Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3166: 3 holy present

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As soon as Xiao Hua's voice landed, the space nearby was torn apart. Xiao Hua's future time body could no longer stay, and he immediately broke out of the time and space cracks and fell onto the current time body.

Xiao Hua watched his body turn back in the past and the future, and smiled: "Sure enough..."


Before Xiao Hua’s voice fell to the ground, the Three Sages and Five Jubilee Monuments burst out of the sky, masterpieces of black, light, and sword light, "Puff puff puff~" Countless flames rushed towards all directions like a torrent, directly turning into the small world of thirty. The entire six-fold space covers.


"what happened??"

If the second stage of Taiqing Tianxian in the Xiaotian realm is the most, there are more than one million, they are distributed in the Xiaotian realm. At this time, they are disturbed by the abnormal changes in the Xiaotian realm. , Looked at the tri-color Xiayun soaring up!

Don't talk about them, it is the celestial staff of Wenqu Shenggong in the great cities of Qionghua Island. He also watched the light and shadow lit by the rays of light flew up, and said loudly, "Is this a small heaven?"

"What's going on in the small world?"

"Three Sages and Five Definite Monuments?"

"How did the Three Sages and Five Definite Monuments rush into the sky?"

Faced with everyone's doubts, Kong Xu laughed and shook his palms: "Haha, don't you want to talk? If the original poster Xiao enters the Xiaotian realm, if he is there, the Three Sages and Five Jues Monuments will not be okay without being frightened!"

"No, no~"

Zeng Jian yelled, "These Three Sages and Five Jue Tablets are the core of Xiaotian Realm. Without the Three Sages and Five Jues Tablets, if Xiao Tianjing doesn’t exist anymore, these Three Sages and Five Jues Tablets must not be taken away by the original poster. !"

"The rules of our wise choice are clear~"

Kong Xu smiled and groaned, "everything will happen, whoever has the ability will take it away!"

"Yes...but these three sacred and five unique monuments are different~"

Zeng Jian was very anxious and exclaimed, "If the small world is a realm that must be appointed by your majesty every time you choose..."


Before Zeng Jian's voice fell, Xia Yun's light and shadow shattered, and the whole Xia Yun turned into three human figures!

Zeng Jian and the others were stunned. It's just that the Three Sages and Five Jue Steles appear abnormal. Why are the Three Sages coming out?

Then, the King of the Temple of Literature and Art in the Qingcheng City was even weaker and said, "Lord Xiao has also come out!"

Sure enough, in the midst of the three human figures that have not been completely transfigured, Xiao Hua's figure flew out of the Three Sages and Five Great Monuments!

Don’t say Qionghua Island was in an uproar, that is, the entire heavenly court was also shrouded in inexplicable excitement. Xiao Hua had escaped from the Xiaoqiu Xiaoqiu Realm before, and the realm of strength soared directly to Tier 3 and Tier 2 of Taiqing Tianxian, and then entered the quagmire. In the small world, the immortals naturally knew that Xiao Hua would not reappear for at least a thousand years, so everyone talked for a long time and talked about other things. They just dispersed from the Five Phoenix Pavilions. The star list is shaking, and the bright human form, the black human form and the pale yellow human form rush up like stars, once again attracting everyone's attention to the star list!

However, before they could see the human figure on the star screen clearly, "Boom boom boom~" Within a million miles of Wufeng Pavilion, scrolls of pictures broke out of the ban, floating flatly everywhere, and when the bright human figure walked out. , "Swiss~" All parts of the sky were opened, the sun and moon beams of light fell, and within this beam of light, there were paintings and condensed figures on all the scrolls, one by one, bowing to the star list on the Five Phoenix Pavilion. .

"Paint...Paint a saint??"

"Painting Saint Wu Daozi??"

Hundreds of millions of scholars were shocked and looked at the star list together.

"No, it's not right~"

After seeing the star list, everyone shouted again, "Yes... it's Lou Xiao, the original poster of Good Fortune!"

But no, on the star list, the painted saints are covered with light, only the human form, and you can't see the appearance, only the middle of Xiao Hua has a clear face!

"Boom boom boom~" Within a million miles of Wufeng Pavilion, more scrolls broke out of the ban, flying around the scrolls like a pilgrimage religiously.

"Cao Sheng, it must be the Cao Sheng..."

With the previous experience, everyone was ecstatic, "Look at who is Cao Sheng?"


Everyone was amazed, and there were vibrations everywhere on the earth, countless dark lights and shadows fell into the scroll, and the rhyme and rhyme of the scroll poured out, condensing the human form, and also bowed toward the star list.

It is a pity that on the star list, the figure in the mysterious clothes did not show its appearance, and it was impossible for the heavenly Confucian to see the true face of the grass sage as he wished.

"Juggernaut, it should be a Juggernaut!"

Everyone looked at the pale yellow human figure. This figure appeared to be dressed in battle armor, but its appearance was vague. The "Kachacha" thunder flashed from all directions. Within tens of thousands of miles in the Five Phoenix Pavilion, not only the fairy sword, but also all kinds of cultural implements. Rush into the air in the thunder, transform into a humanoid in combat, and diminish the strength of a pale yellow humanoid!

"Roar, roar~"

If the second stage of the million Taiqing Tianxian in Xiaotian territory is different, they watched the Sanwensheng growl and raise their hands, one holding a paintbrush, another holding an ink pen, and the other holding a small sword. , The three raised their hands at the same time, brushes, ink pens, and small swords all fell to Xiao Hua's top door, and then, the "brush brush brush" Sanwen saint figure turned into a mysterious light, light and sword shape all rushed into Xiao Hua's top door Wenhua After disappearing!

"I...I'll go~~"

The eyes of the billions of Confucian scholars in the Heavenly Court were about to fall. They looked at the scrolls, scrolls and swords around them, and then they woke up, exclaiming in their hearts, "Origin... Come out, it’s not Sanwensheng who worships Sanwensheng with all kinds of painting rhymes, literary rhymes and sword rhymes in the Heavenly Court, but... but the original poster Xiao!

Such a situation has never been encountered by Ruixuan before!

The five phoenix pavilions of the heavenly court were dead and quiet, until the shining clouds on the star list disappeared, and the "brush~" scrolls, scrolls and swords flew back one after another. Everyone recalled, all with excitement on their faces. Voice commentary:

"What's the matter? The original poster of UU Reading is Daoxian Hunyuan, right? How could he get the approval of our Heavenly Court Sanwen Sage?"

"Don't forget, there are more than three million Taiqing gods who participated in the wise election, are they all dead?"


Just as everyone was discussing, the star list shook again, and Xiao Hua's name once again radiated brightly on the light purple star screen. The handwriting behind Xiao Hua suppressed all those who saw the handwriting in the heavenly court: " Taiqing Tianxian Tier 3 and Tier 3!!"

It's only been a few years now, and Xiao Hua actually went from Tier 2 to Tier 3 of Taiqing Tianxian again. Is this still a human?

Facing such an unruly Xiao Hua, all the heavenly Confucian immortals who saw this scene suddenly gave birth to embarrassment and suspicion, who is the heavenly Confucian? Who is the human race who has cultivated Hongyun since childhood? ?

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