Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3224: The Great! The Great! !


In the mortal space, ten-colored clouds began to condense everywhere, and all the luck in the Kyushu world and the Shenhua continent rushed into the ten-colored clouds, and the ten-colored clouds once again turned into ten dragons and rushed towards the Wa Palace.

After circling ninety-nine-eighty-one times around the Wa Palace, the dragon image became more luminous and vast, and then rushed directly to Xiao Hua, the jade medallion.


Seeing such a vast number of Qi Luck Dragons, Yu Di Xiao Hua was immediately dumbfounded. He hurriedly collected Ding Haizhu and couldn't help but stammer and shouted, "This...this..."

However, the ten-color auspicious clouds rushed into the figure of Xiao Hua, the figure of Jade Xiao Hua seemed to be transparent, and then the ten-color auspicious clouds once again broke through the barriers of immortals and fell into the immortal space with all kinds of luck.

Fairy Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia is standing outside the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, leading his disciples to explore the vision of heaven and earth, while Yuanjun Liu Yanyu, who is Doumu Yuanjun, is standing outside Jiuzhongtian, with surprise in his eyes watching the space of the immortal world slowly increase. Big.

At this time, "Boom boom boom~" The world vibrated again, and the infinite auspiciousness gathered around the figure of Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia Fairy and Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu.

Ten colored auspicious clouds rushed over with ten qi luck, and the five qi fell on Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu, but seeing her figure trembled violently, after the five qi luck rushed out, they gathered towards the back of her head. It turned out to be a shining star.

Looking at Fairy Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia, after the five energies washed away, they gathered directly toward her top door, slowly turning into a crown of fragrant fragrance!

Whether it is the light or the crown, they all carry a strong imperial power and supreme nobility.

"Poor... Poor Dao is still wrong~"

Watching the Qi Luck of the Kyushu World and the Qi Luck of the Shenhua Continent pass through him, and then fall on the two ladies, Xiao Hua, the jade diary, flew back from the mortal realm to the immortal realm. Seeing the two of them, they said with emotion, "This world really exists. The luck that can make people become an emperor! It’s a pity that Poor Dao is a heavenly Dao in space, and it is much higher than that of the emperor. This luck can’t stay in Poor Dao body. This is cheaper for Doumu Yuanjun and Yuhua. Yuanjun, if you are outside the space, Pang Dao is afraid that he will really become Emperor Xiao!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua seemed to have some enlightenment, and turned around to look at Qingqiu Mountain. At this time, Qingqiu Mountain has risen several times again. The flashing blue light is not inferior to the ten air luck, and within the blue light, Nine summers smile cross-legged and solemn.

"Congratulations to Emperor Xiao, congratulations to Emperor Xiao~"

However, without waiting for Xiao Hua to explore the jade plaque, the jade plaque, the thunder of the jade plaque, and the celestial man of the jade plaque all sensed the changes in Dao space and turned into the image of the jade plaque and fell into the space. They looked at the face of the jade plaque The ready-made surprise and laughter, all bowed together.

"Congratulations, poor Dao for what?"

Yu Di Xiao Hua reluctantly said, "What does this have to do with the poor Dao? Congratulations to the Yuhua Yuanjun and Doumu Yuanjun!"

All the jade avatars naturally wouldn't congratulate the two of them, after all, even the Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu didn't know their existence.

"Congratulations to the niche?"

Yu Di Wenqu said sourly, "Don't you see so many disciples of Good Fortune Sect have been around long ago?"

"This heavenly way,"

Yu Di Wenqu even looked up at the sky and said, "Really partial, others have worked so hard to cultivate, but they have won 30% of the emperor's power, but some people have won 50% by virtue of rain and dew..."


Xiao Hua couldn't hold on her face, and coughed slightly, "Kun Shengdi already owns a heaven..."

Yu Di Wenqu immediately interrupted him and said, "Poor she hasn't had you yet!"

"Sour, sour..."

The jade witch covered his mouth and left with a smile.

The other jade avatars also looked at each other and dispersed.

"Friends of Dao~"

Seeing the avatars of Zhu Yuzhu go away, Wenqu Yuzhang's face was full, and he asked, "What happened again? How come the Daoist became the third-rank and seventh-order Taiqing Tianxian in an instant?"

"And these~"

Yu Di Wenqu looked at the Shenhua Continent and the Kyushu World, and at the new vision of the Taoist immortal world, and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"Yelang Little Heaven~"

Xiao Hua also didn't bother to elaborate, only spit out four words, and a ray of flame flashed in his eyes, and he had already passed the story of the Yelang Xiaotianjing and the Yuwang Diang stele to the jade censer.

"I...I'll go~"

Yu Di Wenqu was stunned. After watching for a long time, he finally spit out a few words and sighed, "What a Nangong Xun, he is afraid that he is the most powerful fellow Daoist encountered!"


Yu Di Xiao Hua shrugged and said, "On the contrary, it's the easiest way to kill him."

"It's no wonder there will be such luck~"

Looking at the ten states of the Mortal Realm where the luck is still growing, the jade song sighed, "This is something that can change the luck of the heavens!"


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Friends of Daoists don't have to worry, in the future, Emperor Kun Sheng will become a veritable emperor like them!"

"My family, Kun Shengdi, is the great emperor~"

Yu Di Wenqu was disdainful, and sneered, "Don't you say it?"

After speaking, the Yu Di Wenqu thought of something, and the front of the conversation turned: "Good religious daoists know that now the sky is upturned outside, and I heard that the five emperors are coming..."

"what happened?"

Xiao Hua was taken aback and asked quickly.

It's a pity that before the Jade Die Wenqu answered, Xiao Hua also frowned and looked at the strange road outside, "Is there anyone in such a remote place?"


Yu Di Wenqu also looked outside and shouted, "Is it really here?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua and Wenqu of Jade Die shook their bodies at the same time, out of space.

Besides, on Qionghua Island, the five emperors stood still, and after looking at each other, Chi Di asked first: "Why didn't the Qing Emperor come?"

"Brother Emperor is here~"

Baidi replied, "But when it was about to arrive, I suddenly turned around, and now I can't perceive it."

After speaking, the Emperor Bai glanced at the Emperor and asked, "Brother Emperor should know, right?"


The Emperor replied absent-mindedly, "He is in a secret place nearby, since he doesn't want us to know, let's not know!"

"The problem is~"

A strange look appeared on Bai Di's face, and he said, "Xiao Hua has publicly declared war. Doesn't he want to fight?"

"This Xiao Hua is also a ruthless person~"

The Black Emperor also agreed, "Unexpectedly, silently inviting the Qing Emperor to fight, do you think he is going to fight, or should he not fight?"

"Xiao Hua is an invitation to Wu Danqing to fight~"

Chidi corrected, UU reading "It's not Emperor Xiangqing, this one is very different..."

The Emperor did not speak. At this moment, he interrupted Chi Di's words, looked at the direction of Ye Lang Xiaotian realm, lowered his voice and asked: "Emperor brothers, you... don't you perceive anything else?"


The Emperor Bai frowned, wondering, "What else, can the emperor speak frankly?"


The Emperor sighed, "Brother dare not speak out!"

"Don't dare???"

The Black Emperor, the White Emperor, and the Crimson Emperor are all dumbfounded. Within the five heavens of the Heavenly Court, there is something Vast Sky the Great would not dare to say?

Add more for "the fattest cow dung"~

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