Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3265: Accident again

Although the darkness has faded, the darkness is still shrouded, but the hope of the Taiqing immortals has been ignited. In the next three hundred years, with the assistance of the Five Cities Alliance, Xiao Hua once again spliced ​​and comprehend the sword seal "Sword Fu".


   The long-awaited sound of swords rang from Xiao Hua's body again, "Keng Keng~" Ten thousand swords rang from the sky and the earth, and all kinds of flying swords rushed straight into the sky, turning into a mountain of swords.

   Xiao Hua smiled at the corners of his mouth, looked at Jianshan, and chanted: "Ou Yeh has the spirit of the sword, and uses its essence..."

   "...the sword is perfect, the sky is shining, the sun and the moon are shining, the star fights to avoid anger, the sorrow of ghosts and gods, the king of gods..."

   "...the sword comes out, and its blooming, like a lotus, starts out, watching its patterns, rotten like a row of stars..."


   "...Its purple gas bullfighting through the sun and the moon, it can be described as an amazing skill!"

Every time Xiao Hua recites a word, a flying sword is like a falling star, and it hits Xiao Hua's body and turns into a sword seal. When the last word is recited, the sky quakes, ten thousand swords shatter, and the sword turns into broken fireworks. Falling among the three flowers blooming above Xiao Hua's head!


   Amidst the broken sword light, the faint voice of the sword's anger and frustration murmured, "This boy is really going to win? I don't believe it!"

   Seeing Haoguang from his body once again merged into the sword seal, Xiao Hua already understood Wang Shichang's painstaking effort to make him understand the sword. Only the seal script of the Wujian can absorb Haoguang, and only when Haoguang blends into the sword rhyme can he wash away from his body!


   Listening to the sound of the Sun Chaser, Xiao Hua snorted coldly and said, "I am a human being with little strength, but my human beings are united, and their strength can break gold!"


   The darkness is coming again, Xiao Hua arrives at the third phoenix seal's Fei Xiang Hao Tian, ​​following Xiao Hua Wu Jian, "quack~" Hundred phoenixes flew up, whistling and dancing around Xiao Hua.

   "The swordsman has the treasures of Fengcheng. The husband is also the beginning, Chishan is broken..."

   "...swimmingly, straight up to the sky; during the bullfight, Ye Xiong is magnificent..."


   "...How can Gou Junguo be used in one generation?"

Xiao Hua recites word by word, heads of phoenix soaring, when Xiao Hua's body surface is frozen again, "boom boom boom~" The sky burst, the flames burst into the sky, and fell to the three flowers at the top door of Xiao Hua. …

   "Xiao Louzhu is mighty~"

   "Lord Xiao Wansheng!"

   The third time I saw Wujian's vision, although it was not his own Wujian, the 100,000 Taiqing Tianxians shouted in excitement.

Although these Hongyun can make Taiqing Tianxian Second-Rank 9th-Rank break through the bottleneck, but for Xiao Hua, it has no special effect. In his heart, he concentrates on comprehending the sword, expelling the bright light from his body, and can fight against the sun and the moon. , Rescued 800,000 Taiqing Tianxian.

   Seeing the origin of the darkness, Xiao Hua became more and more anxious, because the seal script on his body could restrain the light, but it also brought burden to Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua was afraid that Wang Shichang would be coerced day by day, and he was trying to set himself up.

   The fourth layer of Haotian is Longzhu’s non-wen Haotian, and there is still no accident. After the sound of the sword "Keng", the group of dragons roared, and the clouds came from all over the world.

   Xiao Hua smiled at the corners of his mouth, standing up, and chanting: "You don’t see Kunwu Tieye’s flying flames, red light and purple air..."

  "...The color of Longquan is as frosty and snowy, and the good work consultant sighs with wonder. The colored glaze jade box spits out lotus, and the gold ring is wrongly engraved to reflect tomorrow..."

   But, that is, when the chanting reaches this point, the roaring dragons suddenly fell silent, and the dragon face that should have fallen from the sky did not move!


Xiao Hua was taken aback, and a bad feeling came into his heart. He hurriedly recited "Missing the golden ring to reflect tomorrow" and "Boom boom~" As Xiao Hua fell to the ground, the roaring dragons burst one by one. The flying sword rhyme disappears like the wind...

   "This...what the **** is going on?"

   Xiao Hua looked around incredulously, and then at the dragon seal that landed on her body, and the sword rhyme that roamed around the dragon seal. The sword rhyme was not abnormal, but the dragon seal with the word "day" was not born!

   "Damn it!"

   In an instant, Xiao Hua understood, and gritted his teeth and cursed, "Originally... it turns out that Long Seal has been changed!!"

   This is a day-by-day method, it buried Xiao Hua early in the morning!

   The previous Haotian could only change the sword rhyme. Now Haotian can not only change the sword rhyme, but also change the outline of the handwriting!

   "Haha, haha~"

   laughed wildly day by day. On the dark sky, there was bright light condensed into a sword. It proudly said, "Xiao Hua, this is the bright human nature you said. It really opened my eyes!"

   "I just changed my method slightly. Someone found out immediately, and someone used it immediately. This speed is faster than I thought!"

   "Just like that, you still want to fight with me, haha, human race, human race, how can you be united?"

Listening to the words of the day by day, Xiao Hua had no confidence. He was completely disappointed in human nature. He did what he should do and did what he shouldn’t. He exhausted his magical powers and made every Taiqing Tianxian send a message. Promise, but they still block themselves...

   "Xiao Wensheng~"

   Ye Meng flew out of the stunned Taiqing Tianxian, and said hurriedly, "Don't worry, we will immediately find out who tampered with the dragon seal, and there will be four bright days..."

   "I'm tired~"

   Xiao Hua shook his head slightly, UU reading with a trace of helplessness in his eyes, and said softly, "I'm afraid I can't stick to it!"

  Xiao Hua was right. Three and a half inscriptions were already carved on his body. Each seal was so heavy that he could not breathe, and his disappointment with the darkness of human nature dampened his strength.

   "Xiao Lou Zhu~"

   "Senior Xiao~~"

A group of Taiqing celestial celestial beings flew in one after another, their eyes filled with prayers, but when they reached their lips, they didn't know how to say it. After all, Xiao Hua had tears in his eyes and his face turned pale. No one could see his heart. Powerless!


   Ye Meng bit his lip and whispered, "Xiao Wensheng, I believe this...this is a misunderstanding, it is...the unintentional act of some people!"

   Xiao Hua took a deep breath, closed his eyes and raised his head to the sky. There was a bag of cigarettes. He suddenly opened his eyes and rushed to Ye Meng, and even the surrounding Qiantaiqing Tianxian only said one sentence: "This time, not an example!"

   "Thank you Xiao Louzhu~"

   "Thank you Xiao Wensheng~"

   Everyone was overjoyed and bowed to salute.

At this time, the surrounding dragons had exploded, and Xiao Hua could no longer realize that, he just sat in the air in silence, took out the Xiayun knot that was almost discarded before, and inspected it carefully. The words in the Xiayun knot were previously worthless, but now They are invaluable, after all, these seal scripts will never be tampered with!

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