Revival of the Gods

Chapter 309: Spiritual fall?

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"Well, this is the fairy used by the king's room!" Zhen Zhen nodded, a military case, a blood color made the arrow fly out, and Zhen Zhen's big hand grabbed the arrow and fell toward the fairy.

"噗" makes the arrow printed on the fairy, and there is a strong black mist in the fairy. "嘎" makes a Suzaku blood shadow fly out in the arrow, the mouth will inhale the black mist, and the vibration will only hit the middle finger, "铿" A bang sounded, and a starlight rose into the sky. A fat man wearing a crown between the stars flew out of the blood.

When Zhen Zhenyan swept away, the big hand grabbed the fat man out of thin air, and the whole body robes the wind, and the fairy twisted into the fire crow.

Immediately, I saw a full-fledged light and shadow standing under the tri-color light curtain. Isn’t it just the hand-shaking of Xiong Cheng?

"Yan Zhen..." Zhen Zhen will put Xiongcheng in his hand and said, "Your family is here, you give the old man a speech!"

At this time, the previously fading light color light curtain has stopped in the air, and heard a loud bang from the sound of the sound of the bang, a star in the light curtain fell, and turned into a war of the same battle. Looking at the electricity, look at Zhen Zhendao: "What is the situation of my family?"

“Injury...” Zhen Zhen said faintly. “If you want to know the truth, come over yourself!”

After that, Zhen Zhen did not stop, and the light and shadow swung back and fell into the Chinese army.

After Zhen Zhen’s fall, he sat behind the military case. He looked around and said nothing, “Zhang Qi’s shot left, you waited...”

"Adults..." The former warhead hurriedly said, "I can’t give up on this matter, otherwise I will not be able to explain to the Prince of Wu!"

"I only advocate, you wait to step back!" Zhen Zhen said with dissatisfaction, the fairy will say it.

"Hey..." is saying that, before Xiao Hua came, a squadron will come over and squat, "Mu Dangguo Changkong Yanzhen seeks to see."

"Please come in!" Zhen Zhen nodded and said.

Yan Zhen is a big man with a big shape. He wears a black armor. The armor is like a fairy animal skin. The scales that are worn on the body are born from the body of Yan Zhenxian, and several black gas. Like a snake, swimming in the scales, there are starlight flashing on it, every time the black gas is everywhere, the silver light in Yanzhen fairy body will roll.

Yan Zhen strode forward, and the silver light of the whole body had already converge. He saw Xiong Chengxian on the side of the military case and hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Give me my family!"

"I am anxious..." Zhen Zhen raised his hand, and a fire column blocked Yan Zhen’s big hand. He said in his mouth, "If your family is seriously injured, it will never be life-threatening. If you wait for me, I will understand things. I will give it to you. You are not too late!"

"I understand?" Yan Zhen brows a pick, strange road, "What do you mean? You still don't know the truth?"

"This is my declaration of Zhang Xiaohua Zhang riding a country..." Xiao Zhen said, "I just came out from the dazzling pet demon, and you are saved by the hero of the country. Because the situation is urgent, I haven’t asked carefully. I’m thinking about this matter involving you and me, and I’m going to invite Yan Changkong to come over and thank Yan Changkong for trusting him.”

"Oh..." Yan Zhen took a big hand and sighed. "When things get to this point, can I not come? My life is not as quiet as it is, not even better than the world!"

"Yan long sky please sit!" Zhen Zhen stretched out his hand, a jade chair gave birth.

"Thank you!" Yan Zhen sat down, still can't help but look at the fairy body of Xiong Cheng around Zhen Zhen.

"Zhangqiu shot..." Zhen Zhen said three more words, Yan Zhen hurriedly got up again and rushed to Xiaohua Gongdao. "Yan Xie Zhang Zhang shot."

"The sky is very polite!" Xiao Hua hurriedly returned to the ceremony.

"Zhangqiu shot..." Zhen Zhen said, "You have said things in a long way. You don't have to hide anything in front of Yan Changkong. This matter involves the lives of thousands of immortals in the two countries!"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua understood that this matter was urgent. He promised that he would say the story. When he said that Zhu Ding was born, Xiao Hua wanted to take out Zhu Ding and Zhao Fei, but he was stopped by Zhen Zhen. Xiaohua naturally does not mention the matter of the demon family. The demon queen also said that he is the same as Yan Fei. As for Yunrong Fairy, Xiao Hua said that he was forced to ask from a stagnation of the mouth, and there was no evidence of death. After Xiaohua finished, Zhen Zhen and Yan Zhen glanced at each other. Both eyes were bitter in the eyes of the two immortals. Then they turned their heads and asked Xiao Huadao in unison. "Seeing Zhang Qi shooting, is this matter related to Lingbi?"

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded. "If it is made without any mistakes, it will be related to the coffin."

"Hey..." sighed and sighed. "You don't have to mention it later."

"Ah?" Xiao Hua did not understand, Qidao, "Why?"

"Because..." Yan Zhen said one word at a time, "When you send out the news, your country’s coffin is just in the darkness of the pets, and it’s difficult to get the son of Zhu Ding. And, coincidentally, I sneaked into the country, and the prince was quiet, and also came to find the son of smashed the two kings and the two fallen, the bones are gone!"

"I am going!" Xiao Hua whispered, "This... Is this premeditated?"

"Shut up!" Zhen Zhen’s face was cold and he yelled. "What can you say about Wang Hao? You have already ordered it. The king has ordered that at all costs be a child, revenge for Wang Hao..."

"Yeah!" Yan Zhen also smiled bitterly. "Since the quiet is not a bear mother, but she is the father of the world, she is the prince of the prince, and she has fallen for the salvation of the world. I am also the king of the country... and it is like a thunder..."

"Yan Changkong..." Zhen Zhen waved his hand and sent Xiong Cheng to Yan Zhen. He said, "Your son of the country will give it to you, you will ask first. I have not seen my family, I will wait until you ask me. Ask in detail!"

"Good!" Yan Zhen nodded, look at the bear in front of the bear, and raise his hand to take a look at his own eyebrows. "Brush" the silver column with black silk and starlight inside the fairy mark is shot, just above the bear into the fairy body, look With the black silk and the starlight falling into the bear into the fairy body, Yan Zhen took care of himself and took out a jade crystal bottle. Unlocking the crystal bottle, the Yan Zhen raised his hand, and a star-shaped light group flew out in the "嗖" crystal bottle. After the light group did not enter the bear-top door, a ring-shaped star pattern emerged from the head of the bear head and swiftly swept toward the foot. After, the scar on the bear's body was visible to the naked eye.

"Damn!" The star pattern disappeared, and Xiong Cheng screamed and straightened up and cried. "I dare to count the little master, not afraid that I will destroy the nine people?"

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