Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2961: A sensation in the heavens again


Kong Xu heard Xiao Hua go straight up to the thirty-sixth floor of Tianchi, and he didn't care about etiquette. He stood up and shouted, "This... when is this?"

"It's now~"

Gu Wei said anxiously, "Xiao Wenzong only took half a cup of tea to step through the first thirty-sixth floor of Tianchi and enter the 62nd floor of Tiandi Pagoda Xianxuan..."

"What are you talking about?"

Kong Xu also lost his composure and exclaimed, "Hurry up to the Heaven and Earth Tower? This is a miracle that shocks the past and the present!"

Seeing Kong Xu hurriedly following Gu Wei, Meng Tianyi gritted his teeth and said: "This...this is not cheating? If it weren't for Xiao Huali Tongzhaoming Qitianlu and the same realm of the armillary sphere, how could he go straight to the sky!"

Go straight to Tianchi, this is something Kong Xu never dreamed of.

Those thirty-six steps, thirty-six heavens, one by one are more dangerous than one, and every one is full of heaven!

Although no one knows what happened on Tianchi, each name disappeared on Tianchi, and each genius fell on Tianchi, which shows the difficulty of stepping on Tianchi.

But Xiao Hua actually went straight to Tianchi and regarded the thirty-six Tianchi as nothing. This...this is too embarrassing for the heavenly scholars.

"Hit...Open the Heaven and Earth Tower~"

Kong Xu rushed to the Heaven and Earth Tower and watched the Heaven and Earth Tower stand upright. There were three hundred and sixty huge and incomparable Hongyun flying around like a dragon, and he hurriedly roared.

"My lord~"

Zhao Cheng, who was guarding the Heaven and Earth Tower, was stunned, and whispered, "At this time, it's a wise choice, how can we open the Heaven and Earth Tower?"

Gu Wei frowned and reminded: "Your lord is the supervisor who asked you to open the Heaven and Earth Tower. Who told you to open the Heaven and Earth Tower?"

"Yes, yes~"

Zhao Cheng only then woke up, and hurriedly took out the cultural instrument that resembled the Heaven and Earth Tower of the Son and Mother. After being urged by Wen Li, there was a surging cloud on it, which went straight to the 62nd floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower.


The 62nd floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower shook, and Xia Yun was spinning around the outer layer of the Heaven and Earth Tower. After a few breaths, an outline with 72 steps appeared in front of Kong Xu. In the middle, a hazy figure of a human figure is standing on the third step...

"My lord~"

Zhao Cheng whispered, "We can only find out here~"

Kong Xu didn't pay attention to him at all, just stared at the tower of heaven and earth, unable to believe his eyes, and whispered: "Xiao Wenzong has...has already begun the second step on the sky?"

Gu Wei immediately replied: "Yes, my lord~"

After answering, Gu Wei did not forget to add: "At this time, the second place is still on the third floor of the first heaven..."

Hearing this, Zhao Cheng hurriedly raised his hand and pointed, "brushing" a cloud of clouds rushed out from the 61st floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower, and 36 steps were revealed. Si Qi's back appeared on the third floor, and Mu Yun and others' backs. It's on the second step.


Kong Xu looked down at the time, and Gu Wei couldn't help groaning next to him, and exclaimed, "Xiao...Xiao Wenzong is too fierce, right?"


Kong Xu hurriedly raised his head, quite a little puzzled, but he saw Xiao Hua's figure walking from the fourth step to the fifth step like walking in a leisurely courtyard, really like walking a staircase.

Kong Xu was also stupid.

"My lord~"

Gu Wei was anxious, and urged, "Hurry up and report to your Majesty? If it's too late, Xiao Wenzong's day will come to an end!"

"Yes, yes~"

Kong Xu also woke up. At this time, he was not investigating how Xiao Hua stepped on the sky, but he wanted to report to the Emperor at the fastest speed. After all, it took others ten or eight years to reach a level. Xiao Hua was about to reach the top in a blink of an eye. !

