Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3020: Reincarnation, time

Xiao Hua’s attack was different from that of the fairy infants. He wanted to use Dao Xian Hun Yuan’s law of life and death to power the Confucian fairy’s life and death luck, but also in the flow of the power of reincarnation, the life and death luck of the five-spirit fairy array intertwined. Xiao Hua's law of life and death fell to no avail!

Faced with the failure of the law, Xiao Hua was also dumbfounded. How could this be possible?

However, he thought about it a little bit, and immediately understood, and whispered: "I'm going, this...Is this a thousand jins?"

If we say that this life-and-death crisscross is four or two strokes of a thousand catties, it is indeed a bit blunt, but in the interlaced life and death, the life and death law of Xiao Huadao Xian Hunyuan's full blow can easily be eliminated. It is really the method of four or two strokes of a thousand catties!

Even the law of life and death couldn't make merits, Xiao Hua felt that he was poor, his eyes turned sharply, thinking about his magical powers, from Taoist to Confucian fairy, from Confucian fairy to demonic cultivator, all magical powers seemed insignificant in the face of the fortune of life and death.

When Xiao Hua changed his mind, the interlaced time of the Five Realms of Life and Death was approaching, and Xiao Hua had no way of retreating.

"Friends of Wenqu Dao~"

Xiao Hua didn't even think about it, Chong Wenqu beckoned, "Quickly follow the poor way into the big formation!"

Then Xiao Hua even instructed the fairy infants to continue to urge the fairy formation with all their strength and wait for the opportunity.

The fairy infants did not dare to neglect, and tried their best to urge the supreme escape Yixuanyuan fairy formation, the fairy formation began to give birth to the shape of a sword, and the unspeakable sharpness and murderousness once again stretched out its fangs like a monster.

The supreme escape one Xuanyuan immortal formation laid by the forty-nine immortal infants is invincible. Both the Dao Immortal Realm and the Heavenly Court are invincible. It is a pity that they are destined to collapse this time, because their opponent is the existence of the Heavenly Peak, let alone It is said that the Five Spirits Immortal Array urges the great fortune of life and death, what law and what Hongyun can surpass life and death?

Moreover, with the help of the power of reincarnation, the five great fortunes of life and death, without waiting for the smooth operation of the Supreme Evacuation One Xuanyuan Immortal Array, the fortune of life and death fell to the five places of the Supreme Evacuation One Xuanyuan Immortal Array early!

Different fortunes of life and death, the same force of life and death, the force of life and death that cannot be surpassed, although it cannot split the Supreme Escape One Xuanyuan Immortal Array in an instant, but the entire immortal array trembles obviously, the circulation is stagnant, and there are forty-nine in the halo. The fairy infant's figure began to reveal.


Xiao Hua was anxious, "Not good~"

Xiao Hua's heart was like Ming Jing. As long as the forty-nine fairy infant figures were revealed, the entire Supreme Escape One Xuanyuan Immortal Formation could be seen in full view, and any great fortune of life and death could destroy the Immortal Formation.

"Friends of Dao~"

Xiao Hua immediately yelled to Wenqu, "You and I urge the two-dimensional formation of the dust?"

Naturally, Xiao Hua and Jiu Xia are the best in the dusty two dynasties. At this time, Jiu Xia can't come out, only Xiao Hua and Wenqu!

Wen Qu naturally understood the two rites of dust in the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm. He was taken aback for a while and said anxiously: "How can I wait for two to become two rites?"

Xiao Hua smiled slightly and patted himself against the door.


Devilish energy gushes from Xiao Hua's top door, Xiao Hua reveals a magical appearance, and said faintly, "Landscape can make life and death. Isn't the fairy and devil the same?"

"it is good!"

Wen Qu gritted his teeth, patted himself against the door, released the three flowers, Ren Wenhua rolled down, and merged with Xiao Hua's whole body of demonic energy!

