Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2968: 5 great secrets and darkness

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"Grow jade!"

At the very moment, Xiao Hua thought of the five oldest secret arts in the Heavenly Court. Since they can help him create the Qitian Zhaoshi Secret Art, they will certainly help him find light in the dark.

Jade is the quality of a gentleman, first to establish roots and then to act!

Xiao Hua immediately urged the method of planting jade. At this time, the method of planting jade was not to plant the following seeds, but to plant light in his heart!

Wei is the integrity of a gentleman, even if helpless, even if hesitated, the gentleman should be magnanimous!

Xiao Hua once again urged the method of plucking. At this time, the method of plucking was not to absorb Hong Yun, but to find a way out for the light!

The sword is the responsibility of the gentleman and the guardian of the mission!

The Secret Technique of Sword Casting began to forge the light in Xiao Hua's heart at this time, using one of the swords to move forward and consolidate the no casting of light!

Yi Ling is the mind of a gentleman, despite the landscape, it also builds the world of gentlemen!

The light in Xiao Hua's heart was majestic again while the secret technique of Yi Ling was spurred, like the surging magma before the eruption.

In the end, Xiao Hua roared in his heart: "I build my heart for the heaven and the earth, for the life and the people, for the sages to continue to learn, to open peace for all ages, all the saints borrow my light, and I shall break this darkness!"

Following the roar, Xiao Hua tried his best to activate the secret technique of containing light.


Xiao Hua first gave birth to a faint radiance. This radiance came out like a spring, like the morning light, and then the radiance was as brilliant as the sun, the moon, and the stars. When it was finally obtained, the radiance was indifferent again, and at this time, the darkness of human nature is boundless. Can no longer erode this Huaguang!

However, even so, Xiao Hua can only protect himself. If he wants to melt the darkness of the steps, he can't even step out of the steps!

Just when Xiao Hua was helpless, the old man Sheng Lin was on Xiao Hua's body, chanting in his mouth, came out of Xiao Hua's body:

"Hai Chongrun, stunned by the earthquake, dry and vigilant;

The sea is relentless, cautious and cautious, morality is nourished by living beings, and the sea is no rejuvenation..."

"Mountain Chongfeng..."

"This... is this Saint Ge Tian?"

Xiao Hua was stunned. He couldn't think that it was the Ge Tian clan that the saint came to his time son, and what he sang was the Human Race's method of time cultivation "Xuanqiang Quanxiang Pian"!

However, the next scene surprised Xiao Hua even more. While Ge Tian was singing and falling into Xiao Hua's eyebrows, his figure was actually lit by the fire of civilization!

"What is this going to do?"

Xiao Hua was extremely puzzled.


The burning Ge Tian flew onto Xiao Hua's three flowers, and whispered, "Engraved smallpox!"

Xiao Hua immediately understood that it was Saint Ge Tianshi who set himself on fire to help him engrave the smallpox, step on a higher level, and send the immortal monument to the top of the heaven and earth tower!

With tears in her eyes, Xiao Hua promised in her heart: "Yes, senior~"

Ge Tianshi's "Xuanqiongquanxiangpian" was originally the method of time Hongyun cultivation, and the fire of civilization can illuminate the future, so Xiao Hua's Yuan Xu Jue using the Hun Yuan Qi Xu Zhang can really engrave the future smallpox!

Even when Xiao Hua was engraving the ceiling, the light golden Huaguang poured down from his top door and transformed into petals. The petals fell on Xiao Hua's feet, gradually washing away the blackness of the steps, revealing a jade color!

At this time, outside the Tiandi Pagoda, the Wufang Great Emperor has surrounded the Tiandi Pagoda, and the six jade guarding the heaven has been sacrificed. As long as the Emperor gave an order, the Wufang Great Emperor will begin to seal the darkness of the Tiandi Pagoda!


At this moment, within the darkness of the Heaven and Earth Tower, a flash of light was born, and a figure looked extremely humble in the fire.

"Siu Hua?"


"What is he doing??"

The Great Emperor Wufang was shocked, and the Qing Emperor stared at the flames, and said: "This is the Immortal Monument, Xiao Hua really got the Immortal Monument!"

