Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3001: Arc current, nether

Latest URL: "Not bad~"

Xiao Hua took his mind and nodded, "True Huanglong is one of the twelve golden immortals, and he left a fragment resembling a crane in the immortal array of fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm. This fragment is the same as Ling Yuan's seal totem."

"Is Huang Long really Ling?"

Wen Zhong's eyes rolled sharply, and he replied, "He asked the Ji family to guard his own tradition?"

"No, no, if this real Huanglong exists, the Ji family is an emperor in the immortal realm. It is impossible for real Huanglong to ask Ji family to guard him, even a disciple of Huanglong can not do this..."

"Fine, nothing~"

Hearing what Zhong said, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Don't think about it, it's all turned into dust, this Ling Yuan's seal has also disappeared, let's go and take a look without further understanding."

When his figure fell above the arc, Xiao Hua surprisingly discovered that the arc was in another dimension. Not only was this space isolated from the sword washing pond, but the space Hongyun rushed out of the space was also different from what you would normally see. A kind of existence like flowing water, that is to say, the Ji Shengliang that I saw above the seven stars in Xijianchi is not the real figure, but the outline formed by the space Hongyun impacting Ji Shengliang.


Mao Qinyue stood in the middle of Hong Yunruliu and smiled, "It turns out that Patriarch Ji had already prepared. Even if I can't agree, Patriarch Ji can still get out!"

"Don't dare, don't dare~"

Ji Shengliang smiled and said, "This Arc Current is the foundation of my Ji family, and the Seven Stars in the Washing Sword Pool is the place for guests. Now I am going to Ling Yuan. Isn't it the same for the juniors to invite seniors to get Arc Current?"

The end of the arc is naturally Ling Yuan. Xiao Hua followed everyone behind, stepping on light clouds, and looking around intentionally or unintentionally. The scenery beyond the arc began to have an unspeakable sense of hierarchy, just like countless the same. The space was folded together. Xiao Hua didn't know if this was caused by the forbidden law around the arc or other reasons. However, when he saw a huge broken sword shadow in a certain space, his face changed, and his heart changed. He shouted: "Yes, Xiao Mou's guess is correct. The Xing Yao of the Sword Washing Pool does not belong to the space where the Sword Washing Pool is located at all. In other words, the giant sword that caused Xing Yao to be in another dimension, Gao Qiuyu is washing. The sword weapon condensed in the sword pond was also produced by the giant sword in that other dimension. That dimension... may be one of the innumerable spaces that this arc passes through..."

"If so, this Ling Yuan is definitely not as simple as Ji Shengliang thought!"

Xiao Hua thought to himself that a mountain-shaped silhouette appeared under everyone. This mountain-shaped silhouette was somewhat similar to the mountain-shaped surrounding Xijianchi, but when everyone looked closely, the mountain-shaped silhouette turned into a series of spatial folds, which looked like years. The wheel, the more you move forward, the denser the texture, and when the texture is dense to a certain extent, Xiao Hua feels that the darkness in front of his head is almost solidified into a barrier.


Ji Shengliang sacrificed the Xuanhe jade pendant again and explained, "Ling Yuan is in front of you. This is the defense laid down by Senior Ling!"

After speaking, Ji Shengliang urged the black crane jade pendant, the "Ga" black crane flew out of the jade pendant, and went straight to the pitch black in front of his head. After falling into the darkness, it turned into thousands of pale golden dragon patterns, which spread in all directions. There was a faint dragon howl, and the condensed dark barrier disappeared in the sound!

"Everyone please~"

Ji Shengliang smiled and flew up first, while Xiao Hua was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Friends of Dao~"

Wen Qu was about to urge her figure, and found that Xiao Hua was different, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Hua came back to his senses, and asked in his heart: "Did fellow Dao find it? There were 131 million dragon patterns just now, and when these dragon patterns rushed into the darkness, what was the whole outline?"


Wen Qu was stunned, he thought a little, and hesitated, "It looks like a dragon or a flying eagle, but fellow Daoist, what's the meaning of this, who will pay attention to this?"


A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Hua's mouth, and he said faintly, "It is these details that no one pays attention to that reveal the origin of Ling Yuan!"

"No way?"

Wenqu was stunned and asked, "Does fellow Taoist know who Senior Ling is?"

Xiao Hua was just about to tell Wenqu about what he knew, "brushing" the surrounding darkness as if the wind was blowing, Xiao Hua felt the aura of the weird dragon region, and the charm of the space like flowing water!

"Don't worry~"

Xiao Hua secretly said in his heart, "When you reach Lingyuan, I will show you surprises again!"

"It's up to you~"

Wenqu smiled, and said in his heart, "This is the first time that Xiaosheng and Taoist friends have experienced in the Heavenly Court. Xiaosheng will wait and see."

Xiao Hua didn't speak any more, nor did he use any magical powers to explore the surroundings. This is where the Ji family disciples often come. There must be nothing special. Shen Jian and others did not speak, and everyone flew silently in the dark.

After about a half-pillar of incense, some faint halos appeared in the darkness in front of the head. These halos were faintly colored, flashing like ghost fires, and around the halos, there was a thick fog. This fog was based on Xiao Hua and others. His eyes can't penetrate.

Xiao Hua sniffed, and he could smell the obvious ghostly breath in the mist.

"Could it be that Ling Yuan can pass the Netherworld?"

Don't say Xiao Hua, Shen Jian and others began to mutter in their hearts.

The Heavenly Court is slightly different from the Dao Immortal Realm. It is the place where the innate aura is rich. The innate aura is the aura of birth, so there are not many places in the heaven that can pass through the netherworld. In particular, the strength of the twelfth floor posters like Shen Jian is comparable to Tianzun, but their cultivation methods are different. They don't have the convenience of Tianzun to enter the netherworld. It is rare to encounter where the mystery of reincarnation is hidden, and everyone is a little rushed.

"Lord Mao~"

Shen Jian was the first to spread the sound, "This breath is correct, it is no different from the underground passages that I have explored before."


Mao Qinyue replied, UU reading www. "If what I think is right, this Ling Yuan should have a fragment of the underground palace, this fragment of the underground palace contains an unshaped passage of reincarnation, otherwise there is no way to explain what happened to the Ji family."

"Yes it is,"

Shen Jian also said, "The reason that Senior Ling allowed Ji Family to guard his reincarnation is to guard his reincarnation. The question is, who is this Senior Ling? Think about the famous figures in the heavens, and every one fits! "


Mao Qinyue smiled and said, "Since people want to reincarnate freely, they naturally have to change their surnames in secret. How can they be known in the world like me?"

Speaking of this, Mao Qinyue suddenly rolled her eyes and whispered, "By the way, did Senior Ling have a problem in the reincarnation, and this Ling Yuan's seal disappeared?"

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