Revival of the Gods

Chapter 329: Finally broke the ban

"Yeah, yeah!" Zhu Ding nodded. "It’s a rare fool to ban the Holy Spirit Palace with me. Isn’t that God let us break the ban?"

"Hey, I don't know if I am unlucky, or I am unlucky!"

Xiao Hua sighed and took the plaque.

Zhu Ding lost the opportunity to pass an ink fairy to Xiao Hua and said: "This is the ritual of 箬金铖..."

Then Zhu Ding was afraid that Xiao Hua would not sacrifice, but also secretly said: "This is the method of ritual that I can use in the announcement of a king's room. You can sacrifice all the fairy wares of Xuanguo!"

"There is a fart!" Xiao Hua waved. "There is no way to release the thoughts here. I can't see the method of worship in the ink fairy!"

"Oh, yeah, yeah!" Zhu Ding woke up and was disappointed with his forehead.

"Is it difficult to wait until the next ancestor?" Zhu Ding took Mo Xianyin down his own words.

Xiao Hua certainly will not let go of this opportunity. He frowned and thought for a while, saying: "You can see the method of rituals in Moxian?"

"I have seen it, of course I have seen it!" Zhu Ding nodded. "Is it difficult for you to let me repeat it to you?"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Why not?"

"How is this possible?" Zhu Ding shook his head. "I repeat, it is impossible to use it to explore with you!"

"Ink to me!" Xiao Hua said, "Let's repeat, let's try!"

"Oh!" Zhu Ding gave the hand to Xiao Hua, and looked at Xiao Hua. He would shrink his hand in the robes and sit down on his knees. He would raise his hand and a fire would only be born in his fingers. Above the forehead,

Seeing that the fire did not enter Xiaohua's body, Zhu Ding looked at Xiao Hua with a look of enthusiasm. However, for a long time, Xiao Hua raised his hand to throw gold in the air, and a scent of scent blows, and "嗡" 箬金铖 emits a low roaring sound. Beginning with a layer of fine hairspring.

Zhu Ding did not like it. He watched cautiously. He waited for Xiao Hua to make dozens of fairy tales in an orderly manner. The three golden plaques gradually became illusory, turning into three colors of red, blue and yellow, which made the mouth look awkward and revealing ease.

"Blood blood!" With Xiao Hua raising his hand, each of the three flames pulled out a fiery wire and made a knot in the air. Xiao Hua whispered.

Zhu Ding looked at Xiao Hua's precise control of the fiery wire. It was a mysterious cohesive knot. He was almost stunned, and the words of Xiao Hua were unheard of.

"Blood!!" Xiao Hua raised some of Nahan's head and shouted loudly.

"Oh!" Zhu Ding wakes up, should have a voice, hurriedly a mouth, "噗" a spurt of blood!

Xiao Hua grabbed the big hand and made a group of blood, and slowly fell into the three-color rope knot.

"Hey..." A clear sound, inside the red-red fire silk, a faint shadow of the Suzaku was born, at the same time, within the yellow fiery silk, the illusion of the fruit of a fairy fruit is revealed, and the blue fire Within the silk, a small indigo flower is the clearest.

Zhu Dingyi, Zhang mouth wants to say something, but Xiao Hua did not care, still in accordance with the law in the space to see the immortality in the ink fairy, still playing the fairy. Seeing Xiao Hua, Zhu Ding did not say much, but frowned at the indigo flower gradually blending into the fiery silk, three identical fire rope knots turned out!

"Go!" Xiao Hua looked at the knot with satisfaction, raised his hand and grabbed it, slammed in the mouth, three knots with three flames!

"Oh..." The knot fell into the flame, and the three flames made a low roaring sound. Three vortexes with a few feet were born above the flame. Xiaohuaton felt the inexplicable suction coming out from the three vortices. I will take out my own body!

"Damn!" Xiaohua's face changed slightly. On the other hand, Xianli was sent out. On the other hand, he hurriedly urged the exercises. Seeing that the body was ineffective, Xiao Hua was taking a forehead. "Brush" the fairy marks, three beams of light. Shoot three vortexes!

With a cup of tea, the three silver pillars began to dim, and the three flames burst like fireworks, revealing three colored fairyware.

"Call..." Xiao Hua took a long breath and received a fairy mark. His eyes fell on the golden plaque. Today's 箬金铖 has been somewhat different from the previous ones. In the center of each bird's claw, there is a spiral of nails. These spirals engrave small **** runes, and the runes are shimmering and shimmering. The normal and indigo shadows are revealed in the void from time to time.

"Master?" Zhu Ding, who has been holding his breath, whispered at this moment. "You... are you Yan Xian?"

"What do you think?" Xiao Hua took out the crystal bottle and took some elixir, not asking for it.

Looking at Xiao Hua's closed eyes and rehabilitating to restore Xianli, Zhu Ding carefully said: "I think you... you have the strength of the Five Elements! The Royal Court has records, and the sacrifice of this golden plaque is at least the high level of the fairy. It is best to be a high-ranking fairy, otherwise there may be a depletion of Xianli..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Ding did not dare to say, obviously he gave Xiao Hua a set!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua looked at Zhu Ding with a sigh of relief. "I know that you are not well-intentioned! Would you like more sensation in the next few days?"

Zhu Ding saw that Xiao Hua was not particularly angry. He hurriedly laughed and said: "No, no. After a while, the disciples will first urge the sputum to help the Master to save some power."

Xiao Hua looked at Zhu Ding with a strange look. It is not easy to make this world's self-proclaimed disciple convinced. Xiao Hua added Xianli and raised his hand to Zhu Dingdao: "You bring it on!"

"Yes, Master!" Zhu Ding took over the fairy, quite a well-behaved response, and Xianli urged, "嗡嗡嗡" three red, yellow and blue spirals shine brightly, with Zhu Dingxian playing, Fall at the edge of the window!

When the spiral light hits the pavilion, it immediately makes a "squeaky" sound to sway inside the window. At the same time, the light and shadow of the Suzaku, the one and the indigo are also reflected on it. The weird thing is that as the spiral goes deeper The three light and shadows gradually became clear, and the clear result was that the contours around the window began to melt, and a real window loomed.

However, it is only half a bag of cigarettes, the outline of the window has just melted, and Zhu Ding has already seen sweat on his forehead. He hurriedly asked for help: "Master..."

"You let it go!" Xiao Hua had long since stunned, and his body shape had already reached Zhu Ding's side.

Zhu Ding didn't dare to close his hand, and looked at Xiao Hua with caution. Xiao Hua’s chest rushed to him and nodded. Zhu Ding only received Xianli.

Sure enough, Zhu Ding Xianli withdrew, and the spiral of nailing into the pavilion reversed, and the harsh roar of the roar!

Xiao Hua is not in a hurry, Xian Yu is everywhere, "嗡嗡嗡" window vibrations, the spiral is reversed at a faster speed, the red, yellow and blue light is as bright as the sun, as the window is better like snow Blooming...

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