Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3172: Heavenly Confucian loves Xiao Hua to death

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Just like the shock of Emperor Wufang, the entire heavenly court was fried again, and the heavenly Confucian suddenly discovered that with Xiao Hua, the heavenly court of the Taoist immortal, it was actually a lot of lively, and there were wonderful appearances every once in a while, let alone the previous ones. The Six Selections of the Heavenly Court, what is the only Wenzong, the only literary sage; just say that the recent killing of Nangongxun, the killing of Wu Zhenhong, the filling of the void of the burial of the immortals, and the acquisition of the heavenly sword of the Taiqing Tianxian, are now participating in the wise selection and ranking The star list won the first literary star.

This is not a big deal. What Xiao Hua did in the Xiaotian realm, the Heavenly Confucian may not be able to see it clearly, but it is unknown, but after Xiao Hua left the Xiaotian realm, there are thousands of Taiqing Tianxian second products here. Breaking through the bottleneck, whoever thinks about it with his heel will associate this matter with Xiao Hua!

When everyone was still discussing how Xiao Hua did it, Zaihua Lou suddenly threw out a huge amount of text. Xiao Lou mainly challenged Wu Danqing. It is really a wave of unrest. Can the heavenly Confucian not love Xiao Hua?

"Who is Wu Danqing?"

"Which building's owner provokes the good fortune building?"

"Nonsense, after Wu Zhenhong's death, which host on the twelfth floor of the Heavenly Court would dare to provoke the good fortune building?"

"Could it be the four great families?"

"Your mind is flooded? Is there a surname Wu in the four great families?"

"Then who provokes Xiao Louzhu?? Where is Wu Danqing sacred????"

The Confucian immortals from all directions in the heavens talked about this, and suddenly everyone shut up. Xiao Hua killed one patriarch of the four great families and a poster on the twelfth floor. What happened next?

People are steadily blooming sesame seeds, and Xiao Hua is of a high level of murder.

Next is the Wufang Great Emperor!

Could it be that Xiao Hua is going to kill the five emperors? ?

Then...Which emperor is Wu Danqing?


The Heavenly Confucian scholars who were aware of this inevitably raised a strange excitement in their hearts, but their topics immediately changed, "Everyone, you said that after Xiao Louzhu participated in the wise election and killed Wu Danqing, where will he go?"

"People are Dao Xian Hun Yuan, so naturally they return to Dao Xian Realm! Is this still necessary?"

"Well, when I think of Xiaolou's main return to the immortal world, I really feel a little reluctant. Ever since he set foot in the heaven, there has been a lot of excitement. After he has left, will the heaven be lonely!"

"It's also possible to stay in the heaven!"

"After all, Lou Zhu is the one on the thirteenth floor of the Heavenly Court, and he also killed Wu Danqing, maybe he can..."

"That's right, who is Wu Danqing?"

After discussing for a long time, the topic came back again.

If it were normal, the name Wu Danqing would soon disappear from the minds of Confucian scholars, but this time, before Xiao Hua and Wu Danqing did not fight, the name would never disappear.

Because once it disappears, people will know who the name is!

This... is also the reason for Wu Danqing's shame and anger!

Of course, there are some people in the Heavenly Court who don't know the news. In addition to the more than three million Taiqing Heavenly Immortals who participated in the wise selection, they also include the Tushan girl who is quietly sneaking into the holy ruins.

" the ruins of the heavenly court?"

Girl Tushan stood in a high place quite embarrassed, raised her eyes to the place where the shining clouds of various colors were flashing, and asked breathlessly.

Next to Girl Tushan is half of her body that is mutilated, and the sound of her whole body is surging rapidly with a light blue gloss. The black-toothed Saint Envoy Zixi is fully repairing her flesh. Zixi does not look in the direction of the holy ruins because of the power of thunder in her body. , The power of the wind rushed wildly, ruthlessly destroying her proud physical body, and even on that charming face, there were two light purple thunders flying fast, as if an eccentric blade was tearing her face apart.

This is not too miserable for Zixi. On the peak of about 100,000 feet below Zixi, there are more than a hundred broken jade carts scattered. The thorns were black with scarlet armor inscriptions. Unfortunately, most of these thorns were broken, and there were flashes of lightning at the cracks.

Around the jade cart, there are about a hundred Shangqing celestial immortals. Most of these Shangqing celestial celestial beings are broken and the flowers are damaged. Only three or five celestial bodies are intact. He gritted his teeth and urged his figure to fly, and there was also a deep crack between the center of the eyebrows of this person, and there was thunder raging in it.

Seeing that Zixi did not answer, Miss Tushan turned around and looked at her. Unfortunately, Miss Tushan herself was powerless to Zixi's tragic situation. Her previous treacherousness in the boiling sea has left her with lingering fears. If it weren't for the protection of thousands of Qing immortals, she and Zi Xi was afraid that she would have fallen into the boiling sea long ago.

"Damn Ximen Li~"

Girl Tushan cursed low in her heart, but she was really helpless. She knew that Ximenli did not want her to travel to and from the holy relics, but limited to Wennuo, Ximenli had to inform herself, so Ximenli would wait for the holy ruins instead of boiling. The shore of the sea greeted him, Ximen longed to die in the boiling sea.


The Immortal Flying Admiral from Shangqing came up and said with a smile, "You are right. There is the Ruins of the Holy Spirit. In order to allow the two fairies to reach the Ruins of the Holy Spirit, Xiaosheng had already found the closest way. The boiling sea is the ruins of the holy..."


Before the Shangqing Dixian finished speaking, Zi Xi suddenly opened her mouth, and a lavender lightsaber pierced his eyebrows directly, "You?" Xi Jiaomei's body suddenly raised a lavender glow, and the eight foxtail shadows within the glow suddenly entangled the Shangqing Dixian's body.


Shangqing Dixian was struggling, his face was pale, and the damaged Wenhua at the top door flashed with glow.


Zi Xi's nose sprayed out a ray of pink again, the pink color fell straight like Shangqing Dixian's mouth and nose, the struggling Shangqing Dixian gave up instantaneously, blur and desire appeared in UU Reading www.uukā's eyes, blood in the whole body. Also floating up one by one.


Seeing this, Miss Tushan raised her hand, and the slightly damaged cloak suddenly shot out dozens of purple light knots. These light knots fell to the eyebrows of the fighting-powered Confucian fairy everywhere in the mountain with lightning speed.

As soon as the light knot touched the skin of these Confucian immortals, it exploded and turned into an octopus-like lightsaber, tearing the eyebrows of these Confucian immortals very quickly, and penetrated deeply!

In the cloak of Girl Tushan, there seemed to be nine tails of light flashing, and then gradually extinguished. Girl Tushan said to Zi Xi, "I'll leave it to you!"

"Thank you, Lord~"

Zixi didn't expect Miss Tushan would say this. She happily agreed. After the eight tails were raised again, eight beautiful and immortal figures flew out and rushed to all parts of the mountain. In a few moments, they were like squats. %% The sound of Yin sounded, and on the mountain, the corpses fell everywhere like rocks...

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