Although the Five Great Emperors ruled the heavenly courts and had the same authority over the heavenly courts, in the darkness of this human nature, it was still impossible to see what Xiao Hua did.

The darkness of humanity is more terrifying than the Demon's Prosperity. The darkness is not only unable to block the pale gold flames of the Immortal Monument, but also the flames of civilization, not to mention the brilliance that Xiao Hua's use of the five great secret arts ignited.

The only thing that humanity cannot resist is the shadow of the monumental monument, and the figure of Xiao Hua under the shadow of the monument!

"Hurry up~"

The Qing Emperor urged, "I think the darkness of the Heaven and Earth Tower is incomparable. If we don't seal it in advance, it will explode even if I wait for the emperor to stop it!"

"Not bad~"

The Black Emperor also said, "This darkness penetrates my soul, and even the might of the emperor can't suppress it!"


Unexpectedly, the Emperor's answer was beyond everyone's expectation, "I don't think the seal can make meritorious deeds..."

"Brother Emperor~"

The Qing emperor said anxiously, "You can't just vain the safety of the billions of philosophers and immortals in the Heaven and Earth Tower for the sake of the students who participated in the selection in the Heaven and Earth Tower, right?"

"Emperor brothers~"

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the dark outline of the Heaven and Earth Tower, and the dimness that overflowed from the Heaven and Earth Tower from time to time, and said faintly, "I still remember that my brother sent a message to the emperors, saying that the upper layer of the Heaven and Earth Tower collapsed, and no more wise selection, for Without causing turmoil in the heavens, I will wait for the decision to put the last wise choice of the Sixth Apocalypse Selection in the Ruins of the Holy Spirit in the name of advancing with the times?"


Red Emperor nodded and said, "At that time, I was very surprised when I waited. Why did the tower of heaven and earth collapse? The emperor said that even if I use Cangbi, I can't explore it!"


The Emperor of Heaven nodded and said, "This is the darkness! This darkness that is directed at people's hearts, even the six jade red treasures can't be detected!"

"The ordinary Confucian immortals in the heavens only know that there are talented people from generation to generation, and one generation is stronger than one generation,"

The Qing emperor laughed at himself, "The Choice of Apocalypse is also increasingly starting from a higher starting point. Xian Xuan occupies the Heaven and Earth Tower, and Wise Xuan can only send away the holy relics!"


Baidi’s tone was not much stronger, and he sneered, “The high-levels on the twelfth floor may know that the top of the heaven and earth tower has changed. It's that they don't know the real reason for the collapse of the Tower of Heaven and Earth!"

"Brother Emperor~"

The Qing Emperor asked, "Since we have known that something is wrong with the Heaven and Earth Tower, why not start early?"

"The darkness that even Liuyu can't detect~"

The emperor's eyes flashed cold, and he asked, "How to eliminate it? Do you use your light-containing secret technique?"

The Qing Emperor had seen the dark outline of the Heaven and Earth Pagoda long ago, and his eyes could not penetrate. UU Reading www. uukānshu. Com's secret technique with light is naturally useless, but he still said: "Even if the secret technique with light does not work, it does not mean that the sword-forging secret technique does not work, nor does it mean that other methods do not work. The emperor should explain it as soon as possible. I will wait..."


The Emperor of Heaven smiled slightly, interrupted Qingdi's words, and said, "Aren't you waiting here?"


Not to mention the Qing emperor, even the Red Emperor, the White Emperor and the Black Emperor also whispered at the same time, looking at each other, the eyes were full of splendor!

Thank you to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: smelly mosquito, a grain of rice, wooden wooden man, singing bird, boss Zhao, brick mover, busy man, Bihai advertising, Huan, Wen, Cang Slash, I used to look forward to the present, Southern Emperor Beima, Trotting Youth, Open Sesame, Wind, Stupid Taoist, Nuo Lunxi Watch, Reincarnation, My Goodness, Immortal Fist, Vanilla Flavor, Paulhou, Xiu Shen Lao Ding, lishao777, Yi Grain rice, helpless, look at his face with the lamp, Fang Weimin, Wuluke passers-by and other fairy friends.

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