Coming to the Yaopu Hall, Kong Xu became interested this time, and he respectfully said: "Your Majesty, the micro-admiral Kong Xu, please see me, and hereby tell Xiao Wenzong the miracle of stepping into the sky!"


Sure enough, as soon as Kong Xu's voice fell, the Emperor's voice rang in his ears, "Xiao Wenzong participated in the Xian election?"

"Yes, Your Majesty~"

Kong Xu knew that he was right, and said quickly, "Not only did he participate, but he was also taking the lead in going straight to Tianchi No. 2...2nd layer!"

"Tianchi Duo?"

The Emperor was startled and whispered, "Come in and report!"

Kong Xu entered the Yaopu Hall and saw all kinds of immortals everywhere in the hall. It was obvious that the Emperor was handling the government affairs of the entire Emperor Hongtian domain. If it were not for Xiao Hua's affairs, Kong Xu would definitely not be qualified to enter.

"Your Majesty~"

Kong Xu opened the door and said, "Xiao Wenzong participated in this selection of talents more than 800 years ago. At first, every level passed the selection by the last one, but at the 60th level, Xiao Wenzong emerged as the first place. Tianchi, now only a few hours, he has already set foot on the second stage..."

Before Kong Xu finished speaking, several immortals shouted in unison: "Impossible~"

"Your Majesty~"

Even a fairy frowned and said, "I have all participated in the Xianxuan election. Although the specific circumstances of the Xianxuan election have been erased by the Tiandi Pagoda, the journey of Tatianchi has been recorded on the Tatian list, although Tiandi The time Hongyun in the tower and the heaven are different, but Master Kong said that Xiao Wenzong took a few hours to set foot on the second stage of Tianchi, which is really a bit grandiose!"

"Not bad~"

I don't know that Kong Xu didn't argue, but pushed the boat along the river, "Xiaosheng also thought about it, and then he immediately reported to his Majesty, please record with Zhaoming Qitian to ask!"

Kong Xu's answer was not leaking, which made the immortal official extremely embarrassed.

The Emperor of Heaven hesitated a little, he frowned and said: "At this moment, he is stepping into the sky, Zhaoming Qitianlu will also be fully monitoring everything in the sky, I am afraid it is inappropriate to call him out!"

"Boom~ boom~"

In the meantime, two places of the Yaopu Hall shook, and two rays of black and white rays of light rose into the sky in the west and the north each!


The emperor laughed and said, "It seems that the matter of wise election has also disturbed the two emperor brothers, that's all, nothing else, let's find Zhaoming Qitian record and ask, right?"

After speaking, the emperor raised his hand, and a ghost of Huang Cong was born, and then the emperor said a few words in a low voice, Huang Cong turned into a meteor and rushed out of the hall, disappearing for a moment.

The silver glow of the west settled, and the white emperor's figure was revealed from within, but within the black water and light, the black emperor still had that big face.

"I'm waiting to meet the two sires~"

Above the Yaopu Hall, the immortals hurriedly bowed to meet the salute.

"Where is Kong Xu~"

The Black Emperor ignored the immortals at all, and asked, "What happened in the Heaven and Earth Tower?"

"Your Majesty~"

Kong Xu is extremely proud in his heart, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but his tone was humble, and he whispered, "Weird ministers are also nagging, you should know that the talents in the tower of heaven and earth cannot be explored..."

"What's the use of you?"

The Emperor Bai also sneered, "A Confucian celestial clone of the Taoist immortal blended in and went straight to the second heavenly chi, how do you explain to the students of the heavenly court?"

After Tanhua completes the task, unhappy Taoists can contact Xuanqing in the WeChat group to continue adding updates.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: stupid, smelly mosquito, a grain of rice, wooden people, singing bird, boss Zhao, brick mover, busy old man, Bihai Advertising, Huan, Wen, Cang Zhan, once looked forward to the present, Southern Emperor Beima, Trotting Youth and other fairy friends.

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