Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3297: Xiao Hua vs. Wu Danqing


Just as Wu Danqing was about to settle, a black light flashed across the vertical and horizontal directions. Wu Danqing hurriedly raised his head and looked at the black light like a shadow. Wu Danqing woke up like a goddess. At the place of Tianyuan, it is natural to be a chess of Tiandao to make the whole chess game changeable, and even help Zhou Tianxingyao's power, so that the sky will be killed..."

   After thinking about it, Wu Danqing's murderous intent appeared in his eyes, and the primordial soul that was about to fall stagnated in the air. After Wu Danqing's eyes swept over, his eyes lit up, and the stagnant primordial soul was about to fall next to Tianyuan...


   Xiao Hua smiled, and said, "Wu Wenyou only understood at this time, isn't it too late?"


   Wu Danqing was taken aback, and hurriedly looked at the whole chess game...

   At this moment, Liu Yanyu, who was outside of the chess fantasy, suddenly moved!

   But seeing Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu raised his hand and pointed to the Kunlun Mirror, "Om" there was a clear light floating on the Kunlun Mirror, and Zhou Xiaoming flew out with his eyes closed.

   It's just that everyone's eyes are staring at the chess fantasy at this time, and no one pays attention.

Seeing Zhou Xiaoming appear, Jiu Xia raised his hand and sacrificed a piece of stone that looked ordinary. However, as Jiu Xia's breath of green breath sprayed down, the "Om" stone bloomed with three colors of sunlight, condensing three pieces of distortion, these three pieces The twists are the same root, but the weird twists seem to be in order, one after the other, removing the twist in the middle, and the other two twists, one has a head and no tail, and the other has a tail and no head. Isn't it a three-life stone?

Jiu Xia raised his hand a little, and Zhou Xiaoming's figure appeared on the twisted mirror in the center of the Sanshengshi. Immediately after "brushing" the other two mirrors, a halo appeared directly through the void, and two fuzzy human figures appeared. After the two mirrors, a series of weird waves condensed into a line and fell on Wu Danqing!


   Wu Danqing, who was in deep thought, woke up suddenly and hurriedly raised his head to look at Jiu Xia.

   "Zhou Xiaoming!!!"

   Wu Danqing's eyes were completely split, and he shouted, "Xiao Hua, do you dare to count me?"

   As he said, Wu Danqing hurriedly raised his hand and swiped, either the dragon's face, or the blue light rushed out, trying to cut off the wave of the three-life stone.

Xiao Hua looked confidently at Wu Danqing's failure to respond, and said slowly: "Wu Wenyou, even if the game is a means of competition, when did Xiao say that the game is Othello? Wu Wenyou is afraid that he has forgotten, and all the kung fu is in chess. outside!"

   "Damn it!"

   Wu Danqing roared, "Li He..."

   "The little one is~"

   Li He Tayun flew out on the bearing plate that protected Wang Yuebai and Tu Shanzi.


   Wu Danqing coldly ordered.


   Li He promised, with the same right hand, a flying sword came out of thin air.

   Li Hegang was about to rush out, "Boom" did not think about the sky and thunderstorms were born around the sky, and golden thunder lights fell like violent storms and rain.


   Wu Danqing watched Lei Guang directly pounce on him, he was not surprised, but when he saw everything clearly, his soul was flying beyond the sky.

Just now, the white phantom of the soul that was about to fall next to Tianyuan, because of Wu Danqing’s anger and distraction, actually deceived it, and fell to a crisscross place next to him, and this place was exactly where Wu Danqing himself was While Wu Danqing’s “living energy” was blocked, Xiao Hua took advantage of Wu Danqing’s order to Li He, quietly sending a black figure to the place where Wu Danqing was going to settle before, and immediately blocked Wu Danqing’s life. These thunder shocks It was the chess phantom that was launched, preparing to kill Wu Danqing, who was killed by the soul ghost!


   Wu Danqing was upset, he did not expect that he would fall into this state.

But things didn’t stop there. Seeing Li He flying with a sword, Dou Mu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu didn’t panic at all. She smiled slightly and spouted a white light from her mouth. Jun Liu Yanyu lightly clicked, and the seven invisible barriers fell into the air, protecting Jiu Xia and Zhou Xiaoming.


   Li He flew up, the flying sword stabbed, and the sparks were splashing around and was blocked by the bead!


   Li He was furious, raised his hand, "Boom~" The sky board soared into the sky, passing the chess fantasy and smashing towards Zou Zhu!


  Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu was overjoyed and exclaimed, "Attention..."

   Talking, Liu Yanyu continued to sacrifice the hydrangea again like clouds and flowing water, "Boom~" As the **** shadow of the hydrangea was born, the sound of gods and ghosts neighing suddenly appeared all around!


   Tu Shanziyan and Wang Yuebai are on the other side of the chess fantasy, far from Liu Yanyu? But when the hydrangea came out, it also caused their hair to be terrified.

   "Boom boom~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu knew that the time was fleeting, and did not hesitate at all. He raised his hand a little hydrangea, and the phantoms flashed into Zhou Xiaoming’s eyebrows, "brushing" only one of them was stained with blood. The cyan fluorescence on it is like a red line of flame rushing out of Zhou Xiaoming's eyebrows.


   As soon as the red line came out, it immediately sank into the void, but after a while, it emerged from the void and rushed directly to Wang Yuebai and Tu Shanziyi!


Wang Yuebai exclaimed in shock, his face pale, and the "brushing" red line was divided into two strands in front of Wang Yuebai and Tu Shanzili, and they fell into the center of their eyebrows. In an instant, the center of the eyebrows of the two of them blushed again. Two red lines flew out, but Wang Yuebai's red line returned directly and landed at the center of Zhou Xiaoming's eyebrows, while the one with Tu Shanzi flew halfway and turned towards Wu Danqing!


   Wu Danqing was shocked. How dare he let the red line fall into his body, but before he could activate his supernatural powers, Xiao Hua said slowly, "If you want to break the marriage with Keying, you can cut it off!"


   "The red line of marriage????"

   Wu Danqing understood at once, and exclaimed, "Why do you have this thing?"

   During this delay, the red line has been submerged in Wu Danqing's eyebrows, UU reading "brush~" Wu Danqing's eyebrows actually flew out of two red lines, and they flew towards Wang Yuebai and Tu Shanzi!

   Seeing the red line flying around, Xiao Hua couldn't help but cursed: "Nobles are really messy~"

   But, at this moment, an abnormality suddenly occurred, and one of the two red threads turned around in the air, and disappeared after being submerged in the void!

   As for the two, one is inserted straight into the center of Tu Shanzi's eyebrows!



   At the moment when the red line fell into the center of Tu Shanzi’s eyebrows, the red line between Tu Shanziyan and Wu Danqing shook and became entangled, and the red thread between Zhou Xiaoming and Wang Yuebai was also entangled!


   Wu Danqing was stunned, he looked at the other red thread in an incredible way, and opened his mouth not knowing what to say!


   At this time, there was another slight sound of a sword crowing, a light yellow skyrocketed, and a wisp of sandalwood instantly filled the surrounding area...

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to the cultivation of gods. They are: Half Smoke, Stinky Mosquito, Shield Royal, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Return, Li Jian, Xingkong Meng, Bihai Advertising, Singing Birds, Wind Walk, Rice grains, cyclone cat, Tian Facai, doing N mules, looking at the face with a lamp, Hualiuhai, proud of Shenzhou, ruthless, brick mover, eating cold skin in the middle of the night, I used to look forward to the present, there is no secret, Jiang Yuanfeng, sesame seeds... , Anonymous, etc.

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