Revival of the Gods

Chapter 303: Qifeng protrusion

"Oh..." followed by a cold, two people behind Mengyang turned out, the bronze gongs have been sacrificed, and the shadows are like a mountain.

The feather bud fairy is even more sulky on the face, and the fancy means, the big hand is shot on the raft, the illusion of water-like strings, the two people are blocked in front of the head, the strings are so sharp, the roots can cut off the void.

There is no retreat, Xiaohua sighs, his left hand rises, and the frosty sword is sacrificed. As for the ice, he relies on Xiao Hua to take out his own fairy.

Just as the two men urged Xianli, the sound of "嗖", the gray little cockroach flew out from under the ice, and a mouth bite on the licking leg!

"Hey..." Seeing Xiaoxiao will be awkward, squatting in the air at the foot of the ice, a clear sound, the ice-colored Yuan Ying, who is covered with black enchantress, is flying out, and Zhang mouth bites in the throat!

"Oh..." The little sorrow mourned, and the thick wind pattern was born at the neck. The wind pattern was cut like a knife to the body of the Yuan Ying.

The ice-colored Yuan Ying binoculars emit a faint glory, and the small mouth bites the neck of Xiao Yan, and the wind pattern cuts off the body surface and ignores it.

"Damn!" Seeing a small sputum pain in the limbs convulsions, Baixi heart hurts, snoring a right hand to explore, turned into a few acres to catch Yuan Ying.

"Hey..." Xiao Hua sneered, and the right hand swayed the fairy, and the "Rumble" a few acres of Thunder's big hand gave birth to Baixi.

The sound of "Boom" roared, the Thunder's big hand was broken by Baixi's big hand, and the right arm of Baixi, who is Yanxian, trembled. If he was hit by the Thunder, his figure also fell more than a hundred feet, his face. Born an unspeakable surprise.

Previously, Xiao Hua fled several times, all of which were based on the benefits of Xianji. Baixi did not take it for granted. At this moment, Xiaohua really used Xianli to urge Xianyu, and actually defeated Baixi’s big hand. This is the real strength of Yanxian. ! In particular, watching Xiaohua's fairy body is stable, and Baixi is even more discolored. He faintly feels that Xiaohua is stronger than his strength.

Yuya Fairy and Mengyang looked at each other and just wanted to urge Xianli. "Hey..." This is the Yuanying, who bites Xiaoxiao, screaming, actually loosening Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxi is overjoyed, and his body is swaying. Has already rushed into the void, but unfortunately not waiting for its body shape to disappear, Yuan Ying turned into a streamer, three points faster than the Xiaoyan, bite the small body of the small body!

The sound of "咔嚓", Xiao Xiao’s body swelled in the wind, and the blood was splashed. Xiao Yan was actually bitten in half by the Yuan Ying of the ice!

"Hey, hehe..." The dark-colored enchantress all over the ice-colored Yuan Ying chewed a small scorpion flesh and blood, and a pair of eyes shouted with anger and swept one by one through the feather buds fairy, Baixi and Mengyang, and saw the three fairy hairs.

"Kill!" Sanxian said in unison, Qiqi urged the fairy to attack Xiaohua and Xiaobing!

Xiao Hua’s left hand frosted sword was high, and surrounded by ice, such as Joan, his right hand took out the Kunlun mirror from his arms, and the Qing dynasty, the dragon family will be sent out.

"nnd!" At this moment, the crowds screamed, "I am sleeping, who dares to disturb Laozi?"

After that, a yellow light-shadowed lotus flew out, and the body shape rushed into the three immortals. The robes swayed, and the overlapping sleeves of the sleeves were lifted like waves, hitting the shadows, wind tunnels and chords. .

Between the sounds of "Booming and Booming", everything turned into a cloud of smoke, and the shapes of Baixi, Yuya and Mengyang fell back. "The 噗噗噗" Sanxian mouth spit out blood containing silver, and the wilting is almost impossible in light and shadow. Stand up.

"Jiang Meihua??" Xiao Hua saw an apricot-colored robes, and his eyes were slightly picking. He couldn't help but scream in his heart. Sure enough, Jiang Meihua, who was in the wind of Yushu, stood in the light and shadow and looked extremely unpleasant.

"You..." Jiang Meihua’s gaze fell on Baixi’s body, raising his hand and pointing his robes. “What qualification do you have to wear a yellow robe?”

Baixi’s face was born with a sigh of relief. Looking at the uncontrollable overflow of Jiang Meihua’s silver, the silver and red light were intertwined. Isn’t it the sign of the second scent? He couldn't help but stutter: "I...I..."

Waiting for Baixi to finish, Jiang Meihua raised his hand and grasped it again. In this grasp, the light and shadow in the big hand gave birth to a vision, and the five colors closed, and the two colors rose. The two colors of light and shadow fell, Baixi suddenly found that his left-near space fairy spirit disappeared, the power of the five elements disappeared, he could not urge Xianli anyway, let alone the body of silver, the mottled light and shadow instantly annihilated.

"Stinging Lala..." Jiang Meihua's big hand fell, Baixi's robe was torn, and his eyes were exposed.

Baixi was full of red hands and feet, "cough cough..." and a light cough rang. "How does this fairy friend know with juniors?"

Xiao Hua’s eyes narrowed and looked at the sounds, but saw a five-colored splash of water, and a young fairy dressed in Tsing Yi came to the water!

Seeing this immortal, the ice surface is like earthy color, and it loses its voice: "Easy... Yifeng Zu Shi??"

With the scream of the ice, the Yuan Ying, who was covered in black spots, shouted at the young immortal fangs of the famous Yi Feng, throwing away the **** corpses in his hand, and the wings flew to the exhibition. At the top of the ice, the ice was hesitant, but she looked at the easy-flying Yi Feng, hurriedly patted her head, and the silver light mixed with black gas will be Yuan Ying income. The ice-colored Yuan Ying fell into the body of the ice, and the black demon of the black body and even the engraved body quickly converges. Not waiting for Yi Feng to fly, a beautiful girl like a wind trembles in the wind.

Jiang Meihua reacted similarly to Xiao Hua. He also looked at Yi Fengfei with his eyes open. His face was disdainful and said faintly: "Hey, why can you bully the juniors with your sapphire door? Oh, yes, you guys. In addition to bullying the younger generation, it is also more bully, and the three Yanxians deal with a missing fairy. This is the legendary only state official who set fire to the people, does not allow the people to light up?"

"Cough cough..." Yi Feng flew, and it was a light cough and two screams of feather buds and other three immortals, not waiting for him to open, Yuya and Mengyang hurriedly prayed: "The younger generation has seen Yi Feng Master ance..."

Baixi certainly wanted to give a gift, but he was caught by Jiang Meihua, and the fairy body could not move.

"Hey..." Yi Feng snorted and ignored the gift of Yuya and Mengyang. He looked at the apricot robes on Jiang Meihua's body, and the markings on the sleeves of the robes, the archway, "under the sapphire Yi Qingyun Shan Yifeng, I have seen...Xianyou."

Jiang Meihua is very proud. He only raised his hand: "Easy friends don't have to be polite, please start..."

"My sapphire door is not strict, they don't know the origin of the fairy lover, and there are many offenses!" Yi Feng did not get up, still said in his mouth, "In the next generation, they pleaded guilty to the fairy friend..."

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