Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3267: Human evil

"Li Ying~"

Xue Qian smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid you think too much, right?"

"Is it what I think?"

Li Ying sneered, "You get too much, right?"

"When did you worship in Chicheng Academy? I, a fairy from Yuqing, bowed for a book recommended by Chicheng Academy. How about you?"

"Of course you stepped into Akagi Academy to study, never thought that someone would lose face for this, right?"

"Where is the picture of Jiuyi Night Rain in your hand? I'm afraid it was also a gift from the clan when you advanced to the Tier 1 Taiqing Tianxian, right?"

"Do you know the value of Na Hongbao? Do you know what writing instruments I have now?"


"How long did it take you to cultivate to the Yuqing Immortal? How long did it take you to cultivate to the Shangqing Dixian?"

"Look at me again, when you are full of the moon, I will already be Yuqing Immortal, but when you are already at the second rank of Taiqing Celestial Immortal, I am still stuck at the second rank of Taiqing Celestial Immortal!"

"Don't you think you get more than me???"


Xiao Hua let out a long sigh, and said, "Li Ying, everyone’s origin is not to be chosen, but his life is to be chosen. You always compare Xue Qian’s experience. Apart from jealousy, nothing can be explained. He is him. , You are still you!"

"Yes, not bad~"

Li Ying listened and laughed, "Lord Xiao, Lord Xiao, you are too right. I am jealous. I am jealous of why they are born with a family that they can rely on. I am jealous that they have a college that they can choose at will. , I’m jealous that they are Hongbao at their fingertips, isn’t it?"

Xiao Hua said bitterly: "Li Ying, in fact, there are seven gloominess in human nature, jealousy is one of them, and the saint has a cloud..."


Before Xiao Hua finished speaking, Li Ying took a sip and said, "Lord Xiao, you don't have to say these clichés again, what qualifications do you have to talk about my heavenly Confucianism, and what qualifications do you have to accept me? Inheritance of heavenly saints?"

"What does it have to do with me even if your tongue is blooming?"

"Are the three immortals? To stand for morality, meritorious service, and stand for words? When we are impoverished and hopeless, where are the saints and why should we be immortal?"

"Set up a heart for the heaven and the earth, for the life of the people, for the sacred and fascinated learning, and for the peace of the world? I, bah, do I have the qualifications? I am a book, I write a text for a person, I am kneeling for a practice. Where are the saints when they are in front of the door? What right does the saint have to ask me to continue their faculties?"

"I'm pooh, I'm pooh, I'm pooh!"

"Lord Xiao, don't say those high-sounding words in front of me. In today's world, the saint has died early, and the prospects are dark!"


Although Li Ying’s words were extremely radical, they sounded like thunder in Xiao Hua’s ears. He couldn’t help but roll up a huge wave: “Yes, the sky does not give birth to a saint, the eternity is like a long night, the sky is like a saint, and the sun and moon shine brightly. Eternity. But can the sun and the moon really illuminate the eternity? Can it really illuminate the darkness of human nature?"

"In the long heavenly future, can the three immortality make people immortal? Can the four doctrines inspire the human race to continue the past?"

"The Immortal Monument is on the top of the Heaven and Earth Tower. It can only illuminate the Yellow City and the Five Cities. What about the Five Cities?"

"If the light of the saint can't, what can it?"

Xiao Hua thought, Li Ying looked at Xiao Hua again, quite jealous: "And you, Lou Zhu, you can naturally open your mouth to a saint like a genius of heaven and shut your mouth to a saint. Look at you. How many shortcuts have you taken when you are too clear?"

"Do you know the hardships of our Heavenly Confucianism? What qualifications do you have to ask us to continue the saints?"

"You have cultivated from Fengxian till now, and how many opportunities have you taken away from me waiting for ordinary heavenly Confucian immortals???"

These words also hit Xiao Hua’s weakness. He always felt that his cultivation was too tricky. The cultivation of the third stage of the Taiqing Tianxian took many years. He was a wise choice, and the five relics of the holy were all at once. Taiqing Tianxian's third rank and seventh rank, although it is said that they are all practical cultivation, it also makes Xiao Hua, who has always been down to earth, feel guilty; and the benefits that Xiao Hua has gained in the heavens, if it is said, even if there are ten Li Yings, they will be jealous. Die!

However, Xiao Hua did not pay too much attention to it. He still thought hard. The fire of civilization can enlighten the tribe, and the light of saints can also illuminate the way to advance the human race, but what can make the race move forward in the right direction. ? ?

Li Yingzhi and his ilk are already too celestial to say that they are ignorant of politeness, nor that they are ignorant of books, nor can they be ignorant, but why do they fall into the gloom of human nature?

"Li Ying~"

Xue Qian saw that Xiao Hua didn't speak, so he could only say, "I think you are still too extreme. The billions of philosophers and immortals in the heavenly court are not what you think..."

"Shut up!"

Before Xue Qian finished speaking, Li Ying interrupted him and said, "You are not qualified to teach me!"

After finishing speaking, Li Ying looked at Xiao Hua again and said: "Actually, Lou Zhu is using supernatural powers to induce me to wait for the promise, but I did not intend to stop Xiao Lou, but something happened soon that made me change my mind. , This matter is also related to the original poster Xiao."


Xiao Hua raised her head and wondered, "What's the matter?"

"Susha did not hesitate to seduce me and let me help her kill Su Huan and Su Xi!"

Xiao Hua was frightened by Li Ying's words, and he was startled: "Why? Did you kill it?"

Li Ying smiled mysteriously and replied: "Susha's reason is simple and ridiculous, I am afraid that the original poster Xiao can't even think of it!"

"You said~"

Xiao Hua's face was already gloomy to the extreme. He was aware of the depth of Susha's city, but he did not expect Susha to kill someone!

Li Ying said: "Because of the name, Susha, she dislikes this name extremely, mediocre, ugly, and even the same as the name of the male fairy. It is far less beautiful than Su Huan, Su Xi. But unfortunately, their triplets use the word "Huanxisha". 'Prestige, she ranks third and can only be called Susha. She is jealous of her two sisters, so she has to start..."

"Just... it's that simple?"

Don't say Xiao Hua, even Xue Qian felt incredible.


There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Li Ying's nodded, "How simple, the three sisters of the Su family, should be similar to Xue Mengzhu's family background? Such a background has such a vicious heart, I think... such a person, You don’t have to live in the heaven, you don’t deserve to live in the heaven, right?"

"Even so~"

Xiao Hua couldn't help but said, "You don't have the right to kill or prevent people from surviving, right?"


At this time, pitch black suddenly swept across again, and the triumphant voice was thunderous, "He doesn't have the qualifications, but I have, Xiao Hua, now it's time for the Great Sword Realm to be opened, and you don't seem to be involved. Realize the eight sword rhymes!"

"So fast?"

Xiao Hua was startled, and hurriedly exclaimed, "Isn't there two more rounds? Seven hundred and twenty years?"

Add more for "the fattest cow dung"~

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