Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3185: Terran Atmosphere

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How could Ximen Li not understand Xiao Hua's meaning?

Ximen Li had an agreement with Xiao Hua early in the matter about Ye Lang's Little Heaven Realm, but he never explained the truth of Ye Lang's Little Heaven Realm. Ximen Li had the capital that he didn't talk about before, now? These capitals have disappeared, and even after Xiao Hua killed Nangongxun, Ximen bluntly sent the appointment Luxiang to Xiao Hua in advance, lest Xiao Hua would regret it.

Ximen thought for a while, and simply said: "Owner Xiao, since it has reached this point, it should be time for the old to be honest and honest. If that's not the case, there is still a distance from the monument to the king of Yu that I'm waiting for, you How can I say as I walk?"

"Of course~"

Xiao Hua nodded, and flew up with Ximen, "Xiao came to the Yelang Xiaotian realm to experience, so it doesn't matter where he appears!"


Ximen heard this and laughed loudly, "The old man still thought of sending a message to the original poster Xiao, letting the original poster Xiao help to introduce the second product of the Taiqing Tianxian experienced in the Yelang Xiaotian realm, so that I can wait for it to be convenient, but Unexpectedly..., huh???"

With that said, Xi Menli suddenly exclaimed, shocked on his face, raised his hand, revealing the Xiayun Festival in his hand, he looked at Xiao Hua incredulously and asked: "Xiao...The original poster Xiao is... the master of conformity. Coming here?"


Xiao Hua looked at the Xiayun Festival in Ximen Li's hands, and smiled, "Senior's news is very well-informed!"

"You~ how did you escape from the Three Tombs formation?"

After Ximen Lin finished speaking, he felt inappropriate, and quickly explained, "The original poster Xiao thought, yes... it was because the old man also participated in the selection, but... but he was lost after being trapped in the Three Tombs, and in the end he could only wait for the selection. Only after it was over, I got out of it. The old man always thought that no one could get out of the formation of the Three Tombs..."


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "This is actually very simple, but it is not easy for Xiao to answer right now. After the selection is made, seniors can know how Xiao got out of the Three Tombs without leaving the Ruins of the Holy Tomb!"

Xiao Hua escaped from the Three Tombs, naturally relying on the emperor's might, but the emperor's might, Xiao Hua, could not be easily revealed to Simon's.

After Ruixuan, the Emperor of Heaven naturally announced the results of the Ruixuan, and at the same time the new marriage contract between Xiao Hua and Kun Shengdi was announced. At that time, Xiao Hua had the emperor's prestige... it was nothing.

If Ximenxi knew the relationship between Xiao Hua and the Emperor, and was contacting the Three Tombs and the Three Emperors, he should naturally understand the key to Xiao Hua's escape from the Three Tombs.

But Ximen frowned and felt a little displeased. He thought Xiao Hua was perfunctory to himself, so he smiled and said, "Alright, the old man is waiting to see how the original poster Xiao answers the old man."


Ximen looked at the Xiayun Festival again, and smiled bitterly, "How did you reconstruct the Xiaotian realm? So many Taiqing Tianxians broke through the bottleneck!"

"Oh, this ah~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "This is nothing. If there is a congenital imprisonment on the Three Sages and Five Jues Monuments in the Xiaotian Realm, this imprisonment is related to the taboo technique of the Dao Immortal Realm, and Xiao X just understands these taboos. Therefore, those taboo techniques were removed at will, so the entire face of Xiaotian realm changed. It has nothing to do with reconstruction!"


Ximen Li also laughed and said, "This is really a word of the world. The layman sees the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway. When the hostess Xiao said that, Lao Xu understood it all at once. So mysterious, so powerful!"

"It's all rumored to be false~"

Xiao Hua nodded.

"Where is the false rumor~"

Ximen smiled and groaned, "It's the great fortune of Xiao Louzhu, Wenqu Shenggong is helping the flames!"


Xiao Hua knew that Ximen had misunderstood him. When he didn't click it, he waved his hand and said, "It's just the name of an original poster Xiao, so don't talk about it!"


Ximen looked at the Xiayun Festival, and seemed to have accepted the shocking message from the inside, and immediately sighed, "A wise choice, Xiao Louzhu is the leader, and even the Five Cities Wenqu Shenggong will wave the flag for Xiao Louzhu. This kind of aura has never been there even when my Simon family was in its heyday!"


Xiao Hua smiled slightly, and said leisurely, "This must be the reason why Senior Ximen came to Yelang Small Heaven Realm, and it is also the basis for joining hands with Lord Qingqiu?"

"It's not that simple~"

Ximen Li accompanied Xiao Hua to fly out of the cliff, looking at the strange mountains and vegetation above the earth, and said separately, "The relationship with the Qingqiu clan has to be talked about a long time ago, but before that, the old man wanted to ask the original poster Xiao. Can you believe in luck?"

"Believe in luck?"

Xiao Hua cultivated with Qiyun himself, so he tilted his head to look at Ximen Li, and said with a smile, "When you reach the level of you and me, who else doesn't believe in Qiyun? Oh, by the way, Xiao remembers being in Lanting that day. When submerged in the secret realm, there was still a dragon vein sweeping through the dense land. That dragon vein is probably the luck of the Ximen family, right?"

"No, no~"

Ximen waved his hand and said, "The old man said that it is not this kind of dragon vein luck, but... it is the kind of atmospheric luck that can determine the birth and death or strength of the human race!"


Xiao Hua hesitated and said that he didn't believe it. Whether it was from Qingqiu's lineage, or the three graves, five codes, eight cables, and nine hills he had just experienced, they all vaguely pointed out this kind of atmospheric luck, but if you believe it, this kind of Atmospheric fortune is really against the sky, as Xiao Hua and others who have almost stood at the top of the Seven Realms have not seen it, so does this atmospheric fortune exist?

"Presumably the hostess Xiao is also ambiguous?"

Ximen Li seems to see Xiao Hua’s confusion, UU reading www. uukā said, "On the contrary, the Qingqiu line can discover this kind of atmospheric transportation, and it can also separate and steal this atmospheric transportation!"


Xiao Hua didn't know what to say any more, he himself was the true master of the Qingqiu Mountain line, and he himself didn't know that there was still this!

"Lord Xiao, let's listen to the old points~"

Afterwards, Ximen lied about the cause of the incident, and finally said: "Lord Xiao, if it hadn’t been recorded in the clan, the old man would not believe it. I am such a prominent immortal clan from the Ximen family, but there were only a few in his early years. People, and they have reached the point of extinction, if it weren't for Qingqiu's line of action, let alone the entire Ximen family, even the old and the old would not be able to exist in the world!"

"A bit exaggerated, right?"

Xiao Hua thought for a while and said, "Maybe it was the Qingqiu family who discovered the luck of the Ximen family and took the opportunity to make a move..."

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