Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3244: Sword-forging Secret Art of Pure 1 No Miscellaneous Art

"If the previous heavy Haotian was Feng Zhuan~"

Xiao Hua looked at the slowly dissipating Thunder, and thought in her heart, "Then this heavy sky is Lei Seal, but what kind of handwriting is this Lei Seal, and what is the "Sword Fu" written in it. What?"

Xiao Hua deliberately explored these, but he knew better in his heart that after a hundred years, the "Fu of the Sword" in Zhong Hao Tian had long been tampered with, so how could he find the real sword rhyme?

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, but still tried to release Qingyun.


Xiao Hua looked at the shadow of Qingyun, sighed, and took Qingyun away, still using the sword-forging secret technique to move forward. He was completely disappointed in human nature.

Xiao Hua thought that he had spent more than 100 years last time, but this time more than 300 years would definitely be enough, but unfortunately, when he saw that ray of sunshine, Haotian's reincarnation began!

It's just that this time, Xiao Hua's physical arms have turned swords.


Xiao Hua's figure flew upside down, watching the light and shadow roll, and cursed in his heart, "If it hadn't been for Xiao to trigger Haotian's reincarnation, it would take exactly three hundred and sixty years from the edge of Haotian to the center of Haotian!"

When Haotian's reincarnation was over, Xiao Hua was the first to sacrifice the flying sword, "Boom~" Seeing the dragon-shaped sword patterns emerge, Xiao Hua understood that this heavy Haotian was a dragon seal!

After that, Xiao Hua, no matter of distraction, devoted himself to urging the secret technique of sword-making to move forward. It was another three hundred and sixty years. This time, Xiao Hua's physical feet also began to transform into swords, and he even saw the shape of the sun.

Sunshine is not in the shape of a sword, it looks like a pavilion, but Xiao Hua hasn't seen exactly what the pavilion looks like.

Xiao Hua's figure flew backwards with the sun, and he said inwardly again: "It seems that Xiao still thinks a lot, Haotian's reincarnation is not triggered by Xiao, even if it takes three hundred and sixty years from the edge of Haotian to the center of Haotian. But as long as Xiao has cultivated enough in the secret technique of sword-making, Xiao will be able to enter the center of Haotian if his whole body is turned into a sword."

"Just like Ye Jian in the Yangguan Sandi of Boiling Sea, that is where the sword intent of the many wonderful fragments is controlled. The many wonderful things in Ye Jian are the masters; here is the eight-faced front, the world of eight seal scripts, and the secret technique of making swords. It is the only effective means!"

"If you say that the Great Sword Realm of Haotian has nothing to do with Tai'a Sword, Xiao Mou would not believe him if he killed Xiao Mou, but the problem is that these eight layers of Hao Tian have eight different sword rhymes, each of which has nothing to do with Tai'a Sword. It doesn't matter, this really makes Xiao Mou puzzled."

Immediately, Xiao Hua inspected the seal script of Haotian. This seal script Xiao Hua is also familiar with. It is somewhat similar to the script of Ye Lang Xiaotian realm, but it is not the same. On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to the seal script on Xuanyuan Sword, Xiao Hua I don't understand, but Ye Mengfen said this seal script, and Xiao Hua knew it was a seal, but Xiao Hua didn't have time to read it carefully, and concentrated on rushing to the depths of the bright sky.

This time Xiao Hua has made progress again. In addition to his hands and feet, his arms and legs can also turn swords. Xiao Hua can see clearly that sunlight is the shape of a pavilion. This pavilion seems simple and has no special features. .

In the fifth Haotian reincarnation, Xiao Hua was in Haotian with tadpole seals. This time his head could be turned into a sword.

In the sixth Haotian reincarnation, Xiao Hua was in the sword seal Haotian, this time his shoulders and neck could be turned into swords.

