Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3215: Coincidence coincidence

"Siu Hua???"

Nangongxun was not particularly shocked by the appearance of Xiao Hua, but after a flash of surprise on his face, he immediately calmed down and said faintly, "The original host Xiao is indeed the original host Xiao, and it is indeed the Dao Xian Hun Yuan who killed the old man's deity. Far from being comparable to an old man like Ximen Li, the old man and Xi Men Li were both defeated and injured, so you came out to reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

However, seeing Xiao Hua walking out of the Tianshan God's Prophecy Monument, and the Tianshan God's Prophecy Monument actually stopped there, Nangongxun was still confused, and he whispered: "This...Is it true that the Tianshan God's Prophecy Monument is true? of?"

Xiao Hua walked from the sky step by step, unspeakably elegant, unspeakable dust, unspeakable wind and light, even Nangongxun was a little jealous.

"Of course it's true~"

Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Otherwise, how could it be possible to kill Ximen Li Yijie Taiqing Heavenly Immortal Tier 3 Ninth Tier in a single blow?"

"No wonder you were not fooled~"

Nangongxun smiled bitterly, and said, "So you already have a monument to the Gods of Heaven!"

"It's not just a monument to the God of Heaven~"

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Xiao came from the great formation of the sages and got the "Wuhuaidong Xuanzhen Lu"..."

Even Nangongxun had a glimmer of jealousy in his eyes, but he was clear about what this "Wuhuaidong Xuanzhen Lu" meant.

"Also, let's not hide it from you~"

Xiao Hua sprinkled a handful of salt on Nangongxun's injured heart, "Xiao Mou sent Ximen Li in by relying on the technique of Wu Chu's eyes with nothingness recorded in the "Wu Huai Dong Xuan Zhen Lu"!"

"Host Xiao, Host Xiao~"

Nangongxun said with emotion, "You are really the chosen son of heaven, such an unlikely coincidence... it just happened by you!"

Then, Nangongxun looked around, looked at the monument to the gods of heaven, squeezed his chin, and said thoughtfully: "It's just that the old man is very curious, Lou Zhu, you have been watching the theater for a long time, and I have followed you. According to Dao Xianjie, the Yuwang’s 岣嵝嵝嵝嵝嵝嵝嵝嵝嵝嵝嵝嵝嵝計) space, the old man is the body of the Qiyun condensed body law, the old man’s gestures are all rules, you can certainly kill the old man with the God-shenzhen stele this day, but... you don’t. How to shoot..."


Xiao Hua replied with a smile, "Then I have to start with another unlikely coincidence..."

"No, no?"

Nangongxun exclaimed, " are practicing Qi Luck? How is this possible!"

Xiao Hua was rather shy and said, "Emperor Nangong is really wise!"


Nangongxun couldn't believe his ears, he didn't even want to raise his hand, "boom" a burst of luck condensed into thunder and directly blasted towards Xiao Hua.

Looking at Xiao Hua again, he didn't avoid it at all. It was just urging the secret technique of Ascending Dragon Road to "snap" the thunder and fall to Xiao Hua's top door, but after a moment of stagnation, he was taken into Xiao Hua's body!

Nangongxun was dumbfounded, this...this battle can't be fought.

Faced with Nangongxun, Ximen had no power to fight back, because within the space of air luck, any Hongyun would be inferior to air luck. Time and space are a bit special, but you have to be stronger than Nangongxun!

But in the face of Xiao Hua, Nangongxun fell into the same situation as Ximenli, because Xiao Hua cultivates Qiyun, Dao Xian's good fortune is far more arrogant than Confucianism, Xiao Hua directly swallows Qi Luck, Nangongxun don't talk about Thunder It's booming, even if he uses all means, Xiao Hua can only swallow it!


Nangongxun snorted coldly, and his body immediately faded like water, and disappeared as if he had just seen Xiao Hua!


Xiao Hua coldly snorted as well, and he raised his hand in the air and gently tapped it.

"Boom boom boom boom~"

Nine screams in succession, above the Kyushu World's Fortune, nine bronze fragments shook and crashed down.

Then, "Boom boom boom~" Kyushu world fortune suddenly shook and turned into nine great tripods. At the same time as the Kyushu tripod was revealed, the entire Yuwang Diaoyu monument was immediately suppressed by the Kyushu trip!

Nangongxun's figure appeared in a corner in the distance like a clown!


Nangongxun, who has experienced the Jiuqiu in the great formation of the sages and is the Qiyun condensate in the monument of King Yu, can easily recognize the aura of Jiuding. He stunned, and whispered, "This is Jiu...Jiuqiu ????"

"Naturally it is Jiuqiu~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Only Jiuqiu can suppress Kyushu, and only by suppressing the Qiyun of Kyushu can Emperor Nangong be invisible!"

"go to hell!"

Listening to Emperor Nangong, Nangongxun felt an incomparable humiliation in his heart. With a roar, he rushed towards Xiao Hua, looking like he was going to die with Xiao Hua!

It's a pity that Xiao Hua didn't avoid it at all.

Sure enough, Nangongxun saw that he was about to rush there, and suddenly turned around and only rushed to the corpse of Ximen!

Seeing that Nangongxun was about to fall into Ximen's corpse, "sweeping" Ximen's corpse suddenly disappeared, and even Nangongxun, the body of luck, didn't notice anything!

Nangongxun stopped awkwardly and turned to look at Xiao Hua.


Xiao Hua squinted his eyes and smiled, "If it was just now, when Xiao hadn't suppressed Kyushu's luck, you really won the house. If you blew yourself up, you could really hurt Xiao, but now it's suppressed in Xiao. In Kyushu’s luck, how could Xiao give you this opportunity?"

"Damn, damn, damn~~"

Nangongxun was so angry that he did not expect that it was his only chance just now, but he had listened to Xiao Hua's words and discarded this only chance!

However, Nangongxun looked at the endless Kyushu world fortune around him, and suddenly laughed loudly, and said loudly, "Lord Xiao, Lord Xiao, you don’t have to be suspicious anymore. The old man is the condensed air luck. This There is no end to the fortune in the monument of King Yu Diao, and it can even affect the heavens. How can you kill the old man? No matter what you are talking about, the old man will not be fooled!"


Xiao Hua's face changed, UU read www.uukā and waved, "Xiao, try!"


Sure enough, Xiao Hua's shot was also luck, but the luck hit Nangongxun's body, like nothingness, Nangongxun was not harmed at all!

"How about it?"

Nangongxun asked with pride.

"You don't have to think about it~"

Xiao Hua smiled and groaned, "Xiao knows that you are now planning to hide into the Kyushu world. You think it's magnificent. Xiao can't help you, right?"

The smile on Nangongxun's face slowly disappeared, he really planned to do so!

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