Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3151: Monument to the God of Heaven

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"You don't have to worry about this~"

Shang Si Ling said coldly, "You don't have anything to say, right?"

"The points are gone~"

Xiao Hua finally said sincerely, "But Xiao Mou is a little puzzled, you...should have some grudges with Xiao Mou, and even your participation in the wise election is not an eye-opener as you said, but it is clear that you are here to find Xiao Mou for revenge. Xiao Mou strayed into the mirage, you naturally have to follow along, one is looking for Xiao, and the other is to see if there is a chance to kill Xiao..."

"In fact, Xiao Mou has found something strange in the mirage pavilion, but Xiao Mou still gives you the opportunity to choose. One is to give you the experience of cultivation, the other is to let you use Xiao's time writing tools, and the third is to be in Xiaoqiu Xiaocan. Use the means in the realm to make you retreat in the face of difficulties!"

"Can all the hints fail to wake you up?"

"Could it be that Xiao Mou and you have an antagonism?"

Hearing this, Shang Sijing gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, you and Shang have an antagonism!"


Xiao Hua sighed again and said, "What is your relationship with Mao Qinyue, the former owner of Ziyun Tower?"


Shang Sijing exclaimed, " did you know?"

"It's easy~"

Xiao Hua said lightly, "When Mao Qinyue fought against Xiao Mou in Ling Yuan, Xiao already knew that her soul had a huge hidden danger in her cultivation, and when Xiao Mo was in the Mirage telling you about your cultivation gains, she found you and her. Practicing the same Secret Technique of Divine Soul, and this Secret Technique...

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua looked around and said: "It must be related to this, right? It must be the original poster Mao who participated in the wise election. He got the opportunity here and then passed it to you..."


Xiao Hua suddenly woke up, staring at Shang Si Ling and whispered: "Shang Si Ling, are fooled, you are also Mao Qinyue's guinea pig!!"


Shang Sijing glanced at Xiao Hua and said, "She is my mother, how could she have committed a murder to her own son?"


Xiao Hua sighed again, and said, "You use my secret technique to pass on your secrets to explore the spirits. Does it have the breath of Mao Qinyue?"

Shang Si Ling blurted out and made his debut: "Which secret technique?"

After Xiao Hua had said it, Shang Si-ling took a look, and his expression changed drastically.

"How about it?"

Xiao Hua smiled, "Xiao is right? Let’s not say whether you are Mao Qinyue’s biological son or not. Just because she left a dark hand in your soul, it is a bad intention. If you believe in Xiao, Xiao XX will help you obliterate Mao Qinyue's soul imprint, and will also help you set foot in the third rank of Taiqing Tianxian!


Shang Sijing laughed and said, "Lord Xiao, Lord Xiao, it seems that you are also scared. Is your strength imprisoned by the monument to the gods of heaven? Otherwise, it is impossible to say this with your strength. !"

"Do I need you to help me? I can wipe out Mao Qinyue's soul imprint with the monument of the Gods of Heaven, and I can cultivate to the third stage of the Taiqing Heavenly Immortal with your time writing tools!"


Xiao Hua also laughed, and raised his hand to Shang Si Ling and said, "It looks like your revenge is fake. You want to kill Xiao Mou, it's true to get the time text tool!"

"What is true or false~"

Shang Siling slapped the mark of the blood stele on his eyebrows, and a heavy blood streak emerged out of thin air. The crater that was flooded with blood texture suddenly "boomed" and closed toward the center!

Looking at the blood-colored light curtain raised by the crater, and the overlapping blood cocoons between the heavens and the earth, Xiao Hua understood that he had fallen into the so-called Celestial Deity Monument.

Sure enough, as the crater rose from the ground, a light golden thunder light began to emerge from the sky, and the golden thunder light condensed into the shape of an arrow. At the same time, the previous blood cocoons began to reveal the weird blood-colored talisman. , These Fulus are like blood books written by gods and ghosts, looking at them, they are extremely shocking!

"Nail... Nailhead Seven Arrows Book?"

Xiao Hua looked at the **** thunder and dazzled his eyes and threatened his soul. He immediately thought of his nail-headed seven arrows book.

Looking at those blood books again, Xiao Hua felt like a **** and a ghost desperately trying to escape from the flesh!

"Is the blood lead to life?"

Xiao Hua secretly said, "But Shang Siling didn't get Xiao's essence and blood, how can he use his blood to kill him?"

However, seeing the surrounding sky and the earth were already shrouded in a blood-colored monument-shaped space, Xiao Hua laughed dumbly. At this moment, what essence would he still lose?


Seeing Xiao Hua in a panic, Shang Si Ling smiled grimly, and said, "Mother is right. Even the Taoist Immortal Hunyuan cannot resist this day, Xiao Hua, come on!"

"Shang Si Ling~"

Xiao Hua looked at Shang Sijing, and finally said bitterly, "Have you not seen it yet? What are you now? Are you still proud of being able to control the monument to the God of Heaven? You are Mao Qinyue used to control it. The monument to the Gods of Heaven! Xiao Mou will give you one last chance..."

"Haha, Lou Zhu, do you still want to have a lot of tongue when you die?"

Shang Sijing laughed and said, "You have been trapped by the monument to the gods of the heavens, and you will be killed by the monument of the gods of heaven for a certain time. You think that by this time, Shang will still believe Will you stop your nonsense?"


Xiao Hua sighed one last time, slapped himself at the door, released Qingyun, and said loudly, "Actually, when Xiao broke the ban in the pavilion, he is also waking you up..."


Shang Si Ling bit his teeth and let out a low growl.


With Shang Siping's low roar, the Tianshen God's Prophecy Monument shook rapidly, and the space around Xiao Hua instantly turned into fly ash. The countless pale gold in mid-air was shot by thunder light like a long arrow, and The scarlet characters were like flying claws, tearing them towards Qingyun.

"Puff puff~"

However, when Shang Siling was stunned, the blood-colored lightning shot into Qingyun, but it caused a faint wave of waves, and there was no way to penetrate it.

Those blood-colored characters are even worse, UU reading didn't wait for them to approach, and Tianbao Taoist songs spread from Qingyun. In the sound of Taoist songs, the blood colors were broken, and it was impossible to get closer!

"This... how is this possible?"

Shang Siling was stupid, and he couldn't think that he had deliberately deliberately brought Xiao Hua here, and the monument to the gods of the gods could not hurt Xiao Hua even a single hair!

"You underestimated my Taoist immortal primordial supernatural powers~"

Xiao Hua sneered, "Even if Xiao received Qingyun and Tianbao Daoge, do you think you hurt Xiao?"

Thank you to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: Smelly Mosquito, Lianshui Cultivator, Returning, Singing Bird, A Zeng, Ah Mi, Water Cabbage, Rice Grain, Sanyang, Nandi Beima , Zfwz666, Bihai Advertising, Proud Shenzhou, Ergoudan, Ended 37y, Jiu Xia, Mr. Ren, N mules, Hualiuhai, Zhao Yonggang, Eat Liangpi at midnight in the middle of the night, busy old man, Liulihuo, trajectory chasing, wind walking , Checkered, spring breeze, summer autumn rain and winter snow, ruthless, brick mover, stupid man, lisi, etc.

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