Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3307: Xiao Hua vs. Wu Danqing


   Li He was guarding near the Temple of the Gods of War, and he never expected that Wu Danqing's primordial spirit would be destroyed by Xiao Hua in the Celestial Plate. With a low growl, his figure turned into a giant peak and fell out of thin air, blocking Xiao Hua!

   Xiao Hua looked at Li He, and said faintly: "What? Do you want to put your adults in a state of injustice? Do you want your adults to be untrustworthy and unrighteous?"


Facing Xiao Hua, Li He suddenly felt inexplicable awe. At this time, Xiao Hua had three heads and six arms. Although there was no cultural bloom above the top door, the space was still illuminated by the clouds of three Chongqing, and there was thunderous roar between Xiao Huayi's right words. It's simply saying the law will follow.


   Above the sky, Wu Danqing's unwilling voice came from the radiant palace again, "Since I said it, and he did it again, then he won. Let him come up!"

   "Yes, my lord~"

Li He is also unwilling, but he can't do anything. After all, Wu Danqing said that as long as Xiao Hua breaks through the six Ding Liujia formation, even if he wins the second game, Xiao Hua not only breaks the battle, but also inherits the space of the sky. Destroying Wu Danqing's primordial spirit within, this is definitely a big victory.

   Li He stepped aside, and a Hongqiao appeared in the air, leading directly to the palace.

   Xiao Hua collected Time Zishen and Qingyun, and stepped on the Hongqiao Bridge.


   Seeing Hongqiao not moving, Wu Danqing coughed lightly, "Daoyou Xiao, you are a Daoist immortal, do you need me to expend literary energy?"

   "Wu Wenyou is a bit stingy!"

   Xiao Hua smiled, urging her figure to follow Hongqiao to the front of the palace.

   The gate of the palace was open, but I couldn't see what was inside. Xiao Hua looked up at the plaque above the gate of the palace. Wasn't it the three characters "War God Temple"?

   "Wu Wenyou~"

   Xiao Hua looked at the gate of the palace and said loudly, "Can I go in?"

   "If you don't want to go out, naturally you don't have to come in~"

   Wu Danqing's voice sounded from the hall.

   Xiao Hua smiled and stepped into the hall.

  Although Wu Danqing and Xiao Hua both wanted to put each other to death after two desperate fights, they knew in their hearts that they had to kill in a fair manner and would never put any secret arrows.

   The hall was empty. There was a military case above. Wu Danqing was sitting behind him wearing a battle armor. There was another seal on the military case, which looked exactly like the celestial pan.

   "What's the matter with those gossips?"

   Wu Danqing didn't have any taboos, and asked straightforwardly.

   Xiao Hua looked at Wu Danqing with interest, and said with a smile: "I think... you should have an answer long ago!"


   Wu Danqing sighed and said, "You have also been to Qunyuling Mountain, and the light of your civilization came from there. I should have thought of it long ago."

   "Not bad~"

   Xiao Hua nodded and said, "The gossip was given to me by Yi."


   Wu Danqing was taken aback, wondering, "Why did Yi give you such an important thing? This gossip is half his life!"

   "Because I can save the Yuling Mountain~"

   Xiao Hua didn't conceal it, and said, "He gave me half his life just to get me to take action!"

   "His half life has changed your life~"

   Wu Danqing's tone was somewhat mocking.

   "This is one drink and one peck, the way of cause and effect~"

   Xiao Hua replied calmly, "If Wu Wenyou doesn't even know this, there is no need to do anything Qingdi!"

   Hearing Xiao Hua talk about status, and even more about cause and effect, Wu Danqing seemed to be poked in the underbelly, his eyes flashed sharply, staring at Xiao Hua and stopped talking.

As Tu Shanziyan said, Wu Danqing really didn’t want to treat Xiao Hua as a rival. Xiao Hua was too strong and Xiao Hua acted too bright and upright, but Wu Danqing had to kill Xiao Hua. Let’s not say that this invitation was initiated by Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua didn't say stop, Wu Danqing couldn't show his weakness and call a stop. Only by killing Xiao Hua, Wu Danqing could get Xiao Hua's remaining emperor's prestige, which was enough to make Wu Danqing heart.

   Even Wu Danqing could imagine that if Xiao Hua were not the son-in-law of the Emperor, the Emperor might have killed Xiao Hua.

   Needless to say, Xiao Hua also took away Wang Yuebai and Zhou Xiaoming. These two have been entangled with Wu Danqing causally for many years. Wu Danqing has also searched for it for a long time in this life. It is impossible for him to let the two of them live out again.

   Xiao Hua was not afraid of Wu Danqing's gaze, and stared at Wu Danqing as well, and asked, "Can I go now?"

   "Of course you can~"

Wu Danqing looked away, looked outside the temple, and replied, "Turn around the door behind the temple, and there is the heaven outside, and I will wait there. You are a respectable opponent, and I will definitely kill you with the most powerful means. !"


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "The same is true for you. I heard Jiu Xia say that this is the place where you and your beloved wives buried your bones in your previous life. Don't worry, I will help you bury your bones in this life. !"


   Wu Danqing didn't look at Xiao Hua, only faintly replied!

   Xiao Hua got up and walked towards the back of the palace. Sure enough, there was a palace gate there, and outside the palace gate was the Hongyun of Heaven.

   Seeing that Xiao Hua was about to step out of the hall, Wu Danqing suddenly said: "Xiao Hua, wait a minute~"


   Xiao Hua stopped, and didn't look back either, and asked, "Do you regret it?"


   Wu Danqing said, the Qingqiu Mountain token fell in front of Xiao Hua, "This is the token of the Qingqiu Mountain line. Song Yue asked me to pass it to you, and please pass it to Jiu Xia!"


   Xiao Hua couldn't believe her eyes.

   "Tu Shanzi may be heinous in your eyes~"

   Wu Danqing said faintly, "But in my eyes, she is Songyue, she can sacrifice everything for me, and I can also risk the world for her..."


   Xiao Hua said leisurely, "You must kill me!"


   Wu Danqing did not deny, "I need this throne, I also need the stability of Bicheng Tianyu, Songyue's past needs me to bear, I need your life!"

"what about me?"

   Xiao Hua showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, UU read "Where is my life?"

   "Aren't you Xiao Sheng?"

   "Didn't you leave all the text and flowers to the heaven?"

   "What does a fate mean?"

   Wu Danqing's words also contained sarcasm.

   Xiao Hua retorted, "That's what I want, and it won't hurt my foundation!"

   "I am not a saint~"

   Wu Danqing replied, "I am Qingdi! I need your life, so I...will...kill you!"

   Xiao Hua took a deep breath, took the bluestone and stepped out of the hall.


But seeing the dragon and phoenix seal script floating around like light clouds, Xiao Hua's figure of Wu Danqing appeared in front of him, but at this time Wu Danqing was already wearing an imperial costume, holding a light-sharing sword in his hand, and Wu Danqing’s voice was exactly the same as before. Said: "Friend Xiao Dao, can you fight a battle?"

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support for the cultivation of gods. They are: Half Smoke, Stinky Mosquito, Shield Royal, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Return, Li Jian, Xingkong Meng, Bihai Advertising, Singing Birds, Wind Walk, Rice grains, cyclone cat, Tian Facai, doing N mules, looking at the face with a lamp, Hualiuhai, proud of Shenzhou, ruthless, brick mover, eating cold skin in the middle of the night, I used to look forward to the present, there is no secret, Jiang Yuanfeng, sesame seeds... , Anonymous, etc.

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