hua can hear it clearly. Within millions of miles around, his 13200 shadows exploded like crumbs, and he didn't even have a chance to take it back!

   "Damn it!"

   "Damn it!"


   Xiao Hua was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, "Puff", at this time the light spots in his body began to burst!

   Xiao Hua no matter how lightly or slowly, he immediately sacrificed the Emperor Qingzhu.


   Emperor Qingzhu covered Xiao Hua, and the surrounding area immediately became clean, and the immortal body that had just been torn apart again was calmed down!

"How to do?"

   Xiao Hua felt a sense of powerlessness again in his heart, and the pleasure of just being a sneak attack disappeared!

  Ming Zhan faced such weird Hongbao, fearing that it was also a silver-like wax spearhead—it's not very useful!


On the contrary, Wu Danqing took a leisurely look at the Emperor Qingzhu. There was no surprise. He said faintly, "The Emperor Qing is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and there is nothing left. The emperor actually gave you this thing. This is something I never expected. of!"

   "Fei Ye~"

   Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "This is the dowry of your majesty's daughter, Xiao Mou just borrowed it for the time being!"

   "That's it~"

   Wu Danqing's eyelids rolled up, and the sun, the moon, and the inside were shining brightly, and his tone was cold again, "Then the previous emperor's prestige, except you, is her?"

   "This Wu Danqingguo deserves to be the emperor~"

   Xiao Hua sighed, that is, the great emperors of the heavenly court, dare to talk about the emperor and the emperor's power in such a snoozing tone of the world!


   Xiao Hua faced the sun and the moon, but still denied it.

   "No matter who it is~"

   Wu Danqing said faintly, "If you dare to disturb the order of heaven, you must kill!"

   After finishing speaking, he even looked at Emperor Qingzhu and said: "If you can stop my Jiulong from opening the Thai bell with this thing, you would be very wrong!"

   "Kowloon opens the Thai clock?"

   Xiao Hua rolled his eyes and asked, "This thing does not look like Hongbao!"

   "This is a dragon weapon~"

   Wu Danqing replied casually.

   "How can Wu Wenyou use dragon weapons?"

   Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "How do you say it is also the Qingdi, you should use the emperor!"

   said, Xiao Hua suddenly urged Emperor Qingzhu.


   Emperor Qingzhu suddenly launched, rushing out of a space of hundreds of millions of miles, and Xiao Hua's figure shook, and he had reached the other side of the space.

   It's a pity that he didn't wait for him to take the Emperor Qingzhu and rush out of the space.


   The sun flashes, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Xiao Hua saw the universe turned upside down, Wu Danqing appeared in front of him again, and the Kowloon Kai Tai bell hanging in the sky!

   "Xiao Hua~"

   Wu Danqing looked at Xiao Hua and said calmly, "You and I are immortal, why, are you going to run away now?"


   Xiao Hua panicked and lost the reincarnation formation. He has no Tianzun strength now, let alone Wu Danqing’s opponent, so he shrugged and said, "I just wandered around to see..."

   "Emperor Qingzhu is good~"

   Wu Danqing said coldly, "But it also has the power of the emperor, and in the area covered by the sun, your emperor space cannot be surpassed, so let's die this heart!"

   As he said, Wu Danqing once again patted his chest and abdomen, and the "roar" was once again turned into a dragon by the emperor.

   Xiao Hua was horrified, and the Emperor Qingzhu was immediately inspired without waiting for the bell to ring in Kowloon!

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support for the cultivation of gods. They are: Half Smoke, Stinky Mosquito, Shield Royal, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Return, Li Jian, Xingkong Meng, Bihai Advertising, Singing Birds, Wind Walk, Rice grains, cyclone cat, Tian Facai, doing N mules, looking at the face with a lamp, Hualiuhai, proud of Shenzhou, ruthless, brick mover, eating cold skin in the middle of the night, I used to look forward to the present, there is no secret, Jiang Yuanfeng, sesame seeds... , Wuming, Stupid Taoist, Xuanqing, etc.

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