Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3145: The late three-born female fairy

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Shang Si Ling was originally closing his eyes to meditate, but after a long time, he couldn't help but opened his eyelids slightly, and instantly he was shocked by everything in front of him.

But seeing the three lights of the sun, moon and stars in the entire pavilion, the Qingyun filled the room, countless phantoms flowing like water between the pavilion portal and the convex points.

"This...what kind of magical power is this?"

Shang Siling had a humble heart. He was already at the seventh rank of Taiqing Heavenly Immortal, comparable to Dao Xianjie Taiyi, and his strength was not that powerful, but he couldn't help but sigh when he saw such a weather.

Shang Siling wanted to look more, so that he could have a chance to break through, but he only watched for a few breaths, and unspeakable nausea gushed from the depths of his soul. He didn't dare to look any more and hurriedly closed his eyes.

However, after waiting for half an hour, Shang Si Ling's eyes still opened a small gap.


Xiao Hua's voice rang in Shang Sijing's ears, "Shang Wenyou is not in a hurry, when the time is right, Xiao will give you the opportunity. This is Xiao who used his magical powers to test the time Hongyun, not you can watch!"

Shang Si Ling's face was hot, and he closed his eyes hurriedly, not daring to take a peek anymore.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Hua's hearty laughter suddenly sounded in the pavilion, "Haha, that's the case, Xiao understands!"

After finishing speaking, all the visions in the pavilion were converged, and Xiao Hua stood in the pavilion with a smile beside Xiao Hua Qingyun, his eyes were piercing, and the three rays of sun, moon and stars reflected from inside.

Afterwards, Xiao Hua presented Lin Quan Gao Yitu, raised his hand to catch Shang Si Ling, and said, "Go, Xiao Mou will give you the opportunity and return your favor!"

Xiao Hua's figure fell into Lin Quan's Gao Yitu, leaving Shang Si Ling on the second floor, raising his hand a little bit, a ray of blue light fell into Shang Si Ling's eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Shang Wenyou, this..."

At this point, Xiao Hua frowned and looked at Shang Si Ding. It seemed that he had found something. However, just for a moment, he continued: "This is some of Xiao's insights, which are useful for your cultivation. Work hard!"

Shang Si Ling felt that there was a secret technique that came out of his mind, so he didn't dare to think about it. He thanked him and hurried to understand the practice, while Xiao Hua went straight to the third floor, while using the time to release Qingyun from his body. , Revealing the three lights of the sun, moon, and stars, while taking out the Dharma Body of Space, with a gesture of action and time, the Zishen began to practice with the action characters of the Great Nine-Character Mantra of Taichu.

Besides, on Qionghua Island, seeing a group of Taiqing celestial beings entering the mirage one after another, the immortals of the Five Cities Wenqu Shenggong also began to get busy. They either banned the text, or whispered messages, or hurriedly on Qionghua Island. Flew over.

On the contrary, it was Wenqu and a group of disciples of Zaohualou, standing near the Great Chariot, looking very leisurely.

Bone Dragon Disease and Bai Ze were impatient for a long time. One was sleeping soundly beside the Great Chariot, while the other sat at the shaft of the chariot with eyes closed.

Wenqu also regretted not listening to Xiao Hua's entry into Linquan Gaoyitu to practice.


At this moment, outside Qionghua Island, there was another trembling sound.


Everyone was surprised, they all looked up, but saw three female fairies wearing goose yellow heavenly clothes flying over.

These three female fairies look exactly the same, all with red lips and white teeth, beautiful appearance, and the realm of strength is also average, they are all of the second rank and sixth stage of Taiqing Tianxian, and the three female fairies stand in the air, look around, don't know who is going to give the gift.

Zeng Jian frowned and said, "You wait..."

Before Zeng Jian finished speaking, the three female fairies bowed and saluteed together:

"Little girl Su Huan~"

"Little girl Su Xi~"

"Little girl Susha~"

"A respectful greeting to the adults~"


Zeng Jian looked at the three fairy and hurriedly said, "You wait to get up quickly, what are you waiting for?"

"grown ups,"

Su Huan said, "Let's participate in the wise election!"


Zeng Jian was taken aback for a moment, wondering, "You are only a second-rank and sixth-level Tianxian, isn't it a pity to participate in the wise election?"

"My lord~"

Su Huan didn't answer Zeng Jian's words, but instead asked, "Do you know which holy ruins He Zhaohui went to?"

"Where does the old man know~"

Zeng Jian couldn't laugh or cry, and replied, "The old man doesn't even know who He Zhaohui is..."


Susha looked at the empty Qionghua Island, her eyes were red, and she was almost crying, "Sister, we are late, there is no way to find He Zhaohui!"

"My lord~"

Sushara stayed in Zeng Jian's sleeves and said, "You just let us in~"

"That's it, that's it~"

Su Xi's face was flushed red, with his small head lowered, he said in a low voice, "Poor pity us, let us in..."

What else did Zeng Jian want to say, Kong Xu flew over, pointed at the mirage in the direction of the holy ruins, and smiled: "Where the holy ruins are, why don't you hurry up?"


The triplets laughed at the same time, and the laughter seemed to be flowing like a clear spring, "Su Huan, Su Xi, Susha Xie!"

After speaking, the triplets flew into the mirage hand in hand.

Zeng Jian opened his mouth and wanted to say something. "Booming" above the sky, five clouds spewed out, and within the clouds, light and shadow appeared slightly blurred!


Kong Xu smiled and said, "These three female fairies are the descendants of Su Lao in Linglong Pavilion of Huangcheng. Although they are talented, they are not popular in the doting of Su Lao. He Zhaohui is one of the six famous romantics in the Emperor Hong Tianyu. One of the talented scholars, suave and talented, and as the saying goes, "looks better than Zhaohui", he is talking about him. They seem to be looking for people when they come to Ruixuan. If this is the case, let them in, why bother?"


Zeng Jian nodded, did not say anything, looked up at Xiayun.

The literary music in the distance was supposed to be meditated, but at this time, he was shocked and hurriedly looked at it.

However, there are five big characters with dragon flying and phoenix dancing above the clouds, which are: Xiaotian realm, Yelang Xiaotian, Xiaoqiu Xiaodi, All Saints Great Formation, and Haotian Great Sword Realm.


Wenqu couldn't help but praised, "Wenqu Sacred Palace can actually ban such light and shadow transmission in the Holy Relics, it really is!"

"Wenqu host~"

At this time, Gu Wei and Zuo Zhongyu flew over and laughed, "Master Kong asked me to come over and ask, UU reading, are you interested in watching the celestial staff in the sacred palace with me? Sacred Relics are selected, cheering for the original poster Xiao?"

Wenqu was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "I don't dare to ask my ears if I wish!"

After Gu Wei and Zuo Zhongyu flew to the center of Qionghua Island, an immortal official sent jade chairs and other objects long ago. Looking at Wenqu, it seemed that there was no other idler besides himself.

Wenqu was quite emotional, and he was stunned by Xiao Hua, and was not qualified to participate in the wise election. Instead, he had a chance to watch the wise election on Qionghua Island.


Between Wenqu and Wucheng Wenqu Saint Palace Immortal Officials, there is another haze gushing out of the five haze clouds. The haze clouds are divided into two colors, the upper part is light purple, the bottom is light yellow, and the light yellow clouds are rolling. Some handwriting appeared in it.

Wenqu fixed his eyes, these handwritings are all names, and the corresponding realm of cultivation. Tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of them are the third grade of Taiqing Tianxian, and there is no name of Xiao Hua...

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