Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3180: 8 cables and 5 codes

Remember in one second【】

"Thank you all saints~"

Xiao Hua bowed down and saluteed, preparing to continue practicing. But just as he got up, "Boom~Boom~Boom~" First a bronze fragment flew out, and then two or three came out one after another, all falling in front of Xiao Hua!

Looking at the eight bronze fragments, Xiao Hua was ecstatic, but after he respectfully saluted all over Jiuqiu, he carefully collected the fragments and said: "Don't worry, saints, kid Practice earnestly, use it with caution, and don't dare to blaspheme the trust of all saints!"


As soon as Xiao Hua got up, the water of Jiuqiu whirled slightly, Xiao Hua felt that the time around him was overflowing slightly, and his figure fell into another place!


Xiao Hua never stood still, and all directions in the space began to vibrate, and knotted phantoms began to appear. As the phantoms appeared, there were countless silks and silks.

It seems that there are words on the silk, but the handwriting is looming and cannot be seen clearly.

Knowing that the light of civilization is the secret of breaking the formation of the great formations of the sages, Xiao Hua would no longer consider other means. He urged his figure to fall on those silks, and the light of civilization immediately reflected the writing on it.

Like Jiuqiu, the silk and silk were illuminated, and a wisp of rhyme was born immediately. Xiao Hua carefully incorporated the rhyme into the literary flower, trying to engrave the smallpox under the light of civilization.

The result still disappointed Xiao Hua, because there was still a slight gap between this petal and the engraved petals of Jiuqiu Wenyun!

The light of civilization will brighten the space around Ba Suo, and Ba Suo will gradually be illuminated, revealing the silk-like pages of the book inside.

Xiao Hua felt that the richer and more ancient charm was used like a tide, and she raised her eyebrows as she showed her Taitong and looked at Ba Suo.

But for a moment, a different color appeared on Xiao Hua's face, and he whispered: "It's weird. Although Xiao can see the characters within the eight lines, why is there a different meaning in the handwriting?"

"After that, there were eight emperors, the three emperors ruled each time, and each received a volume, and also ruled the world by the teachings of the gods. The first three volumes are called three essences, the second three volumes are called three changes, the second volume is called two transformations, and the second volume is eight volumes. , The number is called Eight Cables." (Seven Signs of Yunji, Volume Nine)

"Eight ropes, ropes, political ropes, pastoral ropes, sky ropes, ground ropes, water ropes, mountain forest ropes!"

"When all kinds of handwriting are raised, there are also all kinds of similar words and sentences..."

"Furthermore, looking at the Basuo in all directions, there are still faintly like gossips, which is unpredictable~"

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua secretly said: "Could it be that the earliest classics of this human race are also different from person to person, and different people will get different gains from enlightenment?"

"That's all, that's all, Xiao is not about learning, nor does he have to look into the past, as long as he can engrave the smallpox~"

Immediately, Xiao Hua stopped thinking and concentrated on cultivating. This is another tens of thousands of years, and after the eight traces have been soaked in the light of civilization, Xiao Hua still tidied his clothes and respectfully said: "Please also the saints to give me magical powers! "

At this time, the eight ropes looked like knots, but in fact, the silk and silk inside were like clouds and clouds, and it had become a huge world, and the clouds were flooded with fishing, woodcutting and farming.

Where Xiao Hua's voice fell, "Swish swish~" Eight silks fluttered out and fell in front of Xiao Hua's eyes. …

"Thank you all saints~"

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and bowed again to salute.

At the same time, Hong Yun changed again in four weeks, and a tortoise shell began to appear in front of Xiao Hua's eyes!

The familiar tortoise shell, the familiar Minglu, the trembling Xiao Hua finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after a while, the incomparable power of Ming Law began to emerge in the space where Xiao Hua was located, the unspeakable meaning of suppression, the power of surrender, and even the might of the emperor!

"Boom boom boom~"

In the five directions of the world, the five-colored turtle shells are revealed like a tripod, and the entire space is sealed off at once!

" this the origin of the Great Formation of All Saints?"

Xiao Hua didn't panic. He calmly watched the changes in the five directions and thought to himself, "The Five Codes are the power of order, and they are also the book that records the Five Emperors. The formation of such auras is definitely not an ordinary heavenly Confucianism! So, The second grade of Taiqing Tianxian who came to participate in the Ruixuan is here at best, no more!"

"This time, Xiao only saw hundreds of thousands of Confucian immortals in Jiuqiu, and there were very few within Basuo, and there will be no one here!"

Where Xiao Hua stood, the phantom of the tortoise shell had been sealed off, but as soon as the phantom was stained with the light of civilization, the power of the law was exhausted, and the more ancient and majestic Hongyun began to drift around!

Xiao Hua began to practice again after Ding bowed and bowed to the sky on Thursday and Friday.

It is another tens of thousands of years, when the light of civilization will shine on the five tripods, and five faint emperors appear, Xiao Hua hastily tidied his clothes and bowed to show his respect. This time he did not stop Xiao Hua talking, "buzzing~" vibrated. In the middle, five broken tortoise shells fell in front of Xiao Hua!

"Boy thanked the five emperors~"

Xiao Hua thanked him respectfully.


Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, the light and shadow in front of him changed again, and it was within another time, Hong Yun!

"If nothing happens~"

Xiao Hua stood still, wandering around and thinking in his heart, "This should be the Three Tombs, which is where the so-called Three Emperors stand, and it must be more majestic than the Five Codes!"

It's a pity that Xiao Hua waited for a long time, but nothing was unusual, not to mention the power of the emperor, the power of Ming law!

Xiao Hua didn't know that the "Three Tombs" talked about great ways, and the "Five Classics" talked about normal ways. How could Xiao Hua easily perceive the Way of the Three Emperors?

"what to do?"

Seeing the endless dimness,

^0^Remember in one second【】

Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, urging her figure to fly forward.

Although Xiao Hua was like a shooting star, dragging the light of civilization as the tail of a star, but he flew for a few days without seeing anything unusual, let alone the shadow of the Three Tombs.

"Something's wrong~"

Xiao Hua stopped, looked around, squeezed his chin and said, "If you can't find the Three Tombs, Xiao will just fly forward, I'm afraid he will never be able to fly out of this yellowish one!"

Think of the three emperors, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Xiao Hua naturally thought of the gossip left by the Three Saints of Huoyun Cave, and also thought of Xuanyuan Xing. It is a pity that his space was isolated as long as he entered the great formation of the sages. How could he find these at this time?

"what to do?"

Xiao Hua's eyes rolled and he thought to himself. He looked at his Qingyun and Sanhua, and even the light of civilization. He didn't know where there was a problem.

However, just after another thought, Xiao Hua was a little surprised.

The power of the emperor!

Since the Three Tombs are the Avenue of the Three Emperors, I am afraid that only the emperor's might can be inspired!

But Xiao Hua stopped immediately after raising his hand...

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