In the seventh reincarnation of Haotian, Xiao Hua was in Haotian with eight-point seals. The so-called eight-point seal was actually the eight-point book. This is not the case for Ye Mengfen. Xiao Hua himself had seen the record, and the eight-point book took the official characters. The eighth of the eighth is divided into two points, and the small seal is divided into two for eighth, hence the name Eighth Book. This time, Xiao Hua's body can be transformed into a sword, and Xiao Hua can almost see the steps of the pavilion-like sunlight.

In the eighth reincarnation of Haotian, Xiao Hua felt that his eyes were dazzled, because the sword pattern was a sword pattern, and there was no other shape. Xiao Hua moved forward while thinking, and it took him several days to lose a laugh. This is not the sword seal. Is it?

When he was awakened, Xiao Hua smiled bitterly again. This means that he knows by accident that this heavy Haotian is a sword seal, otherwise, who would have thought that there would be a sword seal? It must be replaced by other seal scripts, and no one can enlighten the sword in this great heaven!

Then, it was the ninth Haotian reincarnation. Xiao Hua came to Haotian who entered for the first time. He found that it was Yunzhuan in this Zhonghaotian day. At this time, Xiao Hua's body was basically transformed into a sword, like a pavilion-like sunlight. It was in front of Xiao Hua's eyes.

However, it is almost a pavilion that can be entered by raising his legs. Xiao Hua has gone through Haotian's reincarnation several times before turning his whole body into a sword and having a chance to step into it.

At the moment when Xiao Hua turned his sword into his whole body, the world stagnated, and everything in front of Xiao Hua's eyes had weird changes. Not to mention that everything around Xiao Hua turned into seal scripts. These seal scripts include cloud seals, lei seals, etc., which were flashed before. The deceased sword shape also appeared again, and this time Xiao Hua could see clearly that the sword shape was an eight-sided stele. Sunlight is projected from a broken place of the eight-sided stele!

And then, "Boom boom boom~" The eight-fold seal culture made the eight-epee sword pattern, like the blast of eight great calamities.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua was shocked, he didn't expect that there would be a catastrophe here!

It's a pity that Xiao Hua has no chance to evade at this point, and he can't even move his thoughts.

"Boom boom boom~"

A heavy sword pattern fell, tearing Xiao Hua's sword body, and the heart-piercing pain hit Xiao Hua's soul.

It also lost Xiao Huashi's light condensed body, and used the secret technique of Yi Ling to cast the soul, and the secret technique of sword casting with the nine-turn sword body, his sword body that had been turned into a sword did not collapse.

When the eight-epee sword pattern disappeared, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth retreated, Xiao Hua's eyes rolled, all of this disappeared, Xiao Hua's body shape was already in a piece of sunshine.

This sunlight was exactly what Xiao Hua had seen before. It was pure and uncomplicated, as gentle as jade, Xiao Hua's figure fell into it, and the sword body torn by the eight-epee sword pattern healed extremely quickly.

It was pale golden mottled, and the jade stripes were beginning to fade. What surprised Xiao Hua the most was that the sword rhyme that cannot be described in words flooded Xiao Hua's mind like a flood. !

"The secret of sword-making is pure and not miscellaneous?"

Xiao Hua was ecstatic, there was no time to think about it, and immediately began to comprehend it.

Pure One Unmixed Technique is the follow-up of Jin Zhaoyu's singular technique. It is the second half of the second half of the third magical technique of Tiancheng Jue, the third part of the secret technique of sword-making "Xia Lian Xie Jing Zhang". ?

However, Xiao Hua had just spent more than two thousand years practicing the secret technique of sword-making. When he first came into contact with the sunlight, he immediately realized that it was a matter of course, and it quickly merged into his mind.

While Xiao Hua was overjoyed, he did not rush to comprehend. All he has is time. In fact, his wise selection has ended before it even started. He has long been the first literary star of wise selection, and his subsequent experiences are all extra rewards. , The Great Sword Realm of Haotian was the final selection. He only had to stay in the middle of the eight-faced front and try his best to comprehend Chunyi No Miscellaneous Skills and he was done.

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