When Xiao Hua and Wenqu put down the dusty two yi formations, the two yi formations slowly rotated, and the power of the two yis drove the supreme escape and the xuanyuan immortal array, and the forty-nine fairy infants were blurred again, and the surviving escape was The Xuanyuan Immortal Array is also operating again under the persecution of life and death.

"Friends of Taoism are really talented!"

Wen Qu saw Xiao Hua reverse the defeat in one fell swoop, and realized it was praised in his heart, "The Daoists are afraid that seeing the power of reincarnation act on the good luck of life and death, they thought that the power of the two yis acted on the supreme escape one Xuanyuan fairy formation. ?"


Xiao Hua replied in his heart, "Since the Lord of the Fifth Building uses the power of the reincarnation of the Nether Land to influence the five-spirit immortal formation, Xiao can naturally use the power of the two instruments to resist the luck of life and death! It is just that the power of reincarnation is here to Gao Hongyun, If I can't figure out a way to get out of the trap, sooner or later I will be trapped to death!"

"This is the Five Ways of Life and Death~"

Wen Qu smiled bitterly, "Furthermore, driven by the power of reincarnation in the Nether Land, what methods do we have to surpass life and death?"


Xiao Hua worked with Wenqu to urge both Yin and Yang, while whispering, "What can exceed life and death in this world?"

Xiao Hua thought hard, but unfortunately, for a few hours, Xiao Hua still got nothing. There are two laws controlling the fairy formation under the forty-nine fairy infants. One is life and death, and the other is yin and yang. Life and death will tear them apart. Yin and Yang were combining them, and the power of life and death was obviously stronger than that of Yin and Yang, and the Supreme Escape One Xuanyuan Immortal Array gradually became unable to support it.

"Lord Xiao~"

At this time, the voice of Wu Zhenhong, the owner of the Heicheng Star Picking Tower, sounded between black and white, "I joined forces with the owner of the Fifth Building in the Heavenly Court, and still used the great fortune of life and death. Not to mention you, even the five emperors cannot break the ban. I suggest you still Acknowledge the defeat and return to the heavens quickly!"

"The Five Great Emperors?"

With a move in Xiao Hua's heart, he immediately thought of the Cangbi given by the Emperor, but it is a pity that Xiao Huatuo, placed Cangbi in the space, how can he get it now?

"Life and death, life and death~~"

Xiao Hua suddenly moved in his heart, quite a bit wanting to raise her hand and slap herself in the face. Although the way of life and death is the first of the three thousand avenues, there is no law and Hongyun can compare with the way of life and death, but there are still more than the three thousand avenues. Time!

Why didn't I think of time?

For a moment, Xiao Hua thought of the situation when Si Qi fell into the Peach Blossom Spring Fantasy Realm when Xianxuan was selected. She turned around clearly, but she just didn't know how to turn around. Her demon status was clearly proficient in the Tishan immobility technique, and she fell. How can you not think of it when you are in a desperate situation?

"Dear friends~"

Now that Xiao Hua had made the decision, he immediately said excitedly, "Operate the supreme escape Yixuanyuan immortal formation with all his strength, and come out with a poor Taoist sword!"


Wenqu was happy at the moment exclaimed, "Do you already have a way to break the formation?"

"The way to break the formation is not necessarily~"

Xiao Hua has a clear mind, "After all, this is the formation of the five heavenly sacreds, and there is also the power of reincarnation that occupies the geography, but they are too big, and this gives the poor Dao a chance!"


While talking, messy Dao patterns appeared on the forty-nine fairy infants, and the entire fairy formation began to collapse. The power of life and death penetrated through the dust and the two instruments of Xiao Hua was restrained to death!

"Friends of Dao~"

Xiao Hua said anxiously, "Victory or defeat is in this one action, all fellow Taoists can help the poor!"

"Good to say~"

All the fairy infants replied in unison, urging the fairy array again with all their strength...

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