Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2998: Jiang Renzhou who is suffering from gains and losses


Xiao Hua snorted coldly and said, "Shen Ye, don't engage in any guilt, but you're right. Xiao will definitely not embarrass those low-level disciples, but Xiao will never promise not to let his followers. Disciple shot!"

"Yes, yes~"

The colder Xiao Hua's face became, the more happy Shen Ye was. He didn't dare to look happy on his face. He pretended to panic and said, "Xia Xia knows, Xia Xia only asks the hostess Xiao to understand, how Xia Xiazhu does not dare to stop him."

Unlike Shen Ye’s happiness, Jiang Renzhou became more and more upset. He felt that every word Xiao Hua said was warning himself that Xiao Hua might not take action by himself like he had helped Wen Zhong before, but he would still let him One of my own 30,000 Hunyuan disciples helped Jiang Meiyu!

Anyway, Jiang Renzhou simply said: "Owner Xiao, Jiang knows he is wrong. If the host thinks that Meiyu can bring my Jiang family to the top, Jiang will give up the position of the owner of the family at this time!"

Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Renzhou in amazement, and said, "Patriarch Jiang is sick, right?"

After that, Xiao Hua didn't say anything any more, and flew to the void where the dragon pattern extends!

The Lord of the Fifth Building had been waiting there long ago, flying into Ling Yuan with Ji Shengliang.


Jiang Meiyu understood it. He smiled and said to Jiang Renzhou, "The Patriarch has thought about it a lot. Now I am assisting Meihua to manage the Jiang family disciples in Star Sky. Those billions of disciples are much stronger than Yuan Zai Kong Shengtian’s Yilun Heaven Realm. And Jiang is also an immortal Daluo, and if you want to seize your position as Patriarch, there is no need for others to help!"

Jiang Renzhou felt that his face was hot, and he couldn't wait for a space crack to come out next to him, so that he could hide in it.

Seeing the Wen family disciple and Jiang Meiyu flying into Lingyuan, Shen Ye took a long sigh and smiled at Jiang Renzhou: "Let's go, let's go, it's not a big deal to lose some people, it's finally a disaster. "


Jiang Renzhou wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "It's nothing to be ashamed in front of the owner of the Xiao Building."

The two embarrassing brothers comforted each other and returned to Lingyuan. As soon as they entered the arc, they saw Xiao Hua and Wenqu set foot on the Tianshu between the main stars of the Fifth Building, and the Wen family disciple and Jiang Meiyu set foot on the Yaoguang. Look at each other, ready to follow Ji Shengliang to fly into the arc.

How can I know Wen Zhong raised his hand and said, "Two fellow daoists, I have to pay the price, so how come I have to take a guest seat here? Although there are not enough seats, I can squeeze it!"

"Very good, very good~"

Shen Ye and Jiang Renzhou were overjoyed and hurriedly took all the disciples to Yaoguang. After all, being able to be with the Wen family disciples meant that they were with Xiao Hua!

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that the young-looking Wen Family Patriarch beside them was an old ghost. His pattern was not limited to Wen Family, but the entire Primordial Immortal Clan!


Ji Shengliang's face was red at this time. He looked at everyone excitedly and said, "Today, not only is there the help of the owner of the Fifth Building, but also the arrival of the two owners of the Good Fortune Building. The younger generation is more confident to protect my Ji family for hundreds of millions. The secret of Nian has been revealed."

"Patriarch Ji~"

Xiao Hua looked at everyone, everyone was silent. Xiao Hua knew that if he didn't speak, none of them would speak first, so Xiao Hua smiled, "Xiao has a question!"

"Lord Xiao, please tell me~"

Ji Sheng said brightly, "In addition, if any host or senior has any questions, please do not hesitate to speak up. The juniors are sincere and sincere in inviting you seniors over, and there is absolutely nothing false!"

"Since the Ji family has guarded the secret for hundreds of millions of years~"

Xiao Hua smiled, "Why did the Ji family suddenly think about revealing this secret?"

"Lord Xiao, this is a good question~"

Ji Shengliang laughed and said, "Ordinarily this is a secret guarded by my Ji family and should not be revealed, but the original poster Xiao, look at it, the Ji family is now on the verge of annihilation. Uncover this secret, maybe my Ji family still has it. If the possibility of existence is still guarded, I can’t say that someday the last disciple of my Ji family will fall. What's the use of keeping this secret?"

"Patriarch Ji~"

Mao Qinyue smiled, "Is this secret from your Ji family? Or is it guarded for others?"

"It's guarding for others~"

Ji Shengliang answered without any hesitation.

"Since I'm protecting for others~"

Shen Jian smiled and said, "Do you not keep your promises like this? I wait for the shot to help him be abused!"

Shen Jian was planning to do a play with Mao Qinyue, but Xiao Hua's appearance suddenly created a balance between the leaders of the Fifth Building, and all previous arrangements seemed to be changed.

"Seniors, please rest assured~"

Ji Shengliang said, "The younger generation will definitely not let the seniors fall into a situation of injustice. The seniors must remember that the younger generation sent a message to the seniors more than 10,000 years ago, but why have to wait until now?"

"Your Ji family's agreement with people has expired?"

Yu Ling, the host of Qiyun Tower, asked with a smile.

"Not bad~"

Ji Sheng said brightly, "The original poster Yu is right."

"Do you have any evidence?"

Yu Ling asked again.

Ji Shengliang raised his hand, and there were two lights and shadows in front of everyone. Both lights and shadows had dense dragon patterns, but one of them had a black bird totem.

Seeing this totem, Xiao Hua's eyes couldn't help but shrink, because this totem is so familiar, isn't it the Black Crane that remained in the three flowers of the Huanglong Reality that he refined in the Heaven and Earth Tower not long ago?

"Everyone, please see~"

Ji Shengliang looked as usual, pointing to the totem and said, "This Flying Crane Totem is the mark left on the seal by others. As long as this totem disappears, it means that the agreement between my Ji family and others is over, and the things under the seal are my Ji family. That's it!"

Xiaoxialou poster Wei Hongpi smiled and asked without a smile: "Ji Shengliang, the disappearance of this mark...could it be the result of the blood sacrifice of your ancient immortal clan?"

Ji Shengliang was a little embarrassed, but he still said generously: "Don’t hide from you seniors, what is the specific date agreed by my ancestors of the Ji family with others, the juniors have no way of knowing, but when the juniors inherited the position of Patriarch, the message they got was probably During this period of time, otherwise the younger generation would not be able to break the ban!"

"Of course, when the juniors started, there was no change in this totem!"

"But it was more than ten thousand years ago, this totem suddenly began to fade, so the juniors estimated the time, please seniors to come over recently~"

"The totem on the seal just confirms the younger generation's guess, and it disappeared completely ten years ago."

Listening to Ji Shengliang's points, Xiao Hua looked at Wen Zhong in the distance, and said in secret: "If this Ling Yuan is related to the real Huanglong, Wen Zhong must know that this is hidden inside, so Xiao might as well ask from here